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First sober business trip.

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    First sober business trip.

    OK, first sober business trip. Progress so far - made it to the airport, through security and I’m about 2 hours early. Happy to be early and not hungover.

    This is the first time in I don’t know how long that I haven’t been hungover on the airplane. Usually it was a hangover, at the airport straight to the bar, and maybe a drink or two on the airplane.

    I’ll admit, walking past the others at the bar at 9am and watching them sip beer was hard for me. Just the thought of, “That will never ever be me again.” Of course I’m happy to be sober, but alcohol has been in my life so long it’s like losing a part of myself. Albeit, a terrible part of myself. But a comfortable one. Instead, I stood in the ridiculously long Starbucks line and got my favorite drink and treated myself to a trashy celebrity magazine and two new books. WOOT!

    I’m pretty sure I can get through the nights (7 total) without drinking if I’m by myself. It’ll be the “hey, after our workshop you wanna go grab a drink with me?” that will be the toughest. I was really optimistic about this trip in the beginning, but now that I’m here I’m realizing it’ll be harder than ever. There’s a rooftop bar facing the Pacific ocean. Waahhhh, me. But I have to keep reminding myself, WHY do you need a drink in your hand to enjoy the view? Why can’t you have a hot tea or a shirley temple instead?

    So I’ve decided to come up with a list of reasons why I’m staying sober - some of them are completely silly, but just might work. Here they are to keep myself accountable. I’m saving the list on my computer as well so I can look at it any time I need to throughout the conference.

    -when I drink, I can’t focus in my workshops and I’m very excited about them this year. I want to soak up as much information as I can, and I can’t do that hungover

    -San Diego is a beautiful city and day drinking makes me tired, why miss out on some great tourist options?

    -breakfast. Usually it was a V8, gatorade, tea and a banana to lessen the hangover. Now I’ll be able to scout out omelettes and bacon and scrambled eggs without worrying about losing it later

    -no rushing to the bathroom during workshops

    -no making a fool of myself in front of other conference attendees because, unlike them, I can’t have “just one”

    -saving money. This is a big one. Although work pays for food, they don’t pay for booze. Therefore, it’s out of my own pocket and 4-5 drinks a night in San Diego is expensive.

    -no needing a huge bottle of water next to my bed in the morning to guzzle because I’m so dehydrated

    -feeling good in general. I’m 16 days in and I’m feeling great - why go back to day one and reverse all this?

    -no sleeping in! getting up and running outside along the beautiful Pacific Ocean!

    And lastly, not really related to the conference, but I’m planning on getting pregnant sometime this year. Why not keep up my sobriety up to (and obviously during) that point? Why slip backwards when I’m going to have to be sober for 9 months soon?

    I’ll keep updating as I have time.

    You, go, Alive!

    You'll be fine because you don't drink. The rooftop bar - give it a miss if it stresses you out. There are other amazing views in San Diego. Use the money you'll save on a massage or a facial. Go for a run on the beach. So much else to do in San Diego besides drinking.



      Good luck. I have done lots of sober business and conference trips during the last 4 years and I can tell you it is much much better. You see so much more in your time off, can concentrate at the sessions, remember more and wake up much more refreshed. It's also a bonus being able to deal with airports with a clear head because those places can be stressful. I know the feelings about the association of booze and a Pacific view but you will get over that. Just remind yourself that everyday millions enjoy the beautiful Pacific Ocean and they don't drink.


        (Hi, Treetops!)


          Hi Pav


            Hey Alive - I can really relate to your post. It sounds like many of my conferences, even when I was presenting a session. UGH. No need to go back there, its painful and not productive.

            I hope you are doing well! You got this - AG


              If I can get thru a conference sober, I know you can! Take the option of drinking off the table. Its just NOT an option! No more struggles, decision made!

              You will be so proud of yourself when this is all done, its a wonderful accomplishment.
              In life there are firsts for everything, so may as well getvthis one done and dusted.
              You got this! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                I dont know if you have heard the term, surf the urge yet. Its what really helped me the most when I was starting out.

                When the urge hits, use your inside voice to tell yourself.....I dont drink. Then do whatever it takes to distract yourself from that thought, soon enough, your brain will be re-trained to your silent mantra

                Wishing you good luck/strength
                Glad to be back with my second family :sohappy:
                Last dance with the devil 5/02/11


                  Hi Alive,
                  Love your plans & positive attitude towards your conference week away! Nearly over I'm sure, hope you had a great AF time & looking forward to hearing from you soon :happy2:
                  Take care
                  To see a world in a grain of sand
                  And a heaven in a wildflower.
                  Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                  And eternity in an hour.

