Don't know what I'm trying to say, but I'm so stressed out at the thought of dealing with any family or suburban neighborhood crap without my favorite crutch. And this is only my second day.
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Day 2 and struggling
Day 2 and struggling
This is only my day 2 on the site. I have ordered the supps. I don't want to take anti-depressants because - get this - I'm afraid of liver damage! Seriously. I binge drink but am too afraid to take any medication - because I drink. Anyone successful with no meds? What has been the most helpful thing you have tried when trying to quit? I am afraid to go to the grocery store because that's where I buy my wine. Usually I drink every other night (so I can have one night to recuperate and feel human) to the point that most of the time I don't remember going to bed. I can't imagine no alcohol in my life and I get highly anxious every time I think of visiting my in-laws (who all party to the point of passing out at any and all get-togethers) at the end of the summer or visiting my terminally ill mother and all my relatives there. My husband called and said he would be an hour or so late tonight and that set off all my triggers.
Don't know what I'm trying to say, but I'm so stressed out at the thought of dealing with any family or suburban neighborhood crap without my favorite crutch. And this is only my second day.Tags: None
Day 2 and struggling
You at least sound like you know your triggers and this is one of the first steps, the first being the admitting you have a problem, this you've also done, so two ticks for you you've come a long way already.
Many choose not to use the supps and are going great without, many feel the need to use them, everyone is different and it's all about doing whats best for you, only you can decide that.
The first days are the hardest there's no doubt about that but it does, really does get easier, we are here for you now too, all striving for the common goal, it's great you've joined us, we will help you and inturn just by being here you will help us too.
Good luck
Day 2 and struggling
Hey Kay, it sounds like you are under lots of you think its external or internal? I am right now starting day 6, can say it does get better...although I am not really in a situation to 'have' to do anything. You will definately be hear great/better advice from the other members.......but here is my 2 cents, my stresses have been dealing with work, and at the moment that is enough for me. Is there anyway that during this time of need for yourself that you could just somehow get out of social functions for about 5 more days and just do what ever it is your body is telling you it needs. For example, for a short time, eliminate all those factors that you feel may be counter benefitial to your AF days? I am also waiting for my supps, and at the moment am taking low doses of Lorazepam (ativan) for CNS, it seems to be working great, also I am taking vitamins and watching what I eat, although I was only given the drug AF day 4, I guess my doc just wanted to make doubly sure I would be ok going to day 10 (the drug is also not metabolized through liver). I will start to be weened off on Monday. If you think you are depressed or have anxiety, I would be more than happy to send you a program I dowloaded, I have really enjoyed it and felt it has helped a lot to get over some of my more anxious episodes. If anything it is something to crazy drugs involved (thats what I like about it).
I also find these days I am drinking GALLONS of water....litterally. It is like I am making up for all that beer dehydration. A nice feeling is forcing myself to go to my local corner store, nightly beer trips, and them prepared to take out the bottles, instead to plop 2 big 2litre bottles of water in front of them....I think they think I've gone mad...but in a good wayOh one more thing, sorry, I've been really noticing my cravings, not alcohol, but water, fruit, and food in general, although my apetitie is not great, I feel that if I begin to get a little weak, I know that I must get some sustinence into my body and within 1/2, usually less, I am right on track
Hang in there, you are doing amazing!!! Don't worry about the other stuff, I think this is the time for you to only think about you, do what ever it is that you need to feel, water, sauna, manicure, get your hair done...whatever, may sound silly, but they do say it is about the little things
Keep up the good work
Day 2 and struggling
Well, first, the anxiety might be to do with alcohol. As soon as you stop, you may find it reducing.
Second, is there any way you can avoid the family functions until you feel better / more stronger?
Thirdly, you say you get anxious and that booze is your favourite crutch, that suggests to me that there are some underlying issues of condifence etc. (we all have them, welcome to modern society) that will not go away until you have dealt with them some more. Drinking will only postpone that, it does not remove it.
Fifth, believe it not, everyone else is probably nervous around you too!
Maybe try to avoid the grocery store with alcohol. I've found that the harder you make it to get it, the less likely you are to buy some. Sorry if you live in an area with only 1 grocery store... maybe plan out your route, park nearest the door furthest away from the bs, and mark out your route before you go in there. Concentrate on what you have to buy and nothing else. You are on day 2, it will be worth it when you get home.
Think about it this way, every extra day you drink is an extra day you are putting off finding who you really are and having more fun in your life.One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!
Day 2 and struggling
Kay M, L-Glutamine and inositol powder both with help with anxiety and cravings.
L-glut is beneficial to liver function to boot. I take L-Glut two or three rounded teaspoons per day in juice. and inositol 1/2 teaspoon before bed or if having an anxiety attack. take care.nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Day 2 and struggling
Hello! Welcome to the site.
Determinator has it spot on. I take the L-Glut and the Kudzu bought here an MWO. They do help me greatly. I still drink (which I am working on), but not nearly as much or as often. I'm working on moderation of only 1-2 glasses of red a day.
Stay here and post as much as you want. Everyone here is very helpful and very very nice... once I came here I never left.
Day 2 and struggling
Kay, :welcome: Good Job on Day 2. You do live in an area of "Big Easy", and the alcohol flows big time.
You have already received some good advice from Determinator and GG and others. Once you're off the alcohol and you're still feeling depressed, please see a physician. Anti-depressants don't cause liver damage - alcohol does. Our founder of this site has set out a great program dealing with all of our worries.
I'm glad you joined us and if u can post a great gumbo recipe in the "RECIPE CORNER" we would all love that.
Welcome again.Enlightened by MWO
Day 2 and struggling
I agree with all the others.
Also, like you, I've avoided all kinds of medicines because they are bad for my liver (like I won't take a trylonol even if I have an awful headache), all the while merrily drinking vodka 12 hours a day. I am now AF in third week (for 10th time, but really do believe this is the final round) and can give you reams of advice but the preceding postings have covered most of it.
However, I would like to stress the importance of supplements and good nutrition. Your body is terribly depleted of these from the drinking and you desperately need to build it up again. Also, it is a vicious circle-- your body craves alcohol when you have bad nutrition. Good eating and lots of supplements (far more than the non-drinker needs) will actually help you feel better and reduce your body's cravings for alcohol. In fact, whenever I get the urge, I put something in my mouth-- usually some nice fruit, and the urge goes over.
About medications: After trying without for years, I had to admit that I need them, at least for now. I hope to drop them after a while, but the harm the medications do to your liver is minimal compared to what even moderate amounts of alcohol do. And if medicine keeps you off alcohol longer, your liver will be way better off in the end.
If you want more tips on how to help your liver recover, see the postings in the meds forum. There is a recent one on the liver with loads of good advice. My favorite is milk thistle-- take a lot of it (double the recommended dose)-- it is all natural, no side effects, and scientifically proven to help the liver heal, even in extreme cases of liver disease.
About anxiety: Yeah I'm with you 100%. Getting sober actually helps with the anxiety (after about one week AF) but the issues will always be there, which everyone has to deal with personally in order to stay sober. This is actually the hardest part.
OK, good luck then. You're on your way.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Day 2 and struggling
Welcome Kay! You're in a good place here with lots of support and understanding people. Like the posts before, I've found L-Glut and the Kudzu really help. When I get a craving I take 2 - 3 Kudzu and within about 30 min it's not as bad - still there, but it seems more managable.
Anyway, stick around - we can all help each other through this!
Day 2 and struggling
Sorry, I goofed. The thread on liver health is in the holistic forum. There's a lot of good advice in there and I recommend it to everyone. It's called: Liver health, and is near the top of the list.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Day 2 and struggling
Thanks everyone for the advice and support! I got through the evening and feel better today about that. I don't usually drink on Fridays but Saturday evening and Sunday will be tough for me. Especially since I haven't mentioned a word of this plan to my husband. I've never heard of inositol, but I'm going to check it out. My L-Glut is on its way with the rest of the supps and I can hardly wait.
Day 2 and struggling
Day 3 advice from parents and others
Hi again,
I live in the land of drive-through dacquirie (sp?) shops and I've never seen a grocery store here that doesn't sell alcohol and for some reason it is always next to the dairy section so it's hard to avoid. Every minor holiday is a party and a parade and everyone is drinking. Every "family-fun" city event and even kids' birthday parties comes with beer and we never run out of things to "celebrate". Having said that - I can avoid most of that (except the grocery store) by staying home.
What's the difference between "post a reply" and "post a quick reply"? What is the etiquette on using these?
Also I've seen that a lot of people have told friends and family. I haven't even told my husband that I'm trying to quit because he'll tell me that I just need to cut back - like just being drunk on the weekends with everyone else. He doesn't understand being addicted to food, cigarettes, or alcohol or suffering from depression and anxiety so I think he thinks I'm just a weak person.
During the week, I'm just going to concentrate on my two kids (4 and 6) since I stay home with them and I need lots of energy and a good deal of concentration. Weekends will be tough. I log on several times a day for all the good advice and to read how other people are working through the same issues. It is really helping me mentally.
My four-year-old said one day that she couldn't wait to grow up and drink "grown-up drinks" like Mommy and Daddy. Has anyone else had their kids comment on their alcohol consumption? It was like a punch in the stomach - then I took my drink to the other room to finish it there.