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Topamax worry

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    Topamax worry

    Hello everyone! I am preparing to start the program: ordered CD's, supplements, read MWO book several times. My primary care doctor is reluctant to prescribe Topamax, she said she needs to research it. I do not take any medications and healthy in general. I am worrying about using systemic brain drug. Do I need it? Does anybody succeeded without it? I am 70 y/o and developed alcohol dependency within last 5 years. Since I retired almost a year ago, it became worst. Please share your toughts and experience. I will greatly appreciate it!

    Hi & Welcome.

    My personal experience is that I have tried Topamax, Nal, Campral, Antabuse and I think there was another one in there too. I was expecting the drug to do all the work. Wishful thinking - it doesn't work that way.

    My opinion is that the drugs can definitely be used as a tool to help you regain sobriety. However, that is just a small portion of it. You must be actively working on recovery. To answer your question, yes many on this forum have succeeded without using Topamax. Just find what works for you.

    There are some great people here and some great threads. So, jump on over to The Newbies Nest. And over in the General board, there are several threads. One Step at a Time, Army thread, Cowboy's Cafe, Umpteenth Quit. Also there is a meds forum. The Topa thread isn't very active anymore but you can try posting there too.

    Great to meet you and looking forward to getting to know you.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Oh, so many thanks!!! I am overburdened by what has happened to me with this alcohol abuse.
      I am hopeful to meet people, who healed this condition. Because my best friend is condemning me and makes me feel soooo bad, because I can not just quit cold turkey. And my husband is ready to support me , but still believes this is my bad nature...Oh...
      Thank you, dear, NoraC.


        A supportive hubby helps a lot! Hang in there - this is not your bad nature. This is not because you are weak. This is a disease we are fighting. We will get better.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Many thanks from my heart. It is so good to be in touch with someone, who is not condemning and judging you. Best to you dear NoraC!


            Hi Ibardina and welcome to mwo. I don't have personal experience with meditation but there are some members who do. The medication forum may have some old threads about users experience. You are not weak as your friend may try to make you feel because you need medical help. SSome people need extra help others don't. Most important thing is you don't want alcohol to rob you of pretty much everything, and you are doing something about it. That's all that matters. Most people use the excuse of not using medical help because they assume meditation is worse than drinking which is completely wrong. I'd rather take a prescription temporarily than be locked up in a alcohol hell. I chose more of a nutritional approach to battle mine. Iam on day 121 today and never been happier. I think that if you feed your body's nutritional needs well, the need for meditation will be eliminated... good luck with this new journey and never give up.
            Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


              Thank you, dear Lizker. Your reply warmed me heart. But I have nor started yet. Have everything ready, including Topamax (I convinced my doctor for 21 days prescription), but missing set of CD's, which I ordered exactly 2 weeks ago. I am afraid to start without them, afraid of failure... My three email to customer support were ineffective. This makes me very doubtful about the whole program. Should I wait a little longer? Meanwhile got myself a case of Chardonney, just in case (ha-ha). I live in rural area, always making sure that I have enough supply of everything... oh well.


                Hi again Ibardana, I do understand. I personally don't follow this particular program. Not to discourage you but iam Christian and don't practice hypnosis. If you are not objected to it by all means wait for everything you need to get started. There's more than one way to skin a cat. You jus gotta make up your mind to do this. Best of luck and we will be here to cheer you on when you get ready.
                Last edited by lizker; October 28, 2015, 10:15 AM.
                Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


                  Okay, Liz. I will start without CD's, just some Topamax and supplements . I have to set up the date.
                  I will keep you posted. Thank you!

