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benefits of not drinking

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    benefits of not drinking

    I'm returning after relapsing and wanting to stop. Here's some reasons for me to stay sober

    Saving money
    Not waking up in the middle of the night sweating
    No hangover
    Making better decisions
    Being a better musician
    Losing my bloated stomach
    Not feeling ashamed and guilty
    Learning to enjoy life with people in it

    That's all for now, anyone else have ideas?
    Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended

    Lack of guilt? Covering up shame?


      Learning to love myself again.
      Being there for family and friends and my animals
      performing better at work and in life
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Welcome back as longer as you stay in the fight you will win. The benefits of not drink are endless.
        Mine are: My outlook in life is very positive.
        My sleep is soo much better and I no longer have to worry about someone smelling alcohol on me at work. I no longer need to sneak home for a mid_day drink so I won't shake at work.
        Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


          I can train harder and longer, never feel like i can't train because I feel hungover, sleep better, lost a lot of fat around my midsection, I can work longer and I don't feel way more optimistic about life. Overall o just feel much better, I still feel stressed but now I try and do something about it instead haha.


            Can drive anywhere I want, anytime.....don't have to worry about driving drunk!
            Recycling bin not quite so loud with cans & bottles!
            Grocery store bill much cheaper...
            Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


              Not having to paranoid about what I might have said but do not remember.
              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                Oh yeah, recycling bin so quiet. Ours wakes the whole neighborhood when we empty the glass bottles into it. Good point "A New Page"
                Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended

