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Hello again

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    Hello again

    I'm finally back. I couldn't get logged on for the longest time. I used to be whitemarsh mom. I'm back to trying to quit. I work full time now and can't get to aa meetings bit when I did. They were helping. How is everyone. ? I've missed you!

    Welcome back, DD. You must have been around during the time that I was absent and busy running on the old AL hamster wheel. 'Glad you made it back on the site. I agree -- being able to login and get support around one's work schedule is a godsend. So, what's your story? How are things going?
    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


      Hi DoverDowns,

      I had the same problem too, with trying to get on the new site with my old name. I used to be Eve11, one of the biggest believers in the moderation concept because, well, this site made me think it was possible and I believed I could moderate like Roberta Jewell did after reading her book and her testimony. Well, after 7 years of trying and always seeing the reality that at least once a month I didn't meet my goals, it became a very scary thing of what would happen, what would I say or do, what friendship or relationship could possibly end because I was out of control that one time?

      It didn't matter that I could control it most of the time. And the controlling it? Well, if you call white knuckling (more often than not) controlling it, then I guess I was (in my delusional mind) controlling it. Anyway, I woke up one morning after a particularly bad event where I had gone w-a-y over my limit after promising to self and hubby that I would NEVER drink more than 2 drinks in an evening again because I had totally blown it two nights previously and almost lost a dear friend over my actions. And there I was again...hung over, with HUGE remorse and regret, depression, anxiety and finally the pre-frontal lobe kicking in saying "Admit it, you have a problem". "The common denominator of most of your problems is alcohol, and it's time to say goodbye." I raced to the computer and to MWO for support from my old and dear friends and surprise, surprise...I couldn't get in either. So, I created a new name that was fitting for the new me. I chose the name All Done Drinking (as I made a committment then and there that I was all done) and I go by the acronym Addy for All Done Drinking?...YES!

      Welcome back. We will help you stay strong. I celebrate 100 days this coming Saturday. I hang mostly on Newbie's Nest and post thought provoking questions to help with my recovery and others with theirs on a thread called Dedicated to the Quit I love that I started with abcowboy. I also pop in to have a cup of Joe with Cowboy on the Cowboy's Cafe thread. You probably have some special threads you posted on. I am sure those that remember you will be glad that you're back. :welcome:

      "Control your destiny or somebody else will" ~Jack Welsh~

      God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet, so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.

      But that was yesterday, and I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

