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Awful, Vile Day

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    Awful, Vile Day

    Evening everyone,
    Today has been awful for me, it has been killingly hot here in London and our homes don't have air con, so that alone is really hard. I have really done well these last few weeks, I have made up my mind that I will never drink again and I have stuck to it. (Thirty days, exactly one month sober today).

    During the last few weeks I have sorted out very worrying financial and legal things (very complicated and time consuming) to do with my wonderful but elderly and frail dad.) This is still ongoing, huge decisions have to be made, but I am taking it a day at a time and seeing how his health and emotional well being progress. I love him more than I can express and all this is difficult for me especially when he is in mental or physical pain.

    During the last couple of years I have come through cancer, had three lots of surgery, chemo, radiotherapy etc, while I was going through chemo my mother died, that was very hard, I miss her so much.

    Today I realised that one of the drugs I am on (to block oestrogen from my body and stop cancer coming back) is causing very distressing and irreversible side effects, so now I have another major decision ahead...... to continue or stop taking it, this is hell. Even if I stop taking it the side effects will almost definitely be there for life and get worse. I have already lost my lovely long hair once through chemo, it grew back very healthily but now it is falling out again, because of these drugs. The only treatment for this type of hair loss, where hair starts falling at the front and gradually falls out everywhere, is expensive lotion that you have to massage in twice a day forever, otherwise you lose all your hair. Have researched extensively on this so I know what I am talking about. Utterly depressed .... I don't mind having one breast, I coped with losing all my hair the first time, but now less than two years later it is all going to go forever, this is too much. (Crying)

    I am on holiday at the moment, today I was going to re paint my garden furniture and a little brick wall outside. I have done nothing, achieved zilch!!! I have made an appointment for a consultation about hair loss in London (it is free so why not!!) I have put the bins out, been for a medical appointment and eaten a bit, that is all I have done. (Also had a conversation with neighbour, she was kind.)

    Before anyone suggests wigs, I have nine!! I kept them from when I had no hair with chemo, they are lovely but too hot for this weather.

    Utterly fed up and feel this is one thing too much for me. I don't feel I can cope. The oncologists never tell you that you can lose your hair forever on these drugs.

    Anyway I am not going to drink, that would not solve a thing. I am going to have a bubble bath, watch some TV, eat and drink lots of water, sorry to be so self indulgent, and moan so much, I will pray for a miracle,


    I was wondering if it was you, DD and it is Welcome back and well done on your month.

    Cannot begin to imagine what its like down there in London, its blistering up here in the North and not very comfortable at all.

    I'm so glad you decided to log in and write out your feelings........... you've been through the mill ,love, and a day like today could have tipped you over into the bottle.............but you didn't.

    Keep writing, DD. The garden furniture and wall can the moment its you that counts.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      DD, you are doing so well.....expressing your feelings!
      Never mind those wigs.....go bald and proud or bandana and proud! Do what suits you on the day.
      You already have a lot to be proud of........being sober on top of that?! Well done and keep going!
      Hope that awful, vile day is gone........x
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Hi, DD!

        That sounds like such a shitty situation, but I am so glad to hear from you that you're ok. What a lot you've been through. Excellent that you came here to type it all out.

        Good luck with your decisions.



          I agree with the others, DD..
          Well done on 30 days! :hug:


            Evening all,
            Thanks for the support, I do appreciate it, it is amazing what is achievable when sober, I do treasure all the sober months and years I have had and know that this time it is for life! (One day at a time!) Have had some fun in the last couple of days, I did spray the garden furniture, multi coloured, I love it, very wacky, blues and greens, the colours of nature, I am seeing friends at the weekend so that will be lovely, have a lovely bank holiday weekend to all those in UK, don't know if you have this in other countries! DD xx


              Just dropping in to give you a hug :hug:
              Good thoughts your way!

              Done. Moving on to life.


                Well done DD. I am for the bandana look also, but I just want your vile day to get better.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Hi DD,

                  Congrat's on 30 + days mate! I bet your garden furniture looks fab. I love bandanna's. I wear them on my face when riding my bike old cowboy style. Helps keep flying bugs out and boy do i look the business. ;-) Reckon i'll need another for the top of me scone in a year or two.

                  Hope things have cooled down a bit there. G
                  Last edited by Guitarista; August 26, 2016, 03:57 PM.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Update!! Thanks for all the support, I do love wigs, in the winter, as I like the fun of different images and I love bandanas too but..... since I typed that post I have visited my GP, also a dermatologist and a trichologist and the general consensus is that I might well keep most of my hair. It has thinned quite a bit but my scalp is healthy and all the follicles are alive, the thinning could be partly due to the oestrogen blocking drugs, highly likely, but the derm and the trich both suspect that stress has really exacerbated thiings, so there is hope!!


                      Hi DD. How are you doing? Coping with all that must be so very hard.
                      I read your first post and my heart wept for you. I can sense how hopeless you felt on that day. Yet a few days later there is light at the end of the tunnel for you! That is amazing and I am delighted that you have had some promising news.

                      I love that even our darkest days do not stay that way forever. Thank you so much for sharing. You have given me hope and I am sure many others.

                      Take care out there and keep up the good work x


                        Awful Vile Day

                        I hope you will have a wonderful day with friends and family.I feel so blessed to have been able to have 45 years with my late husband Jay.I am so thankful for my family.Â*I am so thankful that I met the late Connie Berchem and sheintroduced me toÂ* a lung cancer support group and later to the on line support group.I am so thankful that Katie started the on line support group.I hope you also have many reasons to be thankful.Â*Donna G

