My first post here wasn't in the Nest, but a part of it really strikes me reading it now.
What worked for me? Reading and posting here, for one. I was on these forums constantly for the first...I'm not even sure how long. Quite a while. I read new posts and old posts, anything to keep my mind focused on needing to quit. When I did wander off for a couple months after the site change, I made a decision to come back. I wasn't having drinking thoughts (yet), but I felt like I was setting myself up by staying away.
Other than that, I tried to listen to advice, especially the kind I didn't want to hear. Getting all the AL out of the house. Not going places that would make me want to drink. I developed plans, and learned what to tell myself during a craving so I didn't give in.
I want to thank everyone here, so very much. I'm starting to have my LIFE back, here; that's a huge thing. And sorry this was short (well, short for ME lol); I really am tired. But NOT hungover.