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How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

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    How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

    Well its monday and i am posting...i am going to try abstaining this time....last Monday I had the most horrid night i have had in a long time falling down, cab ride, black out ....the whole shebang...and i havent had a drink since...but i know if i dont start here and get some support i will go back....i have tried moderating but OBVIOUSLY that is not least right now i tell myself...i'm just so tired of letting my kids down and hurting others and feeling ashamed...that is not what i was put here to do...there must be more for me...i know if i dont stop i will lose everything....i just shove that in the back of my head eveytime i drink ...but i know...i need help...i want it to go away so badly....i read everyones stories here and they are so inspiring and i want the craving to go away...just to stop thinking about it....i am a 1 1/2 bottle of wine a day drinker and i know that putting that in my body everyday will eventually kill me one way or parents are both alcoholices and i drink heavily with both of them ....that is the other thing will i even begin to deal with them in reality...and i am doing the same thing to my kids...i swore i never would and they are old enough to notice now...not babies anymore...where you can pretend they dont know....and my job is all drinking busness meetings....what to do about that????....oh just so scared and lost and anxiety ridden...thanks for listening and reading...God Bless...Buck:new: AGAIN:thanks:

    How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?


    It's okay. It's funny how so many of our stories have similarities. I too vowed to never drink as my mom was a raging alcoholic. And yet, here I am. I too have a child, yet he too has seen his father and I over drink.

    We can do this. :goodjob: on not drinking since last Monday. That's a whole week! That's a great start. You can do this. Of course we welcome you, you are one of us who has a problem drinking too much. You may be one of the people that have to abstain. There are business people who DON'T drink. Have a club soda. Tell anyone who inquires you are taking a med that you can't drink at. I doubt anyone will inquire, but if they do, say so. Are you taking any med to help?


      How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

      Thanks so much for reading hart ...i cant tell you how thankful i am....i appeciate the feedback..i am taking the topa 25 mm....upping to 50mm today...i ordered it last timed i tried to stop but had started drinking again before it arrived....i am hopeful that maybe it is helping this you take anything...have you been doing this program long....when i make it through today i will have a week AF and that gives me a sliver of hope....i just hope this medicine takes some of the cravings away..the hole...i have read so many hopeful posts as well as the book...i am praying....Thankd again for the post...anything helps....this is so hard:l buck


        How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

        Hi Buck, I think everyone is welcome on here anytime and as many times with or without tail...I fell off the wagon last night. I had 21 day AF and was depressed and angry with my family for being thoughtless and all those excuses and had 3 glasses of wine while out.....can't buy alcohol here on Sundays, so I quit at that...I probably would have had more but I don't keep any in the house and am glad this morning that I didn't overdo. I am back counting the AF days again and have a goal of doing more in a row this time. Good luck and look forward to reading your posts...Buffy


          How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

          Thanks for the post buffy...great job on 21 days ...I hope I get to can do that agian i'm sure...are you on any meds/supps/cds?....I feel so at the end of my rope this time and scared if I dont do it this time what will happen...I mean what will it take to get me sober...thats the scary part...i have a good job and a great family... i dont want to lose that or end up in jail...i'm a mother by God....I'm just so ashamed...why cant i control makes me mad...just want to be others.....i just want to get feel proud...and i just barely keep it all together which is the torture of it all....oh what a negative sorry to be such a looking forward to better days....thanks again for reading and posting and everything...everyone....anything is always so helpful....:new: :thanks: :l buck


            How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

            Hi Buckledown,
            You come back as often as you need to. Are you taking the sups as well as the topa? They'll help replace the vits and minerals the alcohol has been destroying. Keep posting keep trying, you'll get there.
            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


              How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

     one here is counting how many times folks come back...if they are they are in the wrong place...each time we try we learn what we can and can not do...but never give up on the trying friend....
              Control the Mind


                How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

                Hi again Buck...I know how you feel...I have done the falling down drunk routine too...makes you feel like such a mess! I am not on any meds, I have a thing about taking pills....funny how I don't mind poisoning myself with alcohol though....oxymoron..with the emphasis on MORON....haha..I like the CD's...I probably need to listen to them again...You will feel better and more impowered after you quit for awhile, I have 3 kids and still feel badly about them seeing me in some of the stuppors I have been in....I have been avoiding places that I have made a fool out of myself, and hope that that feeling will go too....I think people have short memories, and I have started to not care as much what people think the longer I do this. I also find the drink tracker helpful....I like to see my progress. Getting on here has helped me so much too...I find that knowing that I am not alone, and so many others have this problem....probably some of the people we know and want to impress so much....are dealing with things like this. Good luck...we can do this!


                  How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

                  Hi Buck,
                  Hey I think this place has unlimited mileage and covers the road hazards too. Can't beat that. Always, always come back and get what you need because by doing that you are helping those here who need to give back.

                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                    How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

                    Hi Buck:
                    I think it is great that you have come back. Sometimes I wonder where I can go when I feel like I don't belong with family and friends. It's nice to know that this place is here and we can always come here and be honest about ourselves...the good stuff and the bad...and people just understand that we are human. I am on topa and it has helped a bunch. Don't think I could have done much without it. I just followed the steps in the book until I felt like I had control. I am actually at 200mgs a day and I'm thinking about going down to 150 to see if it still works at that level. Hope you find the level that works for you soon.
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

                      You came back, so there is a way out for you. I'm new to this but have tried moderating in the past, didn't work, so this is day 1 of abstinence. Wanted to pass on to you a good 'EXCUSE' for not drinking in pressured environments. (Sheesh, what a world when you need to defend not poisoning yourself... anyhoo).. maybe you could use it. I tell people that I LOVE to drink but sadly, have developed an allergy to it. This actually happened to me a couple of years ago, even the slightest mouthful of alcohol brought me out in a rash and gave me cramps. Sadly, the allergy went away and the drinking came back. But honestly, it stops people from pressuring you and from feeling that you're being somehow 'superior' to them by not drinking. You can then say 'god, I really miss drinking I used to particularly love a good vodka martini' or whatever. No acting required, as you'll be telling the truth! I know, I know, these strategies shouldn't be necessary, but whatever works. But really, good for you for coming back. Good luck matey. xx


                        How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

                        Who's counting, welcome back.

                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

                          Hi buckle
                          I dont drink every day, but when i choose to i get totaly wasted,sometimes i can do ok, but most times i truck up, so here iam like you talking to people on this web site not sure if i helps but i guess the time i spend on here slows up the drinking keep posting
                          ACCEPTANCE IS A POWERFUL THING


                            How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

                            Rocky;148082 wrote: one here is counting how many times folks come back...if they are they are in the wrong place...each time we try we learn what we can and can not do...but never give up on the trying friend....
                            Rocky said it perfectly. I've made a couple good friends here, who amazingly make me want to drink less and less. Keep coming back as much as you want. :l


                              How many times can i come back with my tail between my legs?

                              THanks so much to all of have made this so much easier ...and i will keep coming back...God bless.... buck

