Just popping in quickly to say hi and hope everyone has a great weekend. A big thank you to Bluesky for caring about us all too. Janicexxx
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Just popping in quickly to say hi and hope everyone has a great weekend. A big thank you to Bluesky for caring about us all too. JanicexxxAF since 9 May 2012
Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)
adaptable;146550 wrote:
Iced, sorry your feeling so bad. I know that trying to exercise, going for walks, even short ones help build motivation and strength. Sometimes you just have to push yourself to do it, but if you have a friend that can go with you for 15 minutes a day to start, it will help. Are you taking vitamins?I am taking all of the supplements in the starter package for the MWO program, that includes the allinone.
Your are amazing Bluesky. Hi to all. I'm getting ready to go off for the weekend to Chaco Canyon National park (Indian ruins) so need to be brief. Just wanted to wish everyone a great weekend. I will check in if I can, if not see you Mon. Iced, it does get better. I had the same thoughts. It took about 2 weeks. Drink water, eat protein and lots of vegetables and whole grains, take all the supps and vitamins, get out in the sun and get exercise. You do not mention if you are on topa. If so, this could partly be those side effects. It is supposed to go away. I had to go off topa and then went back on after I had been AF for a while and did not have as many side effects. Hang in there. Just keep reminding yourself that if you give in you will only feel better very temporarily and then you will have to start over again with detoxing your body. Change, I agree with Bluesky. If it is calling your name loudly, throw it out. This is hard enough without having to prove ourselves.
Hey Iced -- just think of how long you've been drinking and how much damage that as probably done to your body--it takes time for your body to heal itself. Tired is a sign that it's trying to. It'll be around 96 here in AZ too. I go for walks in the morning. Do the best you can and give yourself credit for just doing this day to day. This all takes time and patience -- I know not my forte either. Hang in there, it gets better.Padme
AF 21, March 2010
"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." -Epictetus
Hi everyone,
Well, it's Friday evening here in UK 9.45 p.m. and usually by this time I would be well on my way to being mashed BUT today marks the end of day 5 af and I can't quite believe it!!! Kitty, sounds to me like sinus problem, I have suffered for 5 years now - try some steam inhilation maybe with some eucalyptus oil in - works a treat. I'm not sure if I should be feeling smug or not because it's early days I know, but I just CAN NOT believe I've done 5 whole days - weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . Hugs to all xxx
Hi everyone, just thought I'd check in, need to talk. Not been a good day and so very nearly caved in tonight when me and my hubby went for a curry. I had a diet coke to start with then when our meal came I said I would have a red wine. Hubby was all set to order it then I changed my mind at the last minute and got water. Had a phone call just before we went out from my sister - my mam came home from hospital yesterday after 6 weeks off the booze and being in hospital - and after being so very ill with it. When I saw her at the weekend I thought that was it, no more chances. Today, she has only walked round to the shops (across a very busy road) and bought 4 cans of lager - god knows how she got there as physically she's in a right state. I think thats why I so very nearly gave in tonight. I just feel, here we go again, after everything shes been through and all the worry we've had and hard work to stop her going into residential care. Now, I just feel empty, exhausted and struggling with my own demons. Not a good day. I'm sorry for going on, don't have any close friends I can talk to like this. Thanks for listening anyway. JaniceAF since 9 May 2012
Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)
Janice, please hang in there. Even if you decide to do mods in the future you don't want to have a drink tonight, with all that is going on. I am sure you are tempted but even more sure you will feel better if you resist. You have been so strong! Keep it going at least one more night. Draw a bath, have some tea, anything to relax yourself. I am sure it is so sad to have your mom in this condition. It may be too late for her to change but you have already changed -- we have all seen your strength.
Keep posting tonight. I think it's late for you, right? Maybe the boards can keep you busy until the urge passes.
Hang in there. We are all with you!:h :h :h
Janice I feel for you honey. Hope you are ok.
And adaptable I think you're right, aparrently the pollen count here is sky high, I've taken an antihistamine so hopefully that should do do the trick. I feel awfull right now, bad headache and sore skin everywhere.
