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One fifth of vodka daily taper?

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    Glad you feel ok Eve,one thing that helped me was 5 htp after day 1 of no alcohol, helpful with sleep,shakes and such,not good if you drink with it though,just try to rest as much as possible
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Forgot to add if you go to the main page there's a section called "research" click there and there's a thread called home detoxers,how to taper off alcohol
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Glad to hear you're still making progress, Eve, using what you learned from your last detox. And that you got a good night's sleep is priceless! Have you given any thought to putting a plan together so that you never have to do go through this again? You mentioned wanting to get free of alcohol in one of your posts yesterday. I take it you mean your goal is to remain free as well?


          Originally posted by Pie View Post
          Glad to hear you're still making progress, Eve, using what you learned from your last detox. And that you got a good night's sleep is priceless! Have you given any thought to putting a plan together so that you never have to do go through this again? You mentioned wanting to get free of alcohol in one of your posts yesterday. I take it you mean your goal is to remain free as well?
          Right now I think I need to just focus on sticking to my taper plan. Working was pretty brutal, but doable. If I hibernate and rest during the withdrawal. And just focus on getting through my work days then I can start to think about that. I have a counselor that I see who I will return to and this online accountability helps.


            Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
            Forgot to add if you go to the main page there's a section called "research" click there and there's a thread called home detoxers,how to taper off alcohol
            Thanks! That was the thread that brought me here!


              Hi Eve, thinking of you this morning, and hoping all is well in your world.


                Thx. The whole crux of this problem is stemming from my husband's short term memory loss (he is only 60) and my initial misunderstanding of it and inability to deal with it. I need to find a way to get him into a doctor and have him assessed. He is in total denial and it's very frightening. I need to get my shit together first though. Working on it... Still on my taper schedule...


                  I guess to be more accurate, my return to heavy drinking after many many years of not is due to this problem. There are plenty of people out there who don't drink themselves into a stupor when their spouse gets cancer or Alzheimer's or some fatal disease, but I know for myself, this is what has put me back into a place of numbing myself. Isolation, fear, confusion… Etc.


                    My husband was a man who was a high-powered executive working for a large international company. He worked for the same company for 20 years, traveled internationally and spoke in front of groups of 500+ Government officials and heads of companies in various countries. He is now asking me the same question five and 10 times, never knows what day it is and I have to make lists for him which he still can't seem to follow for the day's itinerary. I am blamed for all memory issues he has. It's not easy. Most of the workload is on my shoulders now. Thx for listening.
                    Last edited by Evedranktoomuch; July 17, 2015, 08:42 AM.


                      Hey Eve,

                      Glad you felt comfortable enough to share here. A hugely challenging situation, for sure; reminds me of the recent book/movie Still Alice. What part of the world do you live in?


                        The one qualitative difference between that movie and my life is the fact that Alice was acutely aware of what was happening to her and wanted to seek help. A very different scenario than most people with early onset of Alzheimer's /dementia. Most want to hide it/fight it. I'm in the US.
                        Last edited by Evedranktoomuch; July 17, 2015, 01:14 AM.


                          Hi Eve, Hope the weekend finds you having a bit of a break from work concerns. So glad you found us here at MWO, and please know that you are most welcome to read and post in any of the threads that interest you.



                            Hi, as someone who experiences major dts, I would advise you to do whatever it takes not to touch alcohol. If you have benzos, by all means take them for atleast seven days with chamomile tea to help with sleep. Look at it as away to kick alcohol for once and for all. If your focus is sober recovery, then it would be hard to develop a benzo habit. After your first seven or ten days with benzos, you can take sleepy time tea with valerian to help with sleep for a week or 2....goal here is to build up on days as you brain chemistry starts to change and detox. I find diet to be very beneficial. A protein smoothie with green veggies, kale, spinach, broccoli, mixed berries, and flax seed first in the morning,literally takes cravings away. Decaf green tea is very good as it has a direct effect on GABA, the calming neurotransmitters. Try to eat a large romaine salad everyday with lean protein. Lettuce happens to have certain chemical that are very calming to the CNS. Iam on week five of my recovery after a brief relapse. Each relapse is always worse and harder to come out of. I've hard knuckled before but having a little help to get you to where you want to be is not bad at all. Imo, I'd rather be addicted to anything but alcohol....but iam all about sober recovery. Nature has provided us with everything we need for sober recovery. So sorry about your husband, life is always gonna throw as life curve, alcohol seems to delight in this as he knows that's when we are most vulnerable. Your husband is gonna need you. You can do it for him.
                            Last edited by lizker; July 18, 2015, 10:06 AM.
                            Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


                              I am still just drinking enough to not be really sick. It's hard, but it makes it so that I can still function. I'm already doing much better. I'm sleeping!! I hate the way the alcohol makes me feel, but I am going to ease off of it. It's almost like now that I'm withdrawing my body is rejecting the alcohol and I sweat every time I take a little sip. I'm still on track. As soon as I have 3 days in a row off from work, I'll just stop. I feel like I can safely do it. I am a bit shakey and lethargic, and achy but that's it at this time. I have my benzo as back up. Thanks!


                                Originally posted by lizker View Post
                                Hi, as someone who experiences major dts, I would advise you to do whatever it takes not to touch alcohol. If you have benzos, by all means take them for atleast seven days with chamomile tea to help with sleep. Look at it as away to kick alcohol for once and for all. If your focus is sober recovery, then it would be hard to develop a benzo habit. After your first seven or ten days with benzos, you can take sleepy time tea with valerian to help with sleep for a week or 2....goal here is to build up on days as you brain chemistry starts to change and detox. I find diet to be very beneficial. A protein smoothie with green veggies, kale, spinach, broccoli, mixed berries, and flax seed first in the morning,literally takes cravings away. Decaf green tea is very good as it has a direct effect on GABA, the calming neurotransmitters. Try to eat a large romaine salad everyday with lean protein. Lettuce happens to have certain chemical that are very calming to the CNS. Iam on week five of my recovery after a brief relapse. Each relapse is always worse and harder to come out of. I've hard knuckled before but having a little help to get you to where you want to be is not bad at all. Imo, I'd rather be addicted to anything but alcohol....but iam all about sober recovery. Nature has provided us with everything we need for sober recovery. So sorry about your husband, life is always gonna throw as life curve, alcohol seems to delight in this as he knows that's when we are most vulnerable. Your husband is gonna need you. You can do it for him.
                                Interesting about lettuce and green tea. I had no idea! I just naturally start eating a lot of greens with lean protein on top when I detox. For some reason, green tea hurts my stomach while coffee is just fine. Valerian
                                makes me feel really weird. I can't take it, unfortunately. Thx for the tips!

