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June Newbies in Need - day 9

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    June Newbies in Need - day 9

    Hi Guys
    I 'll start us off today as it's already Saturday down here in Oz...
    I have just got back from brunch with a close girlfriend and after 6 weeks doing MWO i have finally fessed up and told someone. She was terrificly supportive, and, guess what, said she felt inspired because she felt she was drinking too much too, and hadn't managed to give up. Well I never !! So, I rather nervously told her all about the program and she wants to give it a go too.
    My other news is I am nearly there...on Tuesday 12 th I will have been 30 days AF and I can barely believe it. Right now, mainly because my headaches have lifted these past few days, i feel invincible!!!!
    I may never drink again!...i am free!.....are you convinced?????????
    Jane :H
    Jane :heart:

    June Newbies in Need - day 9

    Hi Jane and everyone else visiting our thread today. Jane you've done amazing and you sound great today!! I know you had real trouble with those headaches - did you stop taking the vits/supplements - milk thistle - if so, is this what helped? Have a great day on Tuesday - celebrate by treating yourself, you deserve it!!! Thank you everyone for your kind comments yesterday - I'm up early today and going to take Blue's advice and go and have a swim. I know the exercise will help then its food shopping so lots to keep my mind off alcohol and mam. Have a great day, I'll be back later. Janicexxx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      June Newbies in Need - day 9

      great going to the both of you! have a great day! off to sleep for me


        June Newbies in Need - day 9

        Jane, 30 days. That is amazing. I am glad that the headaches have lifted. You were probably an answered prayer in a way for your friend - a shining example! I will be thinking of you Tuesday - do something nice for yourself!!:goodjob:
        Janice, I have been thinking of you as well. What strength it took yesterday to cancel a glass of wine order. My mom is an alcoholic, actively drinking most of my life. 3 years ago she went into rehab and has been sober with AA ever since. I NEVER would have thougtht it possible. I did not make it happen despite years of trying everything but it did happen nonetheless. I also could not look at my own drinking when I was dealing with hers. I guess my point is we can't change others, circumstances, etc. What we can do with your strength is change our own ability to deal with them. You have done that. Hurray!:l

        Iced, on a lighter note. Are you a "Heel?" My daughter almost went there - opted for instate tuition. Chapel Hill is beautiful!! Hang in there. Your body is telling you it needs rest and repair. Give it time. You are doing the hard work!

        Well, off to all the graduation activities. We have 4 parties today. My goal is extreme moderation. If I say AF, I will surely fail and then go overboard. Our party is tomorrow. You may not hear from me, busy time, but I can't seem to stay a way.:H God Bless!!


          June Newbies in Need - day 9

          Good morning all!

          Jane, way to go!!!!!!!!:goodjob:

          Janice, glad you are feeling better today. You are truly and inspiration so keep it going.

          Evergreen, enjoy the parties.

          Iced, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

          Well it's errands and cleaning today. And we are having some fencing installed on the sides of our small yard so the doggies can sit out. Of course I can't leave them alone because we do have the occasional gator swimming by.

          Hope everyone has a great day.


            June Newbies in Need - day 9

            Morning! Just checking in. Rubbing sand out of my eyes and off to do laps
            Gator? Well, I guess that's no worse than the occasional rattlesnake we get. LOL
            Washing car and laundry today.

            Love, have a great day!

            AF 21, March 2010

            "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


              June Newbies in Need - day 9

              Good morning everyone,
              Way to go Jane!
              It's out to the garden for me this morning, then work. Because of the alcohol withdrawal I've been unable to concentrate so I haven't been able to get much work done. I'm hoping today will be better as I have an impatient client.

              Have a great day everyone!