Never got this before when not drinking, I feel like I've got megingitus!!
Take care everyone, see you tomorrow.
KittyOur greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
Bluesky, you are amazing with thoughtful remarks for so many of us. I wish I could be more like that.
Janice, hang in there. I can't imagine the stress you are under, but I'm inspired by your strength.
Louise - Chaco Canyon is an AMAZING place, have fun, fun, fun!
Kitty - take care of yourself, the air quality over here is doing a number on everyone - lots of headaches and boogers!
As for me, I'm in a strange state. While I haven't gotten drunk, and finished Week 1 mod with 10 drinks, I'm feeling rebellious and am sipping my 3rd glass of wine at 5 pm telling myself, Hey! I'm over 21 and it's okay. Previously I figured my drinking habits were not so bad, really 5 - 15 or so drinks a week. That was absolutely an undercount. I'm not sure if moderating will be for me. I've had to overthink almost every drink and I'm not sure if it's worth the energy. I was happier and prouder AF."There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams
(((Janice))) so sorry you have to go through this anguish. We can only be responsible for our own thoughts and actions. I know that is no solace. I have gone through the heartbreak and worry of watching my brother destroy himself through alcohol. Every rehab we thought this time he had it... it's a terrible disease/addiction -- sending you loving thoughts. Don't drink "At" the situation, take care of yourself.
zincityzen-- I agree, I tried moderating for a year after having some substantial sobriety time. It wasn't worth all the effort, negotiating, figuring, rationalizing -- like you said overthinking... I'm happier and freer at AF. No more negotiating, it is just gone and i don't have to think about it. What a relief.
Love & Light allPadme
AF 21, March 2010
"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." -Epictetus
[QUOTE=Padme;146485]Change you are so right about eating simple carbs and sweets and even caffeine. Alcohol is processed as a sugar and when we eat these thing it causes our insulin to shoot up and then drop like a rocket -- and to balance it we need more of the same and we usually drink alcohol to fix it... small protein meals like cheese stick and cracker, peanut butter on a bagel, yogurt(sugar free) and an apple when you have a craving> L-glutamine kills a craving. 500 milligrams under the tongue. Some people take two supps 1/2 hour before a meal for the first couple months of quitting. it is proven to help with cravings. (my tip for the day--lol! Just tell me to shut up if I get annoying)
Wow Padme, that makes perfect sense. At least now i will be aware of it. I may not cut out sweets altogether, but will prepare myself for cravings around 1/2 hour after. I think i will go out and buy some cheese and biscuits today.
Congratulations to everybody for feeling more alert, going to the gym and congrats to Womfloss on 5 days af.
Kitty, headaches. I think it could be the drink, drinking water would (imo) help with this, but also, if you take that webbing part between your thumb and forefinger, pinch it between the forefinger and thumb of the other hand and find the acupuncturial (is that a word?) point, you may be able to alleviate your headache. You will have to search around for a while, but you can tell when you hit it, because it is a shart pain / sensation. Do this a few times per day and just hold it there, for minutes if you can. It's good. It's helped me in the past with headaches, even miagraines to a certain extent.
Bluesky, it's weird how i just won't throw out that last 1/3 bottle. It makes me anxious to do so. I was thinking about it this morning and realised that i have to. The problem is, i can get alcohol anywhere i like, so i figured that throwing it out wouldn't prove anything. I think i may freeze what is left of it into ice cubes as i love cooking with red wine, but i think that after this bottle, i don't want to buy anymore and will have to learn to cook alcohol free.One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!
Zincityzen, I've been following your posts this week as noticed you had tried mods. I know we were about the same time AF days and I have been so tempted to do mods this week. Last night I so nearly had the wine in the restaurant, almost ordered it, but like my husband said I'm almost scared to have that first glass cause I don't know what it will lead to. Your words helped so much last night "I was happier and prouder AF". Good luck Zin. Thanks to everyone for your kind words, sorry for whinging.AF since 9 May 2012
Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)