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is it worth it ? my answer...

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    is it worth it ? my answer...

    I'm slowly approaching one year sobriety. It's so crazy to type that out. ONE whole year. The longest I've gone was nearly 8 months. And when they say that you go back harder then ever they weren't joking. I remember the day I went back drinking as if it were only yesterday. It didn't start off that bad. I could have a beer or two and be fine. I would pat myself on the back and tell myself what a good job I was doing. How ridiculous. Slowly it went back to the way it was. Actually that's a lie. It wasn't slow. After a week or two it went back to the way it had been and more. I hid it a lot more. I drank morning, noon and night. I drank as much as I could. I was hungover more often then not and my anxiety was at an all time high. I gained a lot of weight and I was so depressed that there were days where I felt like it wasn't even worth it anymore but I never had the guts to do anything. I was so lost. And trapped.
    At the same time. I woke up every morning telling myself that today would be a new day....only to be going back to the liqour store as soon as work was out to buy more and get unimaginably drunk to forget the pain that I thought I was in.

    It really was the alcohol that perpetuated it all. I mean, there are still things I need to work on. Many things that I have worked on...that I couldn't have done with alcohol in my life.
    What was my turning point? I didn't necessarily hit rock bottom - text book rock bottom, if you will. But everyone was getting sick of me. My friends left me. My boyfriend was on the verge of leaving me. My parents were disappointed. I had accomplished nothing in life at that time. I wasn't even living. I was wasting my own time. Wasting other people's time. Wasting societies time.

    I was a complete shell of a person. That's what addiction does though....robs you of pretty much everything.

    Was it hard ?? Hell yes it was hard.
    But it was and is so damn worth it. It really is worth it. I couldn't be more happy or more proud of myself to get to this point. To grow from my past experiences instead of allowing it to get me down and give me an excuse to continue drinking.
    To all the people that thought I couldn't do it? I only have one thing to say to you....take care of yourselves. Don't worry so much about other people's journeys. We will all get there in and on our own time. It's our own life after all, but if I could leave everyone with one piece of advice with regards to that?
    Sobriety really is the only way to get happy.
    I know how freakin HARD it is. I know how you all know and feel like sometimes it's just impossible. But it isn't. It's definitely doable.
    There will be a helluva lot of blood, sweat and floods of tears. But I wouldn't take that back. I do not regret getting sober. I never will.

    Two more weeks for me.


    Hey Bri!congrats on your nearly a year!!that's great news,I ALWAYS knew you could do it,I guess sometimes it just takes a little tweaking of our plans to finally get it right,so great to see you hon,don't be a stranger
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Bri - WONDERFUL TO SEE YOU and thank you, thank you, thank you. I have been trying to come up with words but I'm no writer. Thank you for sharing what is in my heart. :heart::hug::heartbeat:

      Originally posted by briseus View Post
      I'm slowly approaching one year sobriety. It's so crazy to type that out. ONE whole year. ...........

      .........I hid it a lot more. ................I was so lost. And trapped.
      At the same time. I woke up every morning telling myself that today would be a new day....only to be going back to the liqour store as soon as work was out to buy more and get unimaginably drunk to forget the pain that I thought I was in.

      I was a complete shell of a person. That's what addiction does though....robs you of pretty much everything.

      Was it hard ?? Hell yes it was hard.
      But it was and is so damn worth it. It really is worth it. I couldn't be more happy or more proud of myself to get to this point. To grow from my past experiences instead of allowing it to get me down and give me an excuse to continue drinking.

      ........... but if I could leave everyone with one piece of advice with regards to that?
      Sobriety really is the only way to get happy.

      I know how freakin HARD it is. I know how you all know and feel like sometimes it's just impossible. But it isn't. It's definitely doable.
      There will be a helluva lot of blood, sweat and floods of tears. But I wouldn't take that back. I do not regret getting sober. I never will.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Great post! Thanks.


          I am so glad you have stuck at this and nearly have a year sober but even more than that I can see that you are finding yourself and are not living in the shadow of this addiction. No it's not easy and it's not always straight forward but once you start to realise that you can be a whole person without AL it's so much better. You are not powerless my dear at all.


            I love this post...thank you!


              Yea Bri!
              Great post.
              Well done, that's quite an accomplishment.
              So good to see you back here, stick around.


                Good to see you Bri. Funny we both came back here and posted around the one year mark. There is so much crap that has to be unraveled on the road to sobriety. Once the alcohol is gone there is still work to be done but it does get easier. Everything we need to be sober is already inside of us.



                  Well done, Im so proud of you! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Thank you Bri.

                    You have written of my experience too! Congratulations on almost a year. I reckon your post should be added to the toolbox. Thanks again and keep raawkin it. G

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Thank you everyone.
                      I am also glad that my words struck a few chords with some of you.
                      I will definitely try and stick close to here.
                      Congrats to everyone here whose nearly at a year (amazing Jackie!) and whose just starting!
                      We can all do this. Especially with one another's help.


                        Brilliant post Bri! So happy for you and thank you for showing us how it's dine. Proud of you girl!
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Thank you Daisy!


                            Great post, Bri and congratulations.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Thanks Skendall!

