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Successful titrate of alcohol???

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    Successful titrate of alcohol???

    Like many of you out there, I am very concerned about going for professional help. It will have a serious impact on my career and I currently have many people relying on my income.

    So, rather than risk having to check into detox and then having this all on record, I am wondering if anyone out there titrated down on alcohol successfully, at least to the point where AF was not a risk.

    I currently drink about 1 1/2 bottles of wine a night and get very very blasted on them.

    My goal is AF but I would be thrilled with any reduction.

    I have read the book and am taking the supps, these alone are not doing much. As soon as I can afford it, I will get the CDs and perhaps order the Topa online. (A scary thing for me to do!!)

    Thanks to anyone who can offer advice and how they did a reduction in drinking to safer levels before going AF.

    AF April 9, 2016

    Successful titrate of alcohol???

    Hi there Cindi, I'm afraid I had to go AF from the start. I find that if i have 1 glass of wine it is just not enough. It has to be a bottle or two. So, after many times of trying to moderate and failing, I don't have any alcohol at all. Very hard but it gets easier as the days go by. Like a habit that gradually fades. But sometimes at different times its agony to not drink! I agree with you, it is all very scary, but only because perhaps you have never tried to stop before? Its new to you. Lots of people here moderate their drinking and that is so good, so, you must decide on a firm plan and go for it. We are all here to support and encourage you, so you are not struggling alone. good luck, Bella xxx


      Successful titrate of alcohol???

      Hi and welcome. Some people use Valium and some detox units are using Chlonindine a blood pressure med. I'm not an expert. You may want to google to get addititional recommendations. Good Luck. Lots of water.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Successful titrate of alcohol???

        How long have you been drinking that...reason I ask is from what I have read it can be dangerous to just stop yes.....but only if you dirnk an extreme amount of alcohol for many, many years. Google a few things on it based on your history, and you can find what your general side effects would be from stopping cold turkey...some people have none at all other than wanting to drink at their normal time and feleing like they are going nuts if they dont(this happens to all of us)

        other people, who have been dirnking for maybe 20 years or so a bottle of vodka a day may be at a risk for siezures or other physical symptoms of going completely AF...these people should get medical intervention to help them detox, while the other group can do it on their own (provided they would like to)

        check out the internet a bit
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          Successful titrate of alcohol???


          I did try to stop last week. About day 3 things got really bad, heart palpitations, sort of looney, shakes.

          I have been drinking a long time (all of adult life, actually, I am now in my 50s) however, it didn't kick up from "problem drinking" to "alcholism" until this last year or so.

          I know detox treatment would be best but am trying to find a way around it. Although, in the long run, I will do it if that is what it takes!!
          AF April 9, 2016


            Successful titrate of alcohol???

            I did moderation. It worked well for me. But I used the cd's & the topo. I've been doing the program for almost a year & have cut my drinking in half.
            Peaches, It's your choice but you will need the cd's & the topo.


              Successful titrate of alcohol???

              I'm 60 and have been drinking since I was a teen. Now I'm on moderation. 50 mg of topo. So far so good. I used to drink a bottle of wine a night. Now, it's usually about half that much. Don't give up. It will work.


                Successful titrate of alcohol???

                The great news is that there are so many on this site that have stopped or significantly reduced their amount of booze intake...Thank God!!!

                Regards Cassy


                  Successful titrate of alcohol???


                  Thank you for your responses. It is so scary out here alone.

                  Did you get your Topa through a doctor or from online pharmacy?

                  I am a little nervous ordering from a Canadian pharmacy with customs and all.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Successful titrate of alcohol???

                    I would suggest the topa then, if oyu can manage to get it. You can get it for migraines too, so youmay even be able to get it prescribed to you depending on your doc...if oyu wanna go that route,

                    I am in a career where I cannot be pegged as having an alcoholism issue either, and they can look into my medical records. I had topa precribed, I told my doc i was drinking too much, I was a bit emotional that day so I forgot to tell her not to put any of that in my medical record, but when I went back for my checkup...she had forgotten why she gae me the topa, so she hadnt put anything in my file about they have to prescribe it off label, it is not FDA approved for alcohol dependence, you can only get it for migraines, binge eating, and siezure, so he/she has to prescribe it for that reason....

                    Hope this helps
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      Successful titrate of alcohol???

                      Yeah, If just moderating down were easy all by yourself I think we all would just do it. Some can do it with sheer willpower. I was afraid to try and fail. So I ordered the supps and the cds after I downloaded the book and read it. I read here every day untill they arrived. I went to the doctor armed with all the literature. She refused and told me to go to a psychiatrist. I came home and ordered the Topa on line. In the mean time I started on the supps and the cd's. This was good because I worked out any side effects from the supps before the Topa arrived so I would not get them confused. I was still drinking normally but my resolve to stop was growing stronger every day.

                      Three weeks later the Topa arrived. I started tapering off as much as I could. My third week into it the cravings started noticably diminishing. I know I would not have been able to have an AF day on my own. My withdrawal has been only annoying, lack of sleep and concentration, mild anxiety, but I can live with it. It is better than a hangover.

                      You can do this. Every person here will tell you that if they can do it you can do it.

                      If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                        Successful titrate of alcohol???

                        what Java writes is true. it is dangerous if you have been drinking a lot for a number of years to go cold turkey on your own but that doesn't mean it can't be done. i know because i have done both medical supervised detox and by myself at home. you just need to get the meds that keep you from having seizures and also help alleviate the symptoms. if you think you can titrate down, then by all means that is the best and safest way. not many people can do it though. let me know if you want the details about how to do cold turkey on your own. and keep us updated.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Successful titrate of alcohol???

                          For what it's worth. . . I've been drinking 1.5 to 2 bottles of wine a night for several years. I am able to do AF days without any noticiable withdrawal - just anxiety mostly. Good luck, you're in the right place!


                            Successful titrate of alcohol???

                            Hi Db2,

                            Just a quick note (am learning how to try and
                            be quick here), I have been on Lorrazepam, maybe not for everyone, but has been doing really well for me. I had 4 days AF before going on it, as I seriously self monitored, and dreadful fear of WD symptoms, I think that was the best factor to keep me AF. Also due to a prior subscription, during those first 4 days, I would take a valium before bed, right about the time I would usually start to drink. That really helped. I am currently on very low doses of Lorrazepam, and doing the supps (now that they arrived), I do feel a little groggy in the morning, but other than that it has not crept into my day at all. The only thing I notice, was Sat. night (day 7AF), not taking my meds as specified, maybe psychological, but I really had an urge to drink....bought a beer, took my med to let it take effect, weighed the options then opened it. Had a few swigs, felt bad about cheating myself then dumped it.....this truly is a mind game!! If you're worried about withdrawals, check with your doc., if you don't want any 'specific' meds on your chart, just let them know you will be monitoring, and find out your alternatives. Like everyone else said, do the research, learn signs and symptoms, and keep an eye on your body. Good luck and warm wishes.!!


                              Successful titrate of alcohol???

                              Hi There and Welcome,
                              I didn't manage to cut down without the help of topa. I bought it online from here and have been very happy with it.
                              Buy Generic Topamax (Topiramate) Online :: - Online Health Superstore
                              Good luck

