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Going on hooiday and need support!

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    Going on hooiday and need support!

    Hi, I haven't had alcohol since July and feel great, look better, have lost weight and think clearly. I'm going to Australia tomorrow for a month and I'm worried about keeping on track, especially because i'll be out of my comfort zone and with people who drink regularly.

    I'm staying with the friends for a while and then going on a cruise with them! how will I keep strong all on my own when everyone around me will be drinking like its not normal if you don't!

    Has anyone got any tips?? i'm feeling vulnerable at the minute because i'm already nervous about the whole trip, getting there etc etc

    Spring every first is hard, we overwork our brains till it does our head in! It is never as bad as we think when we actually do it. I find that i always have what i drink on hand, ask for water if all else fails and say no and mean it. I have people telling me it has been two years so i can just have one but i know in myself that i cant and i dont. It is your choice only if you drink and you wont. Why lose something that is so precious to us.

    My first holiday sober was to Thailand and at least in Australia they dont have as many drinking places although there are a lot. Try Lemon Lime and Bitters that is a refreshing drink and well known. My drink of choice when i go out.

    If you dont feel comfortable about going out a lot then plead a headache. If you feel overwhelmed go for a walk. I just recently went to a wedding and so much al, i removed myself from the situation for ten minutes.

    Where are you going?
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      hi Springstart -
      I will bow to the advise of others here as I have still reading and learning everyday on these boards, now more that ever over the Christmas period.
      We both started our quit in July, so I'll be waiting for you on the Roll call every day:semi-twins: YOu have come so far, focus on that disgusting head in the morning and how you looked 4 months ago, if things get bad.
      Keep posting X.
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        Keep repeating to yourself i dont drink.
        And write down a list of sensible replies for when you are offered a drink?
        (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


          I have been in a similar place these past few days. I visited family for thanksgiving where drinking has been going on daily since Wednesday. I was nervous at first before I came here but something else took over once I got here. Even though everybody else was drinking, I jus never allowed the thoughts to linger longer than they should. The When the will to stay sober is stronger than not to, you will get this unexplainable strength not to give in. Seeing how well people I started with are doing here is also a major motivator. Most are at the 2 year mark...I don't want to log in 6 months from now and still be struggling when they are at 3 year marks.
          Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


            Spring, much the same as what Choices said. You did something right to get from July till now, what was it? You recently celebrated your 4 month milestone, that's huge! So just carry with you what you've been doing and when the going gets too tough, excuse yourself from the situation! Will you be able to read and post while you're away?

            One other thing, if it were me, I'd want to remember every day of a vacation in Australia! Not lose a few of those days to alcohol induced memory loss...
            Last edited by abcowboy; November 29, 2015, 05:28 PM.
            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


              Thanks everyone for all your advice and support, Its helped me remember why I stopped in the first place, I hated those mornings, waking in the night with a beating heart, feeling rubbish all day for a few hours drinking the night before. I'll just be strong and remember how lucky I am not to have those things anymore. I think i'm worried because here at home everything is more predictable but even the long flight is making me nervous and I know that and being in the holiday mode when I get there are going to be triggers. I suppose just posting on here is my own acknowledgement that I know i'll need to remember how bad drinking is and how it takes you to a dark place very quickly.
              Thanks everyone. I'm going to Sydney available, staying with friends and then going with them on a cruise before coming home for new year


                Originally posted by Springstart View Post
                Thanks everyone for all your advice and support, Its helped me remember why I stopped in the first place, I hated those mornings, waking in the night with a beating heart, feeling rubbish all day for a few hours drinking the night before. I'll just be strong and remember how lucky I am not to have those things anymore. I think i'm worried because here at home everything is more predictable but even the long flight is making me nervous and I know that and being in the holiday mode when I get there are going to be triggers. I suppose just posting on here is my own acknowledgement that I know i'll need to remember how bad drinking is and how it takes you to a dark place very quickly.
                Thanks everyone. I'm going to Sydney available, staying with friends and then going with them on a cruise before coming home for new year
                Holidays I dreaded. Same as you with folks who drank too. The airport onwards.
                My advice is go to the doc and get something to keep you calm on the flight.It's very long. Even if it knocks you out - you'll arrive fresh as a daisy.
                Cowboy is right - don't ruin your big holiday in Australia - as I did 3 years ago.
                Was sober from July the same as you. Went to Australia same time too.
                One of my biggest regrets - I hadn't had a drink from July and decided I was not strong enough to take that holiday - I should have tried. I didn't. I drank from the airport thousands of miles to Sydney
                - family decided to confront me for my drinking - and I now look back on that holiday not with fond memories but with regret.
                Don't let a few drinks ruin it.


                  Spring - Just saw this and wanted to join in with everyone else. Remember that you really don't want to do this.

                  Do you want me to sign you into Roll Call everyday when I sign in??? I can do that everyday you are gone until you get back & can do it again yourself. Just give me the word. :hug:

                  Only 4 more days until we are at 130!!! Let's keep it going. :woohoo2:
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15

