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June Newbies in Need Day 11

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    June Newbies in Need Day 11

    Hi there!! Hope everyone had a good weekend. A special hello to anyone new reading this thread - come and introduce yourself, say hi - it would be lovely to hear from you!! We set up this daily thread to help us get through the month whether you are totally abstaining, moderating or whatever, come and share with us how you are getting on!

    A new week and a new goal for me. I had my first drink last night after 42 days AF - it was planned, I talked with my husband about it first and I felt fine afterwards. Just had the one and didn't feel any urge to have more. My goal is to get to Saturday and treat myself again Saturday evening. I'm definitely going to go heavy on the cds this week.
    Only thing was, for the first time in 6 weeks I woke up in the middle of the night, like I used to, and it took me a while to get back to sleep. It must have been a warning because I don't want to go back to those nights again. I think the exercise did me the world of good because I feel really positive today and ready for the week ahead!!!

    Off to work now but have a great day everyone........Janicexxx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    June Newbies in Need Day 11

    Hey Everyone! Day AF 2 for me and feelin' pretty good. Waking up this morning without feeling groggy was so worth it. I've changed the way I take my Kudzu - used to take a dose with meals - I now take one and half doses at lunch (before witching hour) and another dose mid/late afternoon. Seems to really work well for me as I get a boost when I need it (when I get me afternoon cravings) and not during the morning when I don't.

    Congrats Janice on 42 days AND for just one drink! That's inspiring that you didn't have the urge for more afterwards - keep it up! I used to wake up in the middle of the night too. It's so frustrating cause I just couldn't get back to sleep for the life of me - so hard to get up in the morning after that.

    Good luck to everyone this week!



      June Newbies in Need Day 11

      Good Morning everyone and thanks to Jane for starting us off at the w/e and also to Janice for today.

      I wasn't able to get online this past w/e :upset: :upset:, but have had a quick read through the mails and wow what an amazing gathering of people we have at MWO with so many qualities, to name but a few: Caring, Gentle, Helpful, Gracious, Humble, Astute, Intelligent, Spiritual and the list goes on and on. I am so thankful to have found you all; Thank you for changing my life around when I really thought it was an impossible task. Life is definitely so much clearer and better when we are not carrying all the unwanted excess baggage that overdrinking burdens us with and I am so grateful each and every day to all of you, THANK YOU.

      Janice, how so well done, congratulations, what an achievement, 42 days and then 1 glass of small wine, you are an inspiration to us all. It proves it can be done and more importantly; it can be done even when under stress as we all know you are living through an extremely difficult time at the moment, you have so much to be proud of, Bravo.

      Diverrob we are all so happy to have you back, congrats on AF day 2 and thanks for the info on the Kudzo.

      For me it's the start of AF day 36 today and I'm so happy and excited to be here (never thought I'd get through 1 day), I would one day hope to be able to become a "Normal" social drinker and be able to treat a glass of wine as if it was a cup of tea and not to have to struggle with the "should I" or "shouldn't I" but I know 'm not ready yet. I have in my books been "cheating" as I have avoided any situation which would be "dangerous" and have been totally unsociable since I started. A cowards way out I sometimes think but at this moment it suits me fine, it's what works for me, so I'm sticking to it. Hats off to you guys who can go out for lunch/dinner, pub, parties and abstain/moderate, that to me is the real challenge, congratulations, and so well done, whether it be 1 day or 100 days.

      Sorry, no time to mention everybody today, but thanks for being here and once again thanks for all your wonderful input over the w/e. Love to all and good luck today whether it be AF, mods. or anything else.

      Quote for today: An element of abstention, of restraint, must enter into all finer joys. ~Vida D. Scudder

      Bluesky :l
      It is easier to stay out than get out.

      Mark Twain


        June Newbies in Need Day 11

        hi everyone just jumping over from the 30day june club to say hello and well done to everyone here. You all seem to be achieving your goals whatever they are and as long as we all do that we are heading in the right direction. I will jump over again tomorrow as I start to spread my wings..:hallo: :hallo: :hallo:


          June Newbies in Need Day 11

          Well done Janice (and Bluesky!)!

          Day 5 af for me and dying for a drink... i think the honey moon period is over. I felt fine until tonight.

          I'm going to go for a walk, hopefully that will subside any cravings.

          Hope everyone is doing fine.

          Actually, i think it's pscho-social. I don't think i really need a drink, it is more out of boredom. How sad...
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


            June Newbies in Need Day 11

            Oh Change, maybe the honeymoon period is over, but never mind, look at it positively, you have progressed to the next stage, WOW. So, go on off you go, get going for that walk, go for a swim, pick up that book, listen to some music, put the kettle on, just do what ever it takes and once you get through yet another day AF you will really appreciate it tomorrow when you awake clear headed, with yet another AF day under your belt, go for it Change, you can do it! (PS - Thanks for the edited - "WELL DONE" - It touched a spot!:l )

            Garden Girl, thanks for taking the time to visit, glad to see that you are doing well and look forward to hearing from you again.
            It is easier to stay out than get out.

