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    Hello everybody --
    This is my 100th times trying to get out of this horrible cycle of drinking. It is getting out of hand and I just need to stop.
    I keep repeating myself "I NEED TO STOP" but comes late afternoon and I have a drink then two then who knows how many -- I am desperate to stop.

    I don't know where to start - I have tried so many times and failed so many

    Thank you for letting me talk out loud.


    Hello Elle -
    I am in the "same boat". Today is also my Day 1 (AGAIN!!!).
    It is only noon here on the east coast and I am already "thinking....thinking...thinking" about drinking.
    Hopefully we will both be able to NOT have a drink today.


      Elle, welcome!! Take a look at the newbie nest... lots of tools for you there.
      I was you Elle, and in May I will have stopped drinking for a year, so it is possible to stop. You can do it and this site does have the tools to guide you in that direction.
      Read, read, read and post a lot! Welcome, you have come to the right place to get started.
      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


        Elle and Mama. I hear you both. Today is my Day1 again. I have tried many times in the past. Hope you can both have a successful day.
        AF SINCE 3/16/2016


          Oh mama & aquamarine ! Maybe we can encourage each other - I am 42 and have been drinking heavily for almost 8 years! I MUST STOP -

          Today I will not drink!

          DAY #1

          Thank you Eloise for welcoming me


            Elle - that would be GREAT if we could help each other!!! I am 47, but my drinking has only gotten bad in the last few years. I must STOP!!!!

            TODAY I will not drink!

            Day #1


              mama I just private message you Let's keep in touch



                Link to Newbie's Nest and the Tool Box are in my signature line below! Welcome aboard, we can help you get this monkey off your back once and for all! So glad you are here! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Welcome everyone. Dont hope just DO. it is not easy but nothing worthwhile in life is. We are all in different stages of quitting drinking, we are all alcoholics and we all understand. See you in the newbies nest. You all CAN do this.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Hi, Elle. I wanted to welcome you and reinforce the great support you've received so far. There is so much wisdom on this site if you sit back and read for a bit. Reading also has the effect of stripping us of the illusion that we are alone in this. We are most certainly NOT alone! I used to think I had, depression, anxiety, loneliness (in spite of having a wonderful family) or this great general sadness in my life that entitled me to drink. Reading the common experiences of others helped me realize that many of the things I was experiencing were the side effects of a toxic drug.

                    I found so much in common with your first post in this thread. I could have written it myself a while ago. That constant cycle of longing for sobriety, promising not to drink and then breaking that promise every single night is one of the most painful things I've ever had to deal with. I suspected there was a decent person in there somewhere, but not while that crap was going on! You absolutely deserve sobriety! It is entirely possible and it is worth fighting for! Great to see you hooking up with Mama, that is how it is done!
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      DAY 2!
                      I had major craving at 5pm but kept myself busy .....

                      I slept SO great ! I did not wake up in the middle of the night with shame and guilt! I feel so refreshed today for the first time in a VERY long time!



                        Elle - welcome and glad you have found us. The 3 o'clock in the morning guilt and shame is something we are all familiar with, so don't be too hard on yourself. It's part of what drives us all here. You are doing so good - just hang in there. I see that other newbies have offered to lend a hand. From experience, I know it's a good idea. I still talk regularly with the folks I started off with. I'm proud to say that most of them are still here and sober. So - reach out, hold hands, and you can all do this together. We are rooting for you. Hope to get to know you better.

                        xx, Moss
                        Everything is going to be amazing

