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Protein shakes for cravings

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    Protein shakes for cravings

    I am on week 5 AF after a nasty relapse. This by far was the worst, won't get into details but it was super bad...I had help the first week with benzos as the dts were really bad IHad to go to the Dr for benzos to sleep. After the first week, I took sleepy time tea extra to help with sleep which helped alot. I have always taken fruit and veggie smoothies for breakfast. 2 weeks ago I bought a vegan protein powder which is also a multivitamin from the vitamin shoppe. It has a significant amount of b complex vitamins. Its quite pricey....about 50 bucks....I've been adding this shake to my morning smoothies and i am amazed at how well it works with cravings and sleep. I haven't thought about alcohol all day long. Sunday's are usually my most trying days. I have zero anxieties and just feel like iam in a real good place. I did go to church which could be helping here but the shake is definitely doing something. I haven't been wrestling with cravings and drinking thoughts this time around. Will definitely stay on this shake and on my knees.
    Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1

    Sounds good Liz. I take a general kind of fitness supplement mainly to refuel the body after exercise. It includes amino acids/L glutamine along with plenty of B group and other vitamins/minerals. Not sure if this helps cravings but i reckon it has to help my body and mind rebuild itself. And the exercise is good for my head. Congrats on your 5th week af (me too). Bravo!

    Take care, G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
      Sounds good Liz. I take a general kind of fitness supplement mainly to refuel the body after exercise. It includes amino acids/L glutamine along with plenty of B group and other vitamins/minerals. Not sure if this helps cravings but i reckon it has to help my body and mind rebuild itself. And the exercise is good for my head. Congrats on your 5th week af (me too). Bravo!

      Take care, G.
      Hi Guitarist, based on the ingredients in your supplement, it will absolutely help with cravings. Glutamine and Bs are great for cravings. Have you tried it preworkout? Sounds like it would really boost your workouts. Mine definitely does. Iam doing a mile in less than 9 minutes. Just bursting with energy. Wish u the best in this journey
      Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


        Thanks Liz. Whoa! Cool stuff on the mile in 9 minutes. I haven't tried it pre workout, but will do. I make sure I drink it asap post workout at least.

        I'm going to look for a running app and see if I can break your mile record!

        Have a gr8 week. G

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Week 7 going great! Still no cravings...psychologically, the desire is still there, especially on social occasions but not compelling enough to actually drink. Sugar cravings are gone too!!!Guitarist, it definitely will make a difference with aerobic work out. The b`s truly give u a burst of will take some time and practice to build up to 9 minutes a mile if you're not a regular runner. It's doable but take your time to build up to it.
          Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


            Awesome job on 7 weeks Lizker! That's pretty amazing and you should be proud!
            I take glutamine and b complex vitamins daily which has and does help with my cravings. But a protein powder is a good idea for me. Something to think about as I don't consume a lot of it so should look into that. Thanks for sharing and keep up the awesome work!


              Lizker, 7 weeks is wonderful!! Well done! The Senior AllOne vitamin powder has been helping me a lot. I need to try the glutamine too. I read somewhere that niacin or vitamin B3 does help with cravings, so I just googled it and found this:

              It looks exactly like what has been said above, although the dosages seem really high. I'm rushing out now but will take a look in more depth tomorrow. Might be interesting.


                Thanks Briseus. Iam definitely embracing my accomplishments. Even though I do beat my self every now and then for allowing my self to relapse, but everything happens for a reason. I now know exactly what iam dealing with...the experience has made me stronger and more determined to hold on to my freedom with everything I got. The protein powder will definitely add to what you are already taking. It provides the body with amino acids which our bodies need to rebuild
                Kitty, thanks, very interesting about Niacin. I read about a lady who used only niacin and glutamine to cure her alcoholism. Most energy supplements have quite a good amount of niacin, mine has quite a bit so I may be reaping its benefits too. Week eight going great. This supplement is definitely a God send. Great for anxiety and depression too.
                Last edited by lizker; August 8, 2015, 09:41 PM.
                Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


                  Grrrr...I wrote out an entire post and my computer crashed! HATE when that happens!

                  I am trying now to remember what I said word for word, lol.
                  I think it's very important, Lizker, for us to celebrate and embrace our accomplishments. All too often we beat ourselves up over our slips but that doesn't change the fact that in the past we have had our sober time and learned so much from it. We don't have to start from square one again, it can be square 2, five or ten! Nothing can erase what we have learned in the past...or all those days or months we had without a drink. We learned a lot from those and we can continue learning from them when we just pick ourselves back up and get on that wagon again.
                  It does make us stronger, and it's true...this time around we do know exactly what we are dealing with. It may not necessarily get easier...but that is this fire in us that never really goes out ( I don't think anyway ).
                  So you're doing an awesome job.

                  You took the words right out of my mouth. We DO need to hold onto our freedom this time around with everything we got...go to our arsenal from the past and pull out all the weapons to beat this addiction once and for all.

                  With regards to the Niacin, I have read many studies (and like Knitty posted, about orthomolecular medicine) that have helped people with alcoholism as well as depression.
                  One word of caution with Niacin though, as I took it as well almost daily when 8 months sober...
                  The first time I took it I thought I was having a severe allergic reaction, as almost 10 minutes after taking it, I literally felt on fire and my face and upper body looked as if it was covered in rashes.
                  Niacin DOES cause flushing, characterized as cutaneous (skin) vasodilation (widening of blood vessels). So this is what causes the redness and hot feeling you get when taking Niacin. You CAN take non-flushing Niacin or take an anti-histamine with it...I would go with a low dose and work my way up (this is what I did)...although sometimes the flushing for me was inevitable, depending if I took it on an empty stomach or what.
                  I know that I definitely panicked the first time I took it (not good for my anxiety)...but I am NOT a doctor...and if you are concerned than talk to yours or a pharmacist...but when you Google Niacin and "flushing" or "vasodilation" you will see that this is a typical SE.
                  It definitely can catch you off guard though.
                  BUT, with that being said...when I was 8 months sober, Glutamine and Niacin were something I took daily.

                  Okay. I'll shut up now. Hope everyone is doing well, and again, great job Lizker...and hope you have an even better 8 weeks!


                    60DAYS today... amazing how time flies. Just the other day I was at day 10 wondering whether I will get back the excitement of stacked days. Thanks Briseus for the words of encouragement. So very true about sort of picking up where you left of with sobriety. My sober mode kicked in pretty quickly. I will keep doing what iam doing because its working. I've even lost 10lbs with this shake and exercise combo. I broke the dreaded pleatue for the first time in years!!
                    Last edited by lizker; August 17, 2015, 06:50 PM.
                    Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


                      Congrats on 60 days Lizker,no going back now
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
                        Congrats on 60 days Lizker,no going back now
                        No plans of ever looking back. Every time the beast lures me back, it takes a good chunk out me...a bigger chunk each time. I am getting so much better blocking possibilities of that head rising. I joined other sobriety sites, along with this site, my chances of success are excellent
                        Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


                          Congrats on your 60 day milestone, Liz! :welldone:


                            Thanks Pie...Day 62... so happy to wake up sober. I dreamt about drinking wine with friends at a party. I could feel that gut wrenching, deep regret and despair of the morning after a relapse...worse feeling in the world...only to find out it was a dream.
                            Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


                              great going on 60 days liz, sounds like you have your head round this.

                              ETA; 62, im late, as usual.