              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                June Newbies in Need - day 9

                I am now 6 days AF. I am amazed myself as I thought for sure I would throw in the towel last night. I made a commitment to my wife to do 7 days AF or I would go to the Doctor and she made me stick to this otherwise I think I would have given in last night (I do not like the idea of going to a doctor). Anyhow, today is the last day of the 7 days.. and I am most confident that I will not be giving in tonight so I am excited about that! I did go up to my local pub last night and all of my friends were fairly supportive and surprised that I have been able to do this. Maybe it will be encouragement for them to do the same. I basically presented it as.. "If I can not even go 7 days without alcohol then that really signifies a major problem that will destroy my life at the age of 32." I am not entirely sure what is going to happen after this 7 days as it has been really tough. I would say the toughest things have been 1) Tiredness and 2) lack of concentration. I am not on topa. If I could somehow figure out how to combat both of these things then I think I could do this longer. I am fairly certain that I will not be drinking on Sunday or Monday as well, but may go out for a "few" on Tuesday.

                Cliff Notes of my situation for anyone who has not read my previous posts:
                1) Male 32
                2) Drank consistently for 10+ years. Missing at the most 1 day a week, but most of the time none. Usually if I did not drink it was because I was still hurting really bad from the night before.
                3) Mostly drank beer, average in the last 3 months of 10 or so a night. Peak nights at around 12-15, low nights at around 8.
                4) Mostly want to move towards moderation for health purposes. Like the author of this program, I am fairly successful and no major problems have arisen yet due to the drinking.
                5) I choose to do the hypno, supplements (mwo starter pack), exercise, and diet. No prescription medication.
                6) Never drink at home. Always at the local pub with 50-100 people that I know fairly well. Some would definitely be called a friend. The place is like cheers and is less than 1/2 mile from my house.


                  June Newbies in Need - day 9

                  Way to go Iced!!! It must feel great to be AF going on 7 days. You will make it!


                    June Newbies in Need - day 9

                    It does feel good in knowing that I could do it. It honestly does not feel good while doing it. I thought about it some today and wonder if taking the calms forte has anything to do with me being tired all throughout the day. I think this coming week I am going to take that out of the equation and see what happens during the day. I am not planning on continuing to abstain, but do plan on moderating the frequency and amount moving forward. In hindsight I think it would have worked better for me to decrease how much and how frequently I was drinking so that when I did abstain it would not have had quite the intensity of detox/withdraw effects.


                      June Newbies in Need - day 9

                      I have no been faithful with the calms forte so can't speak to that but give it a try (cutting it out). Good luck with mods. That is what i am working on. It's hard but I am hoping to be able to do it.


                        June Newbies in Need - day 9

                        I agree with you iced. I can't take the calms forte during the day at all. It makes me want to take a nap, but if I try I don't sleep. Also cutting down before stopping altogether helps de intensify the withdrawal, but some folks can't do that. It's a personal thing. I tied wine spritzers when I was cutting down instead of just straight wine.
                        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                          June Newbies in Need - day 9

                          I will say one thing that helped me while at the pub to not drink was to drink a virgin cranberry and gin... so it was cranberry juice and ginger ale. This helped to avoid a lot of people asking me why I was not drinking as well. Only those that were close friends knew that I wasn't drinking. The cranberry juice is good for the kidneys as well. I do think I read somewhere, maybe in the MWO book, to not drink juice as it has the sugar in it or something. For me, drinking juice works well to curb the cravings. It is nice leaving the pub with only a 15 dollar tab, and that include a meal and dessert!


                            June Newbies in Need - day 9

                            Jane, it sounds like you are having a lot of success. I also wonder how you got rid of the horrible headaches.

                            Darnit, forgot the name of the new guy on the block, the one who has a cheers pub. I think 7 days is a solid achievement, esp if you found a way to see your friends without drinking. That means you are finding ways to deal with this in social situations instead of sequestering yourself.

                            I feel like I always want to move forward. Last month i was moving forward but this month I got off to a very bad start, going backwards, with bringing drinks home. I did meditate twice this week and spent an hour on hypno today. I want to go forward again.

                            Trying not to feel depressed! negative thinking isn't good for making improvements.


                              June Newbies in Need - day 9

                              Well, it sounds like everyone is doing well, especially as it is a weekend.

                              Day 4, no booze. Woke up feeling okay, quite positive today. Think i will throw away that remainder of the bottle i have left, was just making excuses with 'cooking' etc. I can cook without it.

                              No real headaches to report of. Am going to overdose on chocolate today, but start some moderate exercise i think.

                              I'm off to read some newbie posts
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

