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New girl with questions....

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    New girl with questions....

    Hi there,
    Well this is my first time:new: , I have just read the book and am waiting for the supps to arrive. I live in the UK and wondered if there are any other members here too? I found this site by chance and I was so impressed with it and felt that it really is going to be the answer for my binges. The only thing that concerns me is the topiramate, I was wondering if anyone who has done the rest of the programme without taking it - if so then how ave you got on. Any feedback would be great!
    Well I hope to hear back from you soon.

    Looly :thanks:

    New girl with questions....

    hi there looly, first, welcome!

    ther are plenty of brits here you are in a big club of us.

    also, there are plenty of people not using the drugs, just the sups. and some not using anything.

    the newbies (me included) seem to be going through some slips atm but dont let that put you off, read all that you can and let us know how you are getting on



      New girl with questions....

      welcome. I'm fairly new too (2 weeks).
      From what I've read on this site, a number of people do it without the topo. There are other medications also with less side effects like campral and naltrexone (see separate forum board here about meds). Some people manage with just the supps. Personally, I need meds. I tried without many times and didn't manage more than a couple of weeks. But everyone is different. Good luck whatever you decide.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        New girl with questions....

        P.S. One piece of advice: DO NOT drop the supps. Even if you don't use the MWO supps (I don't), read the book and get the basic ones yourself -- multis, Bs, milk thistle, etc. because your body desperately needs these if you have been drinking a lot for a while. AND they will help you feel better and help with cravings. I can't stress this more. Also, VERY IMPORTANT: eat well. This will also make you feel better and, at least for me, it diminishes cravings. If I feel like drinking, I put some food in my mouth. (oral fixation?) Really, it helps.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          New girl with questions....

          Hi Looly, welcome. I started without the topa and noticed a change even before I started taking it. Yes there are lots of people here who do not use any prescription meds, just the vitamins and aminoacids, etc. It all depends on how dependent they were on alcohol. So give it a go with just everything else the book suggests (you can now get everything from the store here so no running all over) and the fabulous support from the people here. There are a bunch of people in the UK.


            New girl with questions....

            Hi Loolydo, I'm in the Uk and joined MWO at the end of April. First thing I did was read the book and then went to Holland & Barrett and got milk thistle, kudzo, L-glutamine, Evening Primrose & vitamin C. Getting on these straight away made a big difference to how I felt immediately. Next, I ordered the hypno cds - they took about 2 weeks to come but they have been great!! I am now on day 39 AF - I've been away for a few days and haven't used the cds for a few days and I can tell the difference - I'm starting to hear that little inner voice again so I'm going to get straight back on them. I've also read loads of "alcohol" books to get me motivated (see the books we are reading forum for some good feedback). The biggest help though is coming on here - in the early days I was having to come on several times a day especially at "that" time of the day - the people here are fantastic - you can just be yourself and be open and honest about your drinking. You can get campral in the Uk but not topa. Good luck, Janice
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              New girl with questions....

              Hello Loolydo,
              (try saying that three times)
              Welcome to a wonderful place.
              I'm from Scotland. There are a lot of us here from the UK.


                New girl with questions....

                Hi Looly,
                Nice to have you here. Try just the sups to start with and see how it goes, you might decide you need topa or not. Lots of people here have had great sucess with it
                Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                  New girl with questions....

                  Hi Loolydo:welcome:

                  I have taken topa and baclofen......neither helped me?

                  I'm working on my 7th alcohol free day and plan to do thirty. Something just clicked in my head after being here at mwo for almost a year trying to moderate it just wasn't working. Anyway, different strokes for different folks, you will find your way and we will be here with you every step!!

                  :h :h :h :h


                    New girl with questions....

                    hi loolydo

                    I'm in the UK. I get all the supps from Hpolland & Barrat except for the Kudzu which I get from MWO. I must admit I do take topa but plenty of people don't and do very well.

                    good luck and welcome. Rip x


                      New girl with questions....

                      Hi Loolydoo & welcome .......

                      I'm in the UK, and after being here 6 months am moderating nicely, I do use the supps and kudzu but not the topa ....

                      All the best, BB xx


                        New girl with questions....

                        believe it or not I am from UK south East too,
                        it is a good place to be.

                        I have been visiting incognito for a while because I didn't want everyone to be starstruck- NOT. LOL. :no: :no: :no: :no:
                        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                        Marilyn Monroe


                          New girl with questions....

                          Howdy there. I have not been here that long and today will be my 7th day AF which is the longest for me in about 10 years. I did it without the prescription medication but did do everything else the book said. I think that it really matters a lot about how much you want this to happen as that will effect your motivation to listen to the hypnocds and just to stay away for a time. Good luck with it and let us know how you are doing!


                            New girl with questions....

                            Hi Loolydo,

                            I haven't taken any supps, sorry, i can't help you here. But, i will say congratulations for making the decision to do something about your life. You won't regret it. It will only get better with time :good: .

                            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                              New girl with questions....

                              Welcome Looly, in the southwest US here. I quit drinking and smoking without the supps, topa or CD's, though I did order them. Can't take the topa due to being on other medication for Bipolar. I'm 24 days AF. The first 10 days were difficult but doable. But hey, I figure if I can live with a hangover I can live with some uncomfortable cravings. Wishing you the best. ((hugs))

                              AF 21, March 2010

                              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."

