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June Newbies in Need- day 10

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    June Newbies in Need- day 10

    Thanks for all yesterdays responses. I will start us again today and then let someone else take a turn
    Janice- yep, I stopped all the supps when you told me about the milk thistle ( i think it was you). the headaches continued a little, but then somebody else posted a suggestion to take anti-histamine meds at night. So I started doing that, just claryntine bought over the counter. However, I think I was just going through a withdrawal and now after nearly a month it's about over! In fact i woke today jumping out of my skin ! leapt around my step class at gym like a demented turkey and then drove home singing loudly and badly at the top of my voice. I realised I had turned a corner! I'm never going back to the dribbling, drooling drunk I once was who woke daily with a fuzzy head and an anxious knot in my stomach. I am re-born, AMEN to that!!! So, God bless you too Evergreen.
    Padme and Ducky- where on earth do you live? gator's and rattle snakes !!!!!!!!!
    Congrats to you Iced on your 7 days (I'm confident you made it) , it must be hard when your social life revolves around a fabulous " cheers" pub with so many mates. i wonder what sort of raised eyebrows I would get if i asked for a cranberry and ginger beer in a pub in's coke of OJ down here and thats that !
    Nancy, keep positve thought ...have you read or watched The Secret, it's a bit daft sometimes but the underlying message is good for us 'soaks'. Try it.
    Change, the chocoholic! me too, i have replace wine with choccy and I can't stop...wonder if there is a support forum for that addiction??!!:H
    Today I have a "happy hour" for my friend's b'day with all the crew. Bought some grapefruit juice to take and have my story worked out why i'm not drinking. Wish me luck with yet another dally with temptation. Oh, the forbidden fruit...
    Have a good day, y'all !
    Jane xxx:l
    Jane :heart:

    June Newbies in Need- day 10

    Can you explain more why you stopped supps?

    must have missed that thread while drinking or such...


      June Newbies in Need- day 10

      jane rees;147274 wrote: i wonder what sort of raised eyebrows I would get if i asked for a cranberry and ginger beer in a pub in's coke of OJ down here and thats that !
      Change, the chocoholic! me too, i have replace wine with choccy and I can't stop...wonder if there is a support forum for that addiction??!!:H
      Today I have a "happy hour" for my friend's b'day with all the crew. Bought some grapefruit juice to take and have my story worked out why i'm not drinking. Wish me luck with yet another dally with temptation.
      Jane xxx:l
      Lemon, lime and bitters!

      Chocoholics, here we come.

      Good idea about the 'story' Jane. I think that is easier than telling people what is really going on. The main thing is you concentrate on your health without all this other confounding stuff going on.

      Grapefruit juice - yum.

      Well, i flushed the remaining bottle i had and i've got to say, without a shred of regret. I really thought i'd get anxious.

      Oh yeah, i realised that the eczema-like rash i had on the back of my neck is beginning to subside. I always thought it was associated with alcohol use, now i am more sure, probably to do with the body's inability to break down fatty acids when drunk...

      Jeepers, that makes me realise my liver function was starting to become compromised :bonkers:.

      Oh well. Here's to everybody having a good day :yay: .
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        June Newbies in Need- day 10

        Hi everyone, day 42 today for me, 6 weeks. Not such a good few days, felt worse Friday and yesterday than I did at the beginning of AF. How sad is this, I actually stroked a bottle of wine in the wine rack yesterday!!!! Should I or shouldn't I?? I didn't. I know that the stress has not helped and I haven't done the cds for over a week and I'm sure they helped. Anyway, Blue - if you log on today, I've been swimming with hubby - he had to drag me there!! - did 30 lengths and have come home feeling so much better. Feel more positive about things and I've got a bit more "go" today. Have just felt so depressed since mam hit the bottle again but I know me hitting it as well will not make me feel better. Anyway, its a lovely morning here in the UK and I'm going to get myself out and do some gardening even though the house looks like a tip - I can lose myself out there! Good luck with Happy Hour Jane and well done Change for getting rid of that half bottle!! Have a good Sunday everyone and again thank you for getting me through another sticky patch!! Janicexxxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          June Newbies in Need- day 10

          Jane, congrats on everything and glad to hear you are doing so well now.

          Just one thing, it worries me if you have stopped the supps. First of all, anyone who has been drinking, whether heavily or not, for a long period, has depleted their body of desperately needed nutrients that have to be built up again in the form of good nutrition plus supplements (you cannot eat enough, even of good healthy food, to make up for years of abuse). The supps are essential to healing.

          Second of all, if you don't take supps and eat healthily, your body will respond by craving more alcohol. So the supps don't just help you rebuild your health but also help you to stay sober. This is totally proven by lots of scientific studies and just about everyone who has been through it can attest to this (myself included).

          i've never heard of headaches caused by supps (only occasional nausea), but if you believe that is the cause, i suggest you cut down a little on one supplement at a time to try to find which one is causing the problem and if you do find there is a supp that causes a problem, then see if you can take reduced amounts of it or get it from another source -- even try another brand.

          At least, please, don't drop multivitamins, B-vitamins, essential oils (omegas 3-6-9) and milk thistle (the most potent liver healer). They don't have to be from MWO (i buy mine from a healthfood store in town).
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            June Newbies in Need- day 10

            7 days AF for me! I made it 7 freakin days!!!! Woke up today and went for a walk first thing. I am hoping this will help me to not be as lethargic and tired all day today. We shall see...


