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    Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
    Also I am sorry if I have upset retards or those with bi-polar, it was not my intention, now I have climbed down of my hyper post I can see how it may do - I will not rmove it as it was the way I felt at the time - not necessarily my rational view (if that makes sense)
    Now I have "come down" I feel really bad about what I have said

    We all come here because we have some sort of mental issue - I think

    I have not removed the origional post as what I said was the way I felt at the time and as I said in the edit not how I would rationally feel - I am truly sorry to those I know I have offended but I do not remove my posts as I know I am in need of help and being something or pretending to be something I am not at any particular time is falsifying who and what I am at any given moment - Now I feel sick

    My apologies, my friends

    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


      Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post

      Do you find you have an addiction to Baclofen in as far as you are looking forward to your next pill?
      Sorry Bacman,

      I just saw this. My unread post function no longer works and I miss so many posts! To answer your question, no, I have never looked forward to my next Bac dose. I had some severe side effects and I would dread it. I finally got the nerve to push through and now at 250 mg I am indifferent and relatively side effect free

      Best of luck to you!



        Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View Post
        Sorry Bacman,

        I just saw this. My unread post function no longer works and I miss so many posts! To answer your question, no, I have never looked forward to my next Bac dose. I had some severe side effects and I would dread it. I finally got the nerve to push through and now at 250 mg I am indifferent and relatively side effect free

        Best of luck to you!

        Morning Mom

        Thanks for your candid reply - Funilly enough people are very reluctant to post thier dosage amounts especially when using baclofen, which I believe is because they feel everyone if different - Where as provided the dosage taker is aware of this, someone elses stats are very usefull

        Good luck to you too

        Best regards

        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


          Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
          Morning Mom

          Thanks for your candid reply - Funilly enough people are very reluctant to post thier dosage amounts especially when using baclofen, which I believe is because they feel everyone if different - Where as provided the dosage taker is aware of this, someone elses stats are very usefull
          I firmly believe that your Baclofen level is dependant on how much you drank and the length of time you've been drinking. I'll see if I can track down the French study that mentions this as well. Some less hard core alcoholics get good results at low doses. I could not even go one day at the point I was when starting Bac. So it's very true that many will find success way before 250



            Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View Post
            I firmly believe that your Baclofen level is dependant on how much you drank and the length of time you've been drinking. I'll see if I can track down the French study that mentions this as well. Some less hard core alcoholics get good results at low doses. I could not even go one day at the point I was when starting Bac. So it's very true that many will find success way before 250

            I am currently able not to drink @ 150mg @ 6 x 25mg doses a day - I have the urge to drink but can brush it aside and focus on something else, like my forums or washing up etc - Im sure you get my drift

            I have no idea if I have hit the switch, I dont know what to expect - I am in a good place currently so I am going to maintain this level for the time being - But M, I am always open to suggestions and opinion

            I have been drinking heavily, i think (2 bottles of wine weekdays and 4 weekend days) for 30 years, i am heavy 5'10 and 18st10lb (118kg), have high blood pressure and had a minor stroke (TIA) in march 2015 - This may be small fry compared to some I agree...
            I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
            Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


              Hey BacMan - keep going, you're on a roll! A good one! And here we are in mid-January already.

              I am right there with you (more or less) on AF days. I am finding I am learning A TON about myself and about addiction. Who knew?

              Hang in there - our families need us and we need us - we got this!


                Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                Hey BacMan - keep going, you're on a roll! A good one! And here we are in mid-January already.

                I am right there with you (more or less) on AF days. I am finding I am learning A TON about myself and about addiction. Who knew?

                Hang in there - our families need us and we need us - we got this!
                Hi AG
                Thanks for your kind comments - Not seen you on the nest roll call for a while?


                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                  Yes, I only did the roll call one time . . . not sure it is best for me right now. For some reason the counting kind of stresses me out and I am really working to reduce stress as much as possible. I am in the Nest twice a day.


