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    Hi everyone

    just hit this site by accident. but then i've spent almost an entire day looking for support to kick the bottle. i was a full blown junkie, kicked the habit around 20 years ago, kicked cigarettes around 6 months and found myself getting hooked to the bottle. I have this great job, great career, risen to the top of the organization and now am afraid the bottle may stop me if i dont stop it. heck, the problem is that booze does make you feel pretty good for a little while initially and then it seems an endless cycle of hangovers, headaches and irritability. not counting crazy stuff one does while drunk....i'd like to know of anyone feeling the same way. again, thinking of partying without the booze is a little tough. either i had the heroin, or the cigarettes or the booze or all three.....

    Hi everyone

    Hi Retox and Welcome ....

    I did feel the same way 7 months ago, and then I found this place, there are lots of us here with the same problem, browse at the posts and you will get lots of positive ideas. Well done for kicking the drugs and the cigs!!!!

    Hope to see you around the boards again.

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      Hi everyone

      thanks bb....


        Hi everyone

        Hi Retox and welcome and a big pat on the back for quitting the drugs my brother is going through detox from heroin as we speak and in my opinion if you can do that you can acheive anything Good Luck to you ......:h


          Hi everyone

          i think pretty much everyone on this site feels more or less the same way as you. if you kicked drugs and cigs you can do this (though some say alcohol is the hardest-- i don't know since i've only done the one and that to the max). i managed to mess up too much thanks to drink to ever repair everything. it sounds like you are getting out just in time though. we're all here to help you.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Hi everyone

            Wow you've already done really well with the quitting. I'm sure you can do this to. Maybe the parties won't be as fun without the booze, but are they really fun if you need something mind numbing to enjoy them? Heres hoping you find something else to do that really is fun.
            Welcome to MWO
            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


              Hi everyone

              welcome welcome....i can so totallly relate to your story...we can do 6 for me...that topa seems to be helping...this place is definitely helping ...stick around...its great to have you have already done so much you will do this too....:welcome: buck


                Hi everyone

                Welcome Retox,

                You've found the right place with great people and a great program. Get the book and read it and see what it's all about.

                Glad to have you.

                If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                  Hi everyone

                  Ahhh, the power of transference!! Even now I find myself enjoying a cigar or two a week, whereas when I was drinking I could take them or leave them (my workouts have also ramped up).

                  The fact that you have already 'kicked' several habits is awesome. I do agree that alcohol is the hardest to beat, if nothing else because it is the most 'social' habit. Drugs, smoking, etc. are somewhat shunned by the general public, but alcohol - that is readily accepted!

                  It is hard it initially accept that you can't go to a party and drink, but it gets easier over time - especially if you have a gameplan in place before going.
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    Hi everyone

                    Welcome Retox. There is lots of support here. The book and all the supplements and the cds really do help. Glad you found the site.


                      Hi everyone

                      Hi Retox and Welcome to MWO!
                      I have left several other bad habits behind as well but I have to say that drinking was one that stayed with me. Couldn't shake that one!!! I am working on it though. I hope you find what you are looking for here. There is a great support system and lots of great info on meds and supplements if you go that route. Good luck to you!
                      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                        Hi everyone

                        Hi retox and Welcome.
                        I've had the best support and advice here.
                        I was on more than several bottles of vodka a week and now I've not touched a drop in over two months. I'd NEVER have believed it possible.
                        Try and get the book.


                          Hi everyone

                          Welcome to the site.
                          If it was not for the support of the people here I would be drinking right now.. and it's only 1:15pm here; the afternoons are my 'witching hours'.
                          Anyway, welcome to the site and soak in all the inspiration from all these lovely people.


                            Hi everyone

                            Hi retox, and a warm welcome.
                            Am only 3 days AF, but very determined. I really thought I was having fun when I was on the sauce and that I could be whatever I wanted. Now I realise that booze is merely a confidence trickster, and that I can be whatever I want(within reason lol) without it.

                            Good luck,

                            Starlight Impress

