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Newbies ignored

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    Newbies ignored

    I have seen a few posts from people who feel ignored and find it hard to get into "cliques".

    One thing I noticed, an attention-grabbing title often does the trick. Say what you want in the right category and use descriptive words to get peoples' attention.

    Look at the ones you choose to read. good examples include

    Don't get in my face
    I thought i shoudn't post my real photo but...

    I am not saying it has to be that way but a title that describes what you are feeling with a few descriptive words about you are might help get responses.

    also, you can post your own issues in the middle of a thread, but it should relate to the initial post. if not some might not reply to your direct post either because it is off the track or, because they are lazy and didn't read all the posts and posted a new reply to the original.

    Newbies ignored

    Fair comment, Nancy.
    Jane x
    Jane :heart:


      Newbies ignored

      Nancy takes her clothes off on tv!!

      Like that?:H


        Newbies ignored

        Lazy? ((((((gasping in total shock))))))))))

        :H :H :H :H
        :h :h :h :h


          Newbies ignored

          Uh oh..........................Nancy's on to us........................


            Newbies ignored

            If any newbies feel ignored then i'm sorry ...........

            I started a thread on general encouraging lurkers to post ............

            I'm with quiescent ............. totally shocked, i've never thought that there are cliques here ...........

            BB xx


              Newbies ignored

              Well, I didn't think there were cliques here either.

              But I saw a few posts indicating people felt left out and felt we were clique-y.

              I never felt that way when I joined.

              I noticed some have trouble figuring out the thread system. So in the middle of a big long thread. you read a post from someone new asking for help. then they post again asking why noone ever responds to their posts.

              i find it endearing but a little sad. i think most people here are responsive.

              but if you want to tell your own story, best place is the Tell Your OWn story section.

              I really liked that thread inviting lurkers to join in!


                Newbies ignored

                A different perspective:

                When i first started (2 weeks ago) i felt very warmly welcomed, but reading the posts, i sometimes felt left out because i didn't know what people were talking about because it was like an ongoing conversation that spread across different threads, making it impossible to follow if you didn't know what had happened earlier. This is probably what makes some people feel it is cliqu-ey -- which i know that is the farthest from the truth, so here is a suggestion to help the new newbies out:

                Never refer in a post to something that has been discussed in an earlier thread without saying what you are refering to and don't start new threads that depend on prior knowledge to understand them.

                i.e don't start a new thread that says, for example "i got the job!" or "i made it!", unless you write what has happened previously, so that new people can follow.

                Likewise, newbies should ask if there is a reference to earlier things. just be blunt and say you're new and don't know what they are talking about. i realise i should have done that 'cause i know i would have gotten an immediate explanation and probably an apology as well.

                I'm pretty sure this will clear up things.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Newbies ignored

                  Dear all,

                  I'm slightly suprised by this thread because I trully do not believe there are any cliques here and wherever possible all newcomers are welcomed wherever they have posted.

                  I spotted a newbie who introduced themselves in a week old daily thread recently and I pointed him in the right direction and I know alot of others have done this too.

                  Beatle, don't shoot me but I think it unessessary that people retell their story each time they give us an update. I do agree that a newbie may not know what the story is but as you said they are more than welcome to ask. And once you get used to the boards it is quite easy to look back at that memeber's previous posts. Sometimes a quick update is all people have time for.

                  This is a huge community, and it take's a while to get to know everyone and their stories, but I think familiarity comes with time as it would if we all meeting in the flesh, and I for one enjoy the journey in getting to know the people here.

                  I was welcomed wholeheartedly when I joined and I'm terribly sorry if people think there are cliques.

                  Anyway just my 2 cents, hope I haven't offended anyone, I just think there are many different perspectives on being a "Newbie"

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    Newbies ignored

                    I feel so BAD...I was a Newbie not so long ago....just jump in and make everyone notice, that is what I did...hey you can always post a thread about a new boyfriend that used to be a swinger...seemed to work for me...GOT EVERYONES attention. THEY ALL READ my threads now!! LOL.


                      Newbies ignored

                      Not necessarily cliques - there are some very closely forged friendship on this site. Rightly so. A new person comes along and can get this impression.

                      Good insights. Thanks for posting this Nancy. I've been guilty of this myself. In the middle of a thread, something has struck a cord, I've posted, gotten no response and felt unloved.:upset: This was an eye-opener for me.

                      I'm probablythe only one on this site with any emotional baggage, though.


                        Newbies ignored

                        I think maybe people see the "newbies in need june day 10 blah blah" titled threads and read them. They see that people seem to know each other and then feel left out? Just a speculation.


                          Newbies ignored

                          Good point Nancy. I've encountered a few newbies mid not very appropriate threads on quite a few occasions and have tried to direct them to a better starting off point. Sadly a few of these people have dropped by the wayside but that may have happened regardless.

                          Starting off at this place can be a pretty daunting experience. Remember? I was so traumatised by by first encounter (I stumbled into chat by mistake!!) that I didn't return to the site for several weeks. By the time I raked up sufficient courage to post for the first time I was weeks into the full MWO program and was confident that I had beaten my problem or was at least well on the way to doing so. Great!!! But how much easier it would have been (and how much more fun) had I the courage to join in earlier and share the start of my journey not just the end.

                          I guess what I'm trying to say is that for someone who is scared and in trouble being faced with a large community of people who obviously know each other and who know the ropes can be very daunting - despite the fact that the people within the community are so warm and welcoming. I also imagine that this would be particularly so for those who are less computer literate (or as in my case can't find a decent avatar.)

                          At any rate, I think it's something we should all keep in mind.


                          Anyone want to join a clique for "Those Who Cant Get Rid of Nasty Red Vulture Avatars and Find Cute Little Red Birdie Thingie Ones Instead?"


                            Newbies ignored

                            Well one post I read.. a newcomer got a PM saying that her posts were not appropriate because we was writing in the middle of a thread.

                            and did you see soloman's messages? he posted several at the end of threads saying:

                            Why doesn't anyone write back to me?
                            it was kind of sweet and sad at the same time.


                              Newbies ignored

                              Most of the time and with most of the threads this is a very beneficial site and that is why I stay and read and contribute what I can. That being said, I think this is a very cliquish place among an un-named few which is obvious with a thread started a couple of days ago. Some threads should be taken to chat when the posts turn into conversation and conversation turns into banter rather than something meaningful. Some of this was a real turn off to me at first but I was so desperate I just kept switching threads until I found some helpful older stuff to read. This has gotten better and I know who to "avoid" now.

                              I try to respond to the new folks but I'm new myself and feel like I'm still in their end of the pool.
                              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger

