Then begin the recriminations.
How could I do that? All I ever wanted was to be a good mom, and this was the way my adopted kids (3) got taken away. So: how could I expose them to an environment where drinking to excess happens? How could I think I was able to do this? How could I face my older children again?
No one else, none of the 5 kids who were present that night, seemed to think much of it the next day. The birthday son asked why I threw up. I said I drank too much of that grown up drink. He told me maybe it had sugar in it and thats why I shouldn't have too much!!
The older girls who had to clean up after me were just like, no problem. But...
All I can think of is that I do not respect myself for giving such a bad example.
I don't drink daily but this has happened about 4 times in the past year. That is four times too many!
I am motivated to moderate myself. But trying to face the reality of the situation: I have been motivated with this level of fear and loathing before.
This time I am going with support. The tapes and meds and vitamins and messages from you will be my lifeline. Part of the issue for me (I think) is loneliness. I don't have a spouse and am raising these kids myself. At times it feels a little overwhelming, or just plain lonesome.
Thanks for listening. I need you.