            Mark Twain


              June Newbies in Need Day 11

              Quick post all. Today is graduation day here. They grow up so quick!!! Very special girl. Lots of festivities this weekend. Had 4 parties on Sat. over a 10 hour period. 1st party had one beer after water and a diet coke and that was with lunch. 2nd party poured a glass of wine but left it unfinished - never done that. Next 2 parties not as good. Overall ended up drinking more than I planned but never felt noticeable did not embarrass anyone. Yesterday had our party - 115+ people. Lots of fun never stopped moving had a beer late in the party with BBQ and some wine cleaning up. Again more than planned but certainly not to extent questioning my behavior. I sound as if I am rationalizing which I probably am but I need to look at my successes. When I start to wallow in guilt I am worse. Janice I want to get where you are!!! Congrats! Bluesky 36 days . . . wow!!! My goal is still 20 days this month. More and more each month. I have a long stretch coming up. I am chaperoning girls at the beach. The rule is no drinking and it is only fair if it also applies to me!! Motivation!!! Off to our graduation. God Bless all!


                June Newbies in Need Day 11


                Well, don't you just deserve a huge pat on the back, what an achievement, well done, non-stop socializing and you didn't go overboard, amazing. I really, really hope that I can achieve that one day! Glad that the graduation was a success, oh my goodness your baby girl, your first born, what an emotional weekend, and you did just brilliant. Keep it up Evergreen and good luck with the "beach chaperoning".

                Bluesky :l
                It is easier to stay out than get out.

                Mark Twain


                  June Newbies in Need Day 11

                  Hi everyone,
                  This is AF day 2 for me (hopefully!). I hardly slept at all last night because it was the first time I've gone to bed sober in, ooo, far too long. So I'm feeling pretty tired but a lot better than I usually feel!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    June Newbies in Need Day 11

                    Good morning everyone and congratulations on your successes.

                    Bluesky if RJ went to franchising and holding weekly meetings I'm sure she would pick you for a meeting leader, you are such a good leader and motivator, so thoughtful.

                    Janice I'm happy/nervous for you but I know you want this so I'm pulling for you. We all have to test the water at some point if modification is what we are after. Also, sidebar, this thread never seems cliquish to me.

                    Diverob, if you check the program modifications on the home page, RJ moved the first dose of kudzu to noon and the 2nd one to evening. So see great minds............The morning one didn't do me any good either. I don't take my noon dose until middle to late afternoon. My real cravings start around 7-8 PM.

                    Well everyone this is my day off but my client has already called this morning so I may get half a day off. I had a great time in chat last night with Determinator and Press4Time. He's quite the cook and shares his concoctions in the recipe forum. So today I was going to peruse my library of cookbooks and find some new tricks for the old dog. But forst this morning I'll get out and do my grden duties before it gets too hot.

                    Have a great day!
                    If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                      June Newbies in Need Day 11

                      Congrats to all the success in this thread! I completed day 8 yesterday AF, and that was not even part of the plan Moving forward I am taking things as they come. Thanks for all the support and encouragement. I am certain that last week would have been even harder without the MWO community.

                      Have a great day all!


                        June Newbies in Need Day 11

                        Day 1 for me. Yup, Joe and I drank yesterday. It tasted bad, we felt bad and it wasn't worth it. It had been coming a few days for me. We both don't want to do it again. At last drink that much. I have to kick this funk I've been in. I'm actually not kicking myself about last nite, but I know it wasn't enjoyable and solved nothing. Didn't wake up easily, happily or less depressed.


                          June Newbies in Need Day 11

                          Well Hart you learned something from it. You learned that now that you don't want to drink anymore that it's not as much fun as it used to be. It really doesn't fulfill anything except that one little urge. does it? I'm talking to myself here, I hope you know that. But it's really true.
                          I drank a little last night because I had a bad day, not a lot at all, I feel OK today except for the PMS funk that I'm in but I broke my stride too.

                          So lets you and I get back on track today and kick the bottle/can to the curb and not have to say the same thing tomorrow.

                          God Bless you today.

                          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                            June Newbies in Need Day 11


                            Thanx hon! Cans kicked to curbinkele:


                              June Newbies in Need Day 11

                              Hi everyone,

                              Janice you are an inspiration. I'm so glad you're doing well, I remember you from the early days of the May thread and you've done really well.

                              I was so optimistic myself back then and I really want to get that back. Had a few setbacks recently but I made great progress before and I'm going to hold onto that.

                              My main worry at the moment is still being unemployed but my SIL is hopefully getting me a job at her hotel this week so that should be good. I just feel down because I left a really great job to relocate here and I'm now realising that employment brings much more to life than money.

                              I miss daily banter with people and It's harder to fight the urge to drink when I have so much time to sit and dwell on things.

                              Anyway, hi to all newbies and I look forward to getting to know you all.

                              Have a good rest of Monday everyone,

                              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

