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Newbie needs support and direction

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    Newbie needs support and direction

    I'm new to this site. I have known for a while, years, I have a drinking problem. Two months ago I had a traumatic head injury and ER with a brain bleed stemming from a black out. I have been seeing a counselor and will likely be switching to one that deals with addicts. That word in itself is difficult to type. I have realized I can't do this alone. Since my head injury, I was abstaining. THen I thought Oh I'll have just one.. beer. It turned into several...I was mad at myself the next day. I'm looking to this forum for 1) direction, 2) support, and 3) community. Your help is appreciated.

    Hi, KG

    I'm sorry you had such a bad experience but it can be the thing that turns things around for you. I also was unable to quit drinking alone. I was unwilling to get in-person help. It sounds like you'll have that as well as cyber support, which is all the better.

    Here's a good thread to read and post in: Just go to the last page and read back a bit to get to know the people posting - many of whom also are at the beginning of this adventure. In people's signatures you'll see links to the toolbox and roll call, which also are helpful threads.

    :welcome: NS


      Welcome KGBEME, very sorry to hear about your head injury.
      And one would think that would be enough to make you quite, but don't feel bad. We all know here this is no small task.
      Making that commitment to yourself is a big first step.
      There is a wealth of information here and this website and it's dedicated following has helped me to quit once and for all.
      I like to listen to the Bubble Hour podcast too. I listened to an episode yesterday about long term recovery and there was some really practical information offered. Lots of stuff I had heard before, but there is always something I can take aboard.
      Working with a counsellor sounds like a very good idea as well. Wishing you the best as you start your new life! You have come to a good place.
      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


        Welcome aboard! Link to the Tool Box is in my signature line below. We are so glad you found us! MWO worked for me! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Originally posted by KGBEME View Post
          I'm new to this site. I have known for a while, years, I have a drinking problem. Two months ago I had a traumatic head injury and ER with a brain bleed stemming from a black out. I have been seeing a counselor and will likely be switching to one that deals with addicts. That word in itself is difficult to type. I have realized I can't do this alone. Since my head injury, I was abstaining. THen I thought Oh I'll have just one.. beer. It turned into several...I was mad at myself the next day. I'm looking to this forum for 1) direction, 2) support, and 3) community. Your help is appreciated.
          Hello KGBEME. Hoping you're not actually KGB. Sorry, bad joke. I most likely had a concussion after falling down a staircase. I was drunk and got up in the middle of the night to raid my stash. Didn't turn on any lights so as to not wake the ex-missus and have to deal with questions about why I was getting up and took a tumble. My last hospital and detox visit were also the result of a fall as well. Every day I make the decision not to ever return to a hospital under those circumstances again, and I say I make that decision daily because I don't want to get it into my mind that the future is some nebulous concept, or that forever is a very long time. On the flip side, "today" is about as concrete a concept as you can have.

          Don't beat yourself up over it; as it says in somewhere in the AA Big Book, "We will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it." IMO, all you can do is make the decision every day that you won't drink and have it only apply to that day. And it's not my place to lecture anyone, but your one beer turning into "several" made me stop and think. That is the sort of vague descriptor I would have used when a friend, my ex wife or a past significant other would ask me how much I've had to drink. The only reason I say this is because being honest with yourself and others is one of the most important things to staying sober. Best of luck to you.
          First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


            Welcome and please feel at home. There is lots of great advice and support on this site. You have the future to look towards but first just take those small crucial steps. It seems impossible but you can do this. As ahifi said honesty, especially to yourself, is a big factor. Keep posting and read lots.


              KGBEME welcome.

              I had a similar experience while sober and in my own home! Large shopping bag with 2 handles and one got caught on door handle. Woke up and everything was white (retina detached). was scary!
              Enlightened by MWO

