I hope you had a successful AF (alcohol free) Friday night. That is so great your hubby is supportive. Mine is too. He hardly drinks at all. Maybe has had 4 drinks since I quit 79 days ago. So, it helps so much that he isn't drinking a big glass of wine when out to dinner when I know I should not and will not have one as one leads to wanting two which leads to...
I kept waiting for cues in the beginning from hubby. Just that little statement of "We're on vacation...maybe you can just have one." But he never said it as he knew better. He knew one would lead me right back to the dark place I was in and my last year of drinking was being on an elevator going down. I just kept getting worse, drinking more nights than my desired 2, drinking more drinks than my desired amount (2). It got so over the top that I was sneaking drinks so I could drink more than my allotted 2 nights of Fri/Sat. I was drinking more than 2 drinks at a sitting where I actually would finish a bottle of wine and be drinking MORE! My last night of drinking involved PROMISING him that I would not drink more than 2 glasses as I had made a fool of myself 2 nights previously drinking too much. So, friends came over with wine and gin. I NEVER drank hard liquor. Only wine and beer on occasion. I proceeded to sip a glass of wine from the bottle and had a glass of water in between for my final 2nd glass. Before I knew it, I was on my 3rd glass, then 4th, then the bottle was EMPTY. All of a sudden I somehow had gin and tonic in a coffee cup that I was drinking. And more than one! I woke up the next morning fully dressed on the couch where I had passed out. Full blown blackout, the whole nine yards. I called my friend who has been in recovery for years and confessed that I was an alcoholic and had to quit drinking. It was a very hard moment to finally really be honest with myself as I had been deluding myself for a very long time with thinking I could control it. Now, I am at the stage where Fridays and Saturdays are just days of the week like the rest. I am just excited to get to the point where craving and missing drinking gets to that point for me too. I just keep focused on one day at a time, and when struggling, sometimes one minute at a time. Hang in here with us!