                    Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                    Yes, I only did the roll call one time . . . not sure it is best for me right now. For some reason the counting kind of stresses me out and I am really working to reduce stress as much as possible. I am in the Nest twice a day.
                    Ha Ha - If its any consolation I have to look at the previous days quote to work out what day I am on - and I am on day 15 or 16 - I think

                    I must take my hat off to all of you becoming AF just by will-power alone - I am sure I could not do this

                    I do love the nest, which is a far cry from the meds area (take your tin hat) - I have never been on a forum with two such opposite areas

                    Best Wishes

                    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                      Day 16

                      Well I am back on track following Thurday nights meltdown - I have maintained my dosage of 150mg @ 25mg of Baclofen 6 times a day
                      My SE are currently a slightly fuzzy head, which is nice lol - a bit of constipation but thats about it - I am functioning normally and will be taking the kids and Mrs B to the local forest later for a walk before dinner - It is a great help that Jo (Mrs B) has stopped AL too but she is (and always will be) a day behind me
                      I am certain that only complete abstinance is my way forward - The first hint of moderation will start me on the rocky road - I am sure of it - It is what I am...-I have read alot on the forum, especially in the meds area about moderation but it is not me - never will be, I feel taking Baclofen and AL will be a bad thing for me - Yes, respect those who do it but I dont see the point
                      We are all here for one thing - We drink/have drunk too much - We either want to stop or moderate - It is our choice - No one can tell us what we want
                      One of the guys on the meds thread really is annoying - He seems to think he can tell people what they should be doing but ignores the fact that everybody is different and has different needs and expectations in their journey - I cannot help but react to him because he is derailing peoples efforts - Which is sad
                      In addition to my nest girls and boys I have made a new friend who is kind and generous in thought and advice - You know who you are x
                      Well Jo has just shouted for me to find the wellies as we are off for our walk


                      I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                      Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                        Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                        Good job on day 3 Bacman.

                        I got a M-F day job a few years ago when I was really at a low point for the purpose of getting sober, where the only way was up or 6ft under. It helped immensely having the days filled, and as you've mentioned all I had to do was plan for those 4 hours or so in the evening before bed. Movies, reading, anything to distract my monkey mind chatter. Snacks, AF drinks and a couple of options for the night got me through.

                        And don't forget your toolbox.

                        All the best friend. Keep it going.
                        Hi G

                        I did not really appreciate this post when I started my journey

                        I can now appreciate the wise words you gave me

                        Thank you

                        I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                        Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                          Day 19 (Written 20/01/16)

                          Hi All

                          Well I have made it to day 19 - What a feat, even if I do say so myself

                          I am steady @ 150mg of Baclofen @ 6 doses of 25mg - I still have urges to drink but these disapate after a minute or two

                          I am still wetting the bed - I have decided to have my last tablet no later than 20.00 so I am not so zonked when asleep - I will keep this record up to date as I think it is important and although I know Mom and I are not the only ones - It is important to acknowledge SE for posterity if nothing else - Its no big deal really
                          I get the odd shock to the fingers and blured vision when I am tired - Thats all at the moment - It no big deal really
                          I have started smoking a little which is a worry
                          My sleep pattern has changed - I used to sleep for 8 to 9 hours a night - Pissed of course - Now I slept 6 hours night before last and only 5 last - Feeling great tbh - May regret it later - Its 06.00 my end - Not sure if this is due to Bac zonking me out or the lack of booze in my system - A bit of both I hope

                          Tomorrow I am seing my GP for my monthly check up - I cant wait to tell her about the non-drinking, I have lost weight too, 7lb in 2weeks - Again nothing to write home about but looking forward a stone a month is a good effort IMO - I wont be telling her about the smoking - I am going to ask her to prescribe me Baclofen, then send her some info If she gets shitty

                          Good news, wife has arrange me to see a Personal Trainer twice a week for fitness and healthy eating education - I am not that keen but I know I must go, I have read many good stories of excersise being a great stimulant in abstinance


                          I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                          Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                            Hi All

                            A couple of days since my last update

                            Still on 6 x 25mg Baclofen a day, little urge to drink - If I does raise its ugly head then it is quickly quashed

