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Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

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    Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

    Hey everyone...if any of you may have read any of my previous posts, I am certainly no expert on the subject....but what I do know, is that getting into a nasty cycle of nightly drinks alone, isolating myself from literally everyone around, and even having anxiety about doing things like grocery shopping in fear that I would see someone I knew then had to talk to them, and be scared if they knew that I was hungover again...well it was a cycle.....slowly, I am beginning to creep out of it. Baby steps!! This site has helped tremendously with my alcohol issues and my fear of giving it up. The support from everyone, for everyone has been astounding....I guess since we were all once in the same sinking ship...or more specifically, we all want to get out of that sinking ship!

    I just thought I would post this for anyone interested, anyone who may feel they have anxiety and depression. I personally never thought I did, until I checked off every answer as 'yes' on the initial quiz. Then, I really began to think about it. I got a program. It is called 'Attacking Anxiety and Depression' from the Midwest Centre. It is a 15 week course developed to tackle those thoughts and cycles that go on in our brains. It is an audio program, with accompanying workbook. It also has a relaxation cd that lasts about 10 minutes. I have only done that part sporadically. I write this, because before my final breaking point, I had been listening to this program and following the workbook. It was sort of opening my eyes to things about myself that I had never before been able to put a finger many of the things they are talking about just hit home. Of course this program is not for everyone, nor is it geared towards alcohol (although they do have one week re. alcohol). However, I think a lot of us have these feelings and some of the feelings are why we turn to the bottle.

    I thought I would put this up here. It is not a 'you must do this' kind of deal, it is just a mix of information as well as conversations with those who also use to have anx/dep. talking about there moments and feelings. It is sort of like this place, but just geared towards mentally overcoming some blockages that may keep us going back.

    I can't post a link, as it is a file on my computer, but if you are interested and would like me to send it to you, please let me know, and I would be more than happy to. I would definately say, it is worth a try. Even before anything, just filling out the initial questionaires in the workbook....quite long as you are being honest with your feelings.

    I can definately say, only having made it through 2 sessions, it has helped me get through this initial 5 days, and has helped calm my nerves a lot!! Furthermore, since 'getting' this program, I have slowly been trying to get myself out there, calling old friends, going shopping, leaving my house :P

    This is no gimmick, I just seemed to have read a lot about people feeling anxious and what not. This is just my way of saying thanks, and anyone interested just let me know, I will send you the files. As this would be my first time sending them, we may suffer some glitches, but will definately try to work through them

    I know this is wayyyyy off topic, but I just thought, since we are all starting out, this is one of the things that I have also been using...and not feeling open to anything in a very long time, this has really helped me get through some initial steps. I am only in the beginning of both programs, Anx/Dep as well as AF, but I am feeling pretty good. So I will continue with everything simultaneously and try to work through my own issues without the use of antidepressents. If it doesn't work, then I guess it is more serious than I thought, and then will go the doctor route.

    I wish everyone the best of luck on their journeys...if you are interested you can either reply here or send me a message. Again, please don't take this as a selling thing, no gimmick, I just want all of us to have all the advantages and any sort of method of bettering ourselves To live and be happy in the process

    Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

    nice. I would be interested. How large of a file? Do you know a website that has information on this?

    I found it..

    Here is a link to the test online..
    Free Self Assessment helps you overcome Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

    This site has a lot of info about the program.
    Attacking Anxiety and Depression with Lucinda Bassett Its 500 to get the program!


      Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

      Fantastic iced!! never did look at website, will do!! 5oo, thank god for bit torrent. I can send you the file.....the audio is 599mb and workbook 10.9mb?? It really is a great program, feel bad for getting it the way i did, but glad I got it, and once back on the straight and narrow, if it fully works, will probably think about making contribution to center..first the test drive though Hey iced, how'd day 4 go? I thought my day 3 was 5 has been a hell, .no withdrawals, just work stress...someone once mentioned a voodoo doll, and soccer ball, think I will try both. It is not in the program, but hey, you've gotta let that frustration out somewhere Have a good day and let me know if you want me to try and send that to you


        Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

        Hey Iced, just checked out the site last night, it does seem a little commercial (with all of the commercials....hehee). Anyway, it does not really do much justice to the program, although in a small way it is similar. As for each week, there is a segment involving a serious discussion of the issue at hand, then there is another segment with a group panel relating their stories. That is the point that I like, because if you've ever had any kind of 'different' thoughts, it is funny, because you really can relate to the panel. Whats best is to know that other people have also shared some of your most secret thoughts, for us here, we have a great outlet with our dependency issues as well as personal issue, but there are some things that we all just still want to keep to ourselves.....I will give one of my examples (obviously anxiety/trust issues).....since I am bearing my soul on this website, why not give one more...ok, ever since I was young and involved in a relationship, if ever my boyfriend and I were somewhere isolated, remote, for example, some of the most beautiful places, a cliff next to a waterfall, the grand canyon...etc...I always had a fear in the back of my mind that he would try to push me off, or in some way try to kill me...and then I would start to get really anxious....weird yes, never told anyone, just thought I was weird....many of the times I would drink to get over my anxious episodes, only then could I feel calm enough to move on with day/evening.
        anyway, I've had plenty of odd thoughts like that, completely irrational, and what is nice is to know, hey I am not the only one in the world. Then finding a way to work through it.
        Sorry if I am totally pushing this program, but I do strongly feel that it is a great way for most of us to attempt to come to terms with why we drink. Then, those social gatherings when we get nervous or anxious cause we really don't want to be there, or the need just to feel loose enough to strike up a conversation, if the inner stuff is dealt with, it will be much easier in the long run to deal with moderation or total abstinence. I love the MWO program, but I am also a big beleiver in finding route causes etc...and working through issues without meds, which, in my opinion just numb those feelings, and in the end, nothing is ever resolved.
        Well thats it for now, I still feel bad about pushing a program I've never paid for, but like I said before, if at the end of the program, all is well, a nice contribution will be made
        Keep up the good work to all!!


          Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

          4ever, you are an angel. And I"m so glad I read this thread - such good timing for me. I just quit my antidepressants last week. I'm also having a lot of personal stress - relationship, parenting, etc - and I hate the thoughts that are running through my head. Like - "They're going to take my daughter away from me" - "I don't understand why my partner would want to be with me I"m worthless" - crap like that. Making me CRAZY. I have a long history of depression - grew up in an alcoholic family with lots of emotional abuse, and some physical and sexual abuse. A therapist told me once I had post traumatic stress syndrome, after I told her about some of the atrocities that happened to me in my home when I was a kid.

          I agree with you - it is so important to get to the ROOT causes of why we drink. I have genetic and environmental for sure (the environmental being largely being abused and ridiculed daily as a child).
          Yes yes yes I want the program. I'll send you my email address in a PM.

          And I think you ought not feel bad about sharing this. Everytime a single person heals the entire planet becomes a little bit better for everyone. I truly believe that. I'll bet you do too.


            Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

            Hi 4ever and Imatree,

            I'm just curious (not judging at all) what makes you both so hesitant or against medication? I've been on anti-anxiety (but its all the same medications as anti depressants) medications since I was eighteen. That was after spending sixth grade through 12th not understand why I would get sick to the point of throwing up when going over to friend's houses, parties, restaurants etc. I thought I was a freak. I started paxil at eighteen for social anxiety and it changed my life w/in a week.
            That being said, about a year or less ago I decided I did not like the thought of being on medication the rest of my life and it had been a long time since I'd had a panic attack. So I weaned myself off of it (be VERY cautious if your dr ever tries to prescribe Effexor, it is extremely addicting) and went without for about six months. BUT I was a total bitch, excuse my language, moody and sensitive. And when the panic attacks started slowly coming back I went back to my Doctor, and am now on a low dose of Cymbalta.
            I totally believe in therapy (I go every other week right now) and I've even seen that program by Lucinda Basset, BUT lack of serentonin is a very real condition, and can be easily corrected. It can take some switching around at first to find the right medication, but in my opinion is well worth it once you find the right one. Especially if your anxiety/panic/depression is so severe that you do not want to leave the house, or are having unrealistic fears. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth, and I'm curious to hear your replies.
            "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



              Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

              I hear ya Gita. I agree that low seretonin is a genuine physical issue to be dealt with. That's why I agreed to go on anti-depressants in the first place. But since I quit, it's only been a week now, I notice a change so subtle yet profound... there's no way I can express it well, all I can say is what I feel feels REAL. I have been reading "The Mood Cure" and have learned a lot about how moods, the brain, chemical and hormonal imbalances all work - and how they can be corrected and balanced to health with nutrition, such as specific aminos. So when I quit celexa, I got diligent with 5htp and L-glut. I am so very glad to have chosen this path. Now I can work to balance my brain, so I'll have less 'false moods'. And other paths, such as beatle's program, or therapy, etc, can help me to address the reason I have 'true moods' of sadness etc that come from a childhood of abuse. Make sense?


                Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

                Yes of course, makes sense. I have been very interested in the 5htp and the Omega3 type supplements since reading about them on here, however, I know that I would have to wean myself off the medicine again and have been reading some bad stuff about coming off of Cymbalta (although nothing could be as bad as the effexor) Maybe I'll check out that book you mentioned.
                "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                  Anxiety and Depression - just a thought

                  Hi Gita, Ima and Iced,

                  Gita, in response to your question, and a very valid question at that. Yes, if you are diagnosed as 'clinically/severely' depressed, then you have a chemical imbalance in your brain and should go the route of doc/medication intervention. The program does stress that, and like this program it also encourages people to seek medical care. I personally want to try it with NO medication (although as an upfront, I am currently taking low doses of Lorrazepam for withdrawal effects and will be weened off on Monday..I know that is going to go against everything I say here, but I have read up on it, trust it, and know it will only be for a week, furthermore, I have not had any adverse reaction from it )

                  Now, onto my reason why I don't want to go antidepressant/long term medicated route: My mom has been sick with no one knows what since I was a child. It began in her 40's and was thought to be petit mal epilepsy. She was given medication and almost o'd. When I was 13 I remember seeing her in the hospital looking like or two more pills would have done the trick. That was almost 20 years ago, she is still on meds, you name it, she's on it. The problem is, not necessarily the pills, but the dosages. I come from an area where there are very few doctors, and although she has her regular and has seen tonnnes of specialists, it does not stop the fact that she has been overdosed countlessly over the years. 3 times now, upon returning home, I have to dig out all the meds, check interactions and side effects via internet, then get her to go back to the doc with all the information as she was displaying every side effect. Finally the doc would agree, after checking platelette counts and what not, that yes, her dosages need to be adjusted. My problem, she sees this doc regularly, I'm only home for a short period with ZERO medical history, how is it that I can see that and they can't?? Long story short, the pills have aged her 20 years, in looks and body functions. She has lost more than 18% brain matter, and although seeming fine these days, she still really has no short term or long term memory. They think now it is the onset of dimentia (I firmly beleive because of all of the dosing she's been given). My point, my mom was once a very powerful independent woman. I have watched her wither over the years, and I have no doubt that it is the lack of determination by the doctors to assist. For example, if you lose 30lbs, your doctor should at once adjust the dosing according to your body mass. Sorry pretty long, but in short, I don't trust what doctors say. For example, my first day going in (be it my breakdown day, and I was pretty upset) my doctor gave me a very high dose of lithium, diazepam, effexor and some other CNS depressant. I knew after taking them that he was spot off. I did not need those drugs, what happened next, I went to see him again, 2days AF, feelin good, no drugs, and he insisted I cut the lithium in half and continue on. My advantage is the internet, and the ability to find out about the drugs and making a very logical decision as to whether or not I want to take them. My moms disadvantage, this all started a long time ago, and she is of a generation and area in which you must trust your doctor, and hey if he makes a mistake, so be it, he/she's human......That therefore is my reasoning, but I will not dismiss your point, as I do agree, for some, medication is absolutely necessary...although not for all. The unfortunate thing is that when we are vulnerable it is very easy to just trust what the doc. says and move on in that direction. Hey, if he tells us we are severely depressed, then we MUST be on some kind of medication. I just prefer to try alternatives first. Continue with my docs, but I will not let them medicate me until I feel there is no other option. I hope this does not come off too strongly, I don't mean that, it is just with docs and meds, I've always had my reservations, and although I have not dealt with it the best way possible, hence self medicating....I now want to change that, and see what I can do for myself first.

                  I just find the program is pretty great, maybe not for everyone, but for me, I have really been able to relate to many of the things they are talking about. And, that in itself is a great starting point, as it is nice to know others have shared some of your strangest thoughts.

                  Ima, I'm getting ready for work now, I will send you the program when finished tonight. So probably tomorrow morning your time??? Let me know what you think.
                  Gita, Iced and anyone else, if you want to try it just for fun, let me know. I'm sure even with the meds, it could be a good accompanyment.

                  The only thing I gotta find now is a good quit smoking thing.......

                  * One final note: prescription drugs are STRONG, just about every illegal drug, other than those reconfigured have once been legal prescription medicine....including MDMA as an antidrepressant. Don't just trust what your doc. gives you, research it, find out about every possible side effect and watch your body, and don't be afraid to disagree with your doc, many times they are prescribing based just on what they see in front of them......well I guess now you all know where I stand on this. Sorry to sound like a preacher, I just strongly beleive in alternatives if in any way possible.

                  Have a great one all, sorry for the length, I've really got to learn to make these short and sweet

