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I need some accountability!!!

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    I need some accountability!!!

    Hi All:
    Anyone else out there struggling with being accountable? I have been trying to quit AL for some time.
    I have used Antibuse off and on and it is a useful tool only if you take it on a regular basis.
    Unfortunately, the demons keep talking to me and telling me I don't need it and I can control AL myself.
    So I don't take it for a few days and then BAM here we go again.
    I really need to get off this roller coaster. I lead an active life but lately I don't feel like running or biking.
    This morning I just slept through my gym time. This can't keep going on.
    I tried to have my husband get on my case about taking it but he has failed miserably.
    My Councellor was supposed to text me daily but hasn't.
    I am hoping that maybe some of you are going through the same thing and we can help each other.
    I have to beat this demon somehow.
    Let's do this together!!!!
    Don't worry, be happy!

    Hi R4L
    I am going to be honest and say what I am getting from your post
    - if you stop AB you are doing so to drink. It is a deterrent and it worked for me taking it every 5-7 days because it stays in your system that long.
    - you are blaming your husband for not reminding you
    - you are blaming your Councillor for not ringing you

    So you need to decide when are you going to take control yourself and be accountable to YOU ?
    Come over to the Army where we support those serious about getting drinking under control and make a plan to get AF in their own time and in a way that suits them.
    Last edited by satz123; August 24, 2015, 12:34 PM.