                            Current SE'
                            Tingle in fingers - Generally late at night
                            Bad focus - Always late at night
                            Bad people tollerence
                            Started smoking again (only 4 a day Grrr)
                            Obsessed with getting Baclofen prescibed by my GP

                            Thats about it

                            One thing I have noticed is that I have stopped having "accidents" in the night - The answer has been (as I was advised by a fellow MWO poster) is to make sure the last table is 4 hours before bed

                            Edit - I have signed up with the personal trainer for 2 x 1 hour sessions a week - Which is good - Thanks G-Man

                            Also my GP has indicate she may consider prescribing Bac by script as long as I can provide documentation as to effect on alcoholics - which is bloody awesome news
                            Bad news my BP is 180

                            Regards to All

                            Last edited by Baclofenman; January 23, 2016, 03:52 PM.
                            I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                            Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                              Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
                              Day 19 (Written 20/01/16)

                              Hi All

                              Well I have made it to day 19 - What a feat, even if I do say so myself

                              I am steady @ 150mg of Baclofen @ 6 doses of 25mg - I still have urges to drink but these disapate after a minute or two

                              I am still wetting the bed - I have decided to have my last tablet no later than 20.00 so I am not so zonked when asleep - I will keep this record up to date as I think it is important and although I know Mom and I are not the only ones - It is important to acknowledge SE for posterity if nothing else - Its no big deal really
                              I get the odd shock to the fingers and blured vision when I am tired - Thats all at the moment - It no big deal really
                              I have started smoking a little which is a worry
                              My sleep pattern has changed - I used to sleep for 8 to 9 hours a night - Pissed of course - Now I slept 6 hours night before last and only 5 last - Feeling great tbh - May regret it later - Its 06.00 my end - Not sure if this is due to Bac zonking me out or the lack of booze in my system - A bit of both I hope

                              Tomorrow I am seing my GP for my monthly check up - I cant wait to tell her about the non-drinking, I have lost weight too, 7lb in 2weeks - Again nothing to write home about but looking forward a stone a month is a good effort IMO - I wont be telling her about the smoking - I am going to ask her to prescribe me Baclofen, then send her some info If she gets shitty

                              Good news, wife has arrange me to see a Personal Trainer twice a week for fitness and healthy eating education - I am not that keen but I know I must go, I have read many good stories of excersise being a great stimulant in abstinance


                              How's it going Bacman??


                                Hi All

                                Sorry I have been too sidetracked to update this thread

                                Day 64

                                I cannot beleive that I have got this far

                                I titrated to 150mg a day and stayed there for a month - All desire to "crack open a can" have gone - My habit of coming home from work and the first thing being to have a drink have gone

                                I do feel a bit of a fraud tbh, 150mg and at this point after less than three months, titrating straight away to 100mg a day without the horific side effects others have spoken about

                                Baclofen has aleviated my anxieties, which although I do not know what they were, they are definately gone - Its hard to explain why I used to wake at 2.00am every morning worrying about shit that did not matter - I suppose that was the point, it did not matter - But I am sure there was something in the background that was causing the apparent anxiety - Any way, I now sleep like a baby throughout the night, all night, every night

                                Since reducing my Baclofen intake there have been several changes - My mood is more like it used to be - Instead of the mellow 150mg a day guy, I have reverted to the person I was before and during titration - A bit moody and noisy - I am monitoring this but it is not a reason to increase the dosage IMO
                                Secondly, In my younger years I rode motorcycles (or fell off them more to the point). As a result I have several log term ailments, a painful hip and knee cap - Yesterday morning (my third day @ 100mg) I woke and immediately I felt the pain, like I used to - Funilly enough I had forgotten about them, clearly the Baclofen had effected the feelings these areas had given me for years

                                Anyway, so whats next

                                I have ordered another batch and I intend to continue on these @ 100mg a day to the end of April by which time I expect to have heard from the GP about being prescribed under the NHS - Then I will decide to continue (if I get funded) or reduce to 75mg for a couple of months to see what happens


                                Last edited by Baclofenman; March 4, 2016, 07:16 PM.
                                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.