              June Newbies in Need- day 10

              The antihistamine has me confused as it dehydrates the body and dehydration can cause head aches.strange... Glad you are doing well though Jane! I live out away from a city in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. Rattlesnakes, scorpions, coyotes ...other beautiful saguaros, sunsets, desert tortoises.
              Change congrats on pouring the drink down the sink!
              Janice enjoy your swim and garden. Will be tending to mine today also, I love my garden, though my sunflowers are starting to wilt in the heat.
              Beatle I understand your passion for the need to heal the body and much of what you say is true. but the body does have it's own natural healing ability and supps only work for about the first 6 weeks and I do get headaches from certain vitamins--I believe it was from the omega's and that as been recorded as quite common. Starting at a lower dose and gradually raising dosage has been suggested.. I have read studies on various different supplements for recovering alcoholics And actually vitamin C figured prominently in many studies since 1958 as greatly reducing the effects of drugs on addicts and alcoholism.
              Cal/Mag dramatically reduces many withdrawal symptoms. Alcoholics excrete great amounts of both in their urine. During detox inadequate calcium levels can cause painful leg cramps, insomnia, nervousness, slow reflexes, and emotional instability. **

              Glutamine This amino acid has a truly amazing ability to reduce craving for alcohol. In a study reported in the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, the desire to drink was significantly diminished among alcoholics who took glutamine, while cravings continued unabated among a comparison group who received a placebo. The alcoholics who took glutamine also reported that they were less anxious and able to sleep better. You can quench a sudden desire for alcohol by openings a 500-miiligram glutamine capsule and letting it dissolve in your mouth. (Substances place under the tongue are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and take effect immediately.)

              There are many things we can do physically to support the healing after the effects of heavy alcohol abuse and a few things that do keep the cravings at bay but in the end I keep myself sober. I take a multi-vitamin and I exercise. I think it is an individual choice as to what works for one. I also found, for me, that an over reliance on supplements did not address the emotional component of my drinking and i would slip anyway. I guess, in the end it is about how committed one is to quitting drinking through whatever means.

              AF 21, March 2010

              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                June Newbies in Need- day 10

                Woohoo Iced!! just saw your post!! WTG!!!!!!!

                Love Ya!!!!

                AF 21, March 2010

                "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                  June Newbies in Need- day 10

                  Great Job Iced. You did it. What's next?????????????????????
                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                    June Newbies in Need- day 10

                    I am not entirely sure what is next to be honest. This week was certainly challenging. I think that next is to attempt to moderate for a bit. If that does not work then I will abstain for 30 days, attempt to moderate, if that does not work then 60 days..etc..

                    I feel like the last week has shown me that I do have some inkling of control over the alcohol, because if I didn't then I would not have made it the full 7 days. During that time I went to the pub 3 times and did not drink at all. Now, all of my friends know that I have not been drinking so it may even be easier to not drink moving forward. I know that I have a personal goal of not getting completely wasted again anytime soon.

                    Eventually I want to end up being the guy that drinks 2 drinks or 4 beers over a 2-4 hour period and is then done for the night. I also want to not drink more than 3 days a week.

                    I will keep you guys posted for sure as to what happens, but I am avoiding commitments or promises at this time and plan to take each day and each moment as it comes for this week. I am not going to stop the supplements, exercise, diet, or hypno.


                      June Newbies in Need- day 10

                      Today is day 7 for me too. I have tried (and failed miserably) to moderate so know that af is the only way for me. Lunch time was a real test as took my dad to the pub at lunch with hubby (carvery roast) and had tomatoe juice to drink - it wasn't so bad!!! I had a fleeting moment when I thought how nice a glass of red wine would be but dismissed the idea with a stern self-warning "well you know you won't stop at one stupid" and it passed. Tomorrow I am going to my sister's for the week and she doesn't drink as she is diabetic so the week should (!!!) be relatively easy. Anyway, I won't be able to post any more for the week so hope everyone achieves what they want. Hugs xxx Sue.


                        June Newbies in Need- day 10

                        Okay, I've got something to tell you guys. I've had my first drink. My first drink in 6 weeks, the first in 42 days. We had a BBQ and I discussed it with my hubby beforehand - that I would have one glass of red wine - then no more until next Saturday. So, done it!! It was a small glass too! So thats it, my new goal is to get to next Saturday evening - no weekday drinking. Hope I can do it! Wish me luck. Janicexxx ps Well done Iced on your 7th AF day!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        AF since 9 May 2012
                        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                          June Newbies in Need- day 10

                          Janice, how did it feel? do you want/need to talk about it?
                          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                            June Newbies in Need- day 10

                            Congratulations Everyone on being so strong!!
                            Iced, good job on day 7 - myself I caved day 7, took a few swigs, realized I did not want/need it, then dumped the rest and went to bed. Womfloss, also a big congrats to you - I don't know how you guys are doing it, going out to the pubs and all, true test of endurance!! Janice, well done on the will power....that is seriously commendable!! Good luck on the rest of the month for myself, I am still counting forward, I will not let that slip bring me back to day one, as I do feel I passed the test by dumping it. So day 9 it is .....and I don't feel guilty about it one bit Warm thoughts and best wishes to everyone


                              June Newbies in Need- day 10

                              Well done iced :wd:
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

