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Best medication for Alcohol wihdrawal while tapering?

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    Best medication for Alcohol wihdrawal while tapering?

    Firstly, hi everyone as this is my first post. A little back-story: I've drank moderately heavily for a long time, initially was able to drink everyday for a time and then reduce back down again but over time withdrawal symptoms seemed to get worse and worse. Long story short I've been drinking 8 drinks a night (sometimes more on weekends) for the last two or three years. My brain is pretty well attuned and adapted to alcohol as even upping my dose a couple nights in a row often will bring on WD effects a day later, or trying to cut back slightly a couple days in a row will too. I want to try to slowly taper down (hopefully off for the most part eventually) but know I'll need something to help with the WD's (I'm especially worried about the slingshot effect because know it always takes that much more to get rid of the WD's once they set in even a little bit). I have done some research (on here and other places) and have come across several substances that may be of use (from benzos, to bac, gabapentin). So am wondering what you all think is the best medication to help deal with WD's during a taper. I should mention at this point I'm not looking for an anti-craving medication necessarily just something to help with WD's so I can go about my normal life while trying to taper down (I think/hope I have the willpower to do it, that may be naive but I'll deal with that and try to change things up if that ends up being the case.). Any advice, experiences or links to info would be appreciated. Thanks!
    Last edited by RaouleDuke; March 19, 2016, 11:36 PM.

    Seriously from an 8 beer a night habit you should be able to taper with beer. Use light beer. Reduce by 2 a night if you want to go fast. 1 every 2 days if you want to go slow. If your just looking to taper it should be just as comfortable as a benzo taper and your not throwing another drug into the mix. First night I suggest cutting by one. second night by two spaced out longer and son on and so forth. It shouldn't take you longer than 5 days starting at that base-line. That being said if you ever start feeling shaky your going to fast and you need to slow your taper. Write it all down to0. Base-line, beers a day, time. Keep a journal with any hope it will be a very short journal. Good Luck and post back with progress.
    The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
    Friedrich Nietzsch

    Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
    Benjamin Franklin


      Hi Raoule, I saw ah herbal product on Amazon yesterday called "Mitadone and it's a withdrawal concoction and a 5 day detox. Got good reviews.
      Enlightened by MWO


        If you can find a doctor willing to do an outpatient detox, a Librium or Ativan taper is what is typically used to detox you off alcohol. If you can afford the time off, doing it inpatient is the best way to go IMO because you get talk therapy as well.
        First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb

