I've been looking around on this forum a bit and it seems like a loving, forgiving, and non-judgmental safe place. I have made the decision to go 30 days AF. I have the MWO book (not quite through the entire thing but getting close), bought all the supplements, and I am considering the topomax and hypnosis cd's. I would love to hear from others how these things (especially the last 2) have worked out.
I am motivated to do this program! I know I need to get sober for me, and my health. But I will admit up front that some of my drive is because of other circumstances. I don't want to lose my husband! I also don't want to lose my job or get a DUI or whatever else my future could look like if I continue down this destructive path I've been on.
That said, I really don't want to quit drinking; I really like alcohol. I don't know if I can give it up entirely, and I don't know if I can learn to moderate. What I do know is that I need to do something about my drinking and I am here to try to do just that!
Another thing I know is that I can't do this alone and I chose the name Synergy for that very reason. To me, synergy means working together toward a common goal. That's my desire and that's why I'm here. For now I need your help! I hope also to help others in any way that I can.