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One fifth of vodka daily taper?

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    One fifth of vodka daily taper?

    Hi there! I had a drinking problem in my twenties which lead to a half a fifth of vodka daily for a few years until I got some blood work done and was told my liver enzymes were way up so I quit drinking for close to 13-15 years. I had a baby, I started drinking again socially when she was 6. This lead to occasional binges and then over the last year or so, daily drinking again. For about 7-8 months I consumed about a fifth of vodka most days starting in the morning and sipping throughout the day. I stopped for a month about 4 months ago. Symptoms included: night sweats, diarrhea, extreme fatigue, mild nausea, brain fog, shakiness, mild visual disturbances, insomnia, irritability, dysphoria, body aches and muscle weakness. It didn't take too long to feel relatively normal again (maybe 5-7 days). I tapered a bit by sipping occasionally when I felt really bad and needed to work. After a month off I slipped back into this pattern again and have been in it for 4 months or so. I cut my intake to about half of my fifth yesterday and while I feel sick, in ways I feel better already. I'm debating whether I should continue tapering or just try to muscle through this. I have to work tomorrow, so I imagine I might need to taper to function. If I am just at home I feel like I might be able to just stop, but that is not an option. The strange thing is that when I taper, every time I have a little shot of alcohol, I break into a sweat almost immediately. What to do...?

    The diarrhea is wicked today! I had a certain amount that while drinking, but not like this. This is detox stuff for sure! Ugh. How did I get to this place? I popped a multivitamin. Perhaps I should wait a few days before doing that.


      Hi Eve,

      Is checking with a doctor an option for you?


        No. I can do this. I'm mostly looking for opinions from others who have experienced this before. I really am done with drinking and just want to know if I should taper or tough it out. I have access to Valium if I need it, but hate to take much of that stuff. Getting addicted to benzos can be it's own special kind of nightmare!


          I can go to AA after initial detox if I feel that I need to, but no doctors. They only know how to put you in rapid detox programs and prescribe psych meds which I am incredibly sensitive to. I just want to get back to where I was a year and a half ago safely.


            I have never been through any sort of medical detox, but I know the drill from reading other people's posts.


              Yes, I had a Valium schedule too worked out in decreasing doses over the first seven days or so. Ended up taking very little for the same concerns over developing a new addiction. The few I took were helpful, though. Hang on, though it's a quiet time of day here, some others with more experience will no doubt chime in.


                Thanks Pie!


                  While you're waiting, maybe have a read through the Toolbox thread. I think it's in the Monthy Abstinence section. Let me try to post a link for you.


                    Ok thank you. I think I will just try some healthy distraction right now and take my daughter up to the park. I feel a bit nauseous and sweaty but nothing to unmanageable I I don't think. ...yet at least.


                      Welcome Eve,
                      I'm so sorry you are having such a bad time of it. From what I have experienced personally and observed here, very few of us can taper. Once we get a little bit in our system, our addictive brains tell us MORE, MORE, MORE. I've seen it done successfully only a couple of times, the rest of us went cold turkey. It sucks for 3 days, then it improves (mercifully).

                      Have you been here on MWO before? If not, we're glad you found us! Keep posting, and hang in there...keep hydrated and EAT! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Thx Byrdie! I tapered once before. I really believe I can do it again if I need to. I would just stop, but worry with the amount I was drinking. Tapering is very difficult and certainly not painless, but I really can't take the time to be so sick that I'm not working/functioning. The trick is staying off.


                          Yep! That is the tricky part for sure. I was looking in the Tool Box to see if I could find a link to 'withdrawal information' for you. I remember DoggyGirl had one in her signature line, but when I tried to click on it, it didn't work! If you do a search for tapering methods, that might help you. I won't be any help to you there since I never was able to do it myself. The link to the Tool Box is in my signature line....if you go it, and then do a 'thread search', you may find some good info on tapering! All of my best wishes are coming your way! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            some useful info on tapering/withdrawal here:



                            best of luck!



                              Originally posted by badger View Post
                              some useful info on tapering/withdrawal here:



                              best of luck!

                              Thanks badger. I have checked out the Hams site. The only problem there is they recommend beer and I can't drink beer. I have managed to get by with only the Equivalent of two shots today and normally by now, I could have easily put away half of a fifth so I feel like that is progress. Now I just need to stick with the plan and hopefully be free soon. It feels good to have a clear head. Toward the end I really hated the feeling of being drunk but felt trapped in it.

