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I'm Back Too

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    I'm Back Too

    Hi everyone,
    like many Ive been here before, I stopped before for 3 months, then started again cos i wanted to, foolishly.

    Well now my wife has left me over a few reasons but my drinking is the top one.

    She says I'm narcocistic, and many other things.

    Not interested in me in anyway unless or until I change.

    I have a doctors appt soon. Think I was on naltrexane last time I had camparal too but think naltrexane worked best

    Can anyone advise me on the latest best safe drug, available in Australia?


    I'm in a mess, heartbroken, lonely, broken......

    Re: I'm Back Too

    [MENTION=20240]scotswhahay[/MENTION] I'm so sorry to hear everything is the shits for you. You know you can turn this around, right? People do all the time! If it's meds for you, please go to the Medication Research and Support Forum here on MWO. You'll find LOTS of good support there. Whatever you're looking for support-wise you'll find it here at mwo. Keep searching and keep reaching out. Good luck friend!
    "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
    “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


      Re: I'm Back Too

      I dunno where to start for you.
      The first thing that struck me was the "have an appointment soon " "what drugs"
      I know you are hurting and the default is to have another drink ..... been there.
      You need to make a definite plan. Might & maybe won't hack it.

      More eloquent posters will be along soon but from my own experience - you need a plan - a date and maybe don't be expecting the drugs to do the job.
      They won't until you get your head right first.

      Read around the forum ...... take note of the wisdom there.
      "Do you really want to be sober " thread is a good one.


        Re: I'm Back Too

        my appt is Monday,
        I WILL do it, naltrexane is my calmer, an hour before my witching hour works for me.
        Did it before but this time lost wife, my determination has no bounds.



          Re: I'm Back Too

          Welcome back and read around.
          I tried meds and doctors and cures. None of them worked for me.
          The only thing that has truly worked is surrendering to the fact that I have no control and I needed to do everything in my power to stop the madness.
          I made a plan.
          I stick to the plan no matter what.
          I take Antabuse to prevent a crack in the plan.
          Good luck to you!
          Day 1 again 11/5/19
          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

          One day at a time.


            Re: I'm Back Too

            Hi, Scots

            I'm glad you came back. I say throw everything you can at the sucker.

            I am a fan of acceptance. I can't drink and have the life I want, so I can't drink. All plans and ideas start from that point.



              Re: I'm Back Too

              G'day Scots. Good to see you back.

              Doc is a good first move. How did the appt. go? Keep us posted. All the best mate.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: I'm Back Too

                Originally posted by scotswhahay View Post
                Hi everyone,
                like many Ive been here before, I stopped before for 3 months, then started again cos i wanted to, foolishly.

                Well now my wife has left me over a few reasons but my drinking is the top one.

                She says I'm narcocistic, and many other things.

                Not interested in me in anyway unless or until I change.

                I have a doctors appt soon. Think I was on naltrexane last time I had camparal too but think naltrexane worked best

                Can anyone advise me on the latest best safe drug, available in Australia?


                I'm in a mess, heartbroken, lonely, broken......
                Hi scotswhahay,

                Congrats on your 3 months of sobriety! :smile: You can do it again!...

                I'm so very sorry to hear of your broken heart!.. :hug: My spouse threatened to leave many times over my drinking. We both had to make changes. We both, as well as most humans have ego's that can be narcissistic at times. Continued, over drinking, is selfish and harmful to us and them!... Have seen many grown men and woman cry their eyes out over the loss of marriage, families and other tragedies. These can be prevented if only we accept the actual truth about getting wasted over and over. Ethanol's poisonous effects in our bodies, minds, is soul crushing to our spirits!.. Alcoholism is progressive over time in general. It lies to us. Alcohol isn't an escape. It causes more anxiety, pain, turmoil than peace!!!... Learning to be really honest with ourselves is key. We must learn to separate ourselves from the beast. We can learn new behaviours. One's where we love and respect ourselves and others!'''

                In USA here. Can't speak to what Aussie Dr's will RX. Seeing a P-doc here, you'll have a better chance of receiving RX. MWO's med's forum isn't very active. Many of them moved here: The End Of My Addiction | Forum Discussing Alcohol Medication. Experienced and knowledgeable people there. I'm advocate for all methods to abstain from the soul crushing affects of alcoholism or problem drinking. For myself and some others RX is a good beginning and quite helpful. However, some of us (including mwah) needed to work on other area's, ie thinking, behaviour, rewards, emotions, past trauma's. Thankfully, now days there are many different treatment modalities.

                As for the other thread in Gen-discussions. Hope you won't run away!!!... If your serious about recovery, you won't let hurt, misunderstood feelings distract you!!!... Don't let your ego do you in. Do everything you can to protect your quit!!!...

                Those ladies meant no harm. Think you misunderstood what they were saying. I believe your intentions are honorable. Words on-line can easily, at times, be misunderstood. We alkies tend to be more sensitive than others. In my experiences, many of us have trust issues. Some justified and some not. Understand, that you feel you were being accused of something that you weren't guilty of. Gawd knows, many of us have a boat load of guilt and shameful feelings and thoughts.

                Example from WF's experiences. Use to have an AA sponsor who was very protective of me about 13 steppers. Woman with longer sobriety are honestly just trying to protect other woman. We never know who's who all the time. This 13 stepping also happens with woman towards men. The ladies on other thread meant you no harm!...They want nothing more then to see you sober and living a reasonably happy life!...In AA woman generally stick with woman and men with men. Are you willing to look at this from a different perspective? Do you see by asking for woman and NOT men to reply to you, can be construed to some woman, wanting to protect woman? Apparently, many of us are thinking about sex to. LOL.... We are a wonderful bunch of alkies.

                Hope your Dr appt went well!.. Wishing you hope, sobriety~recovery!.. Wishing you reconciliation with your wife!!!... If she still loves you, and is willing, there's hope!..From your own words, it sounds like if you change, she's willing to make your marriage work. Pretty awesome!...

                See where you are aware that you wanted and chose to drink. You can choose to stop harming yourself. You can choose sobriety ~ recovery too!.. :smile:This is a good safe place for that. No one here wants you out there drowning in alcohol abuse!!! No one!.. We understand the depths of hell that alcohol took us!... Hope you will come back and work on your sobriety with us!....

                Take care,

                WF :hug:


                  Re: I'm Back Too

                  Thanks for the encouragement, and long reply there WF.
                  Docs went ok, I am today starting on naltrexane, dont feel like a drink but sure feel bit woozy, buzzy at mo


                    Re: I'm Back Too

                    Originally posted by scotswhahay View Post
                    Thanks for the encouragement, and long reply there WF.
                    Docs went ok, I am today starting on naltrexane, dont feel like a drink but sure feel bit woozy, buzzy at mo
                    Your welcome scotswhahay.

                    Really glad to hear your Dr appt went okay. Hoping Naltrexone will work well and kick start your sobriety~recovery. Have heard good things about it. Wonderful you don't feel like a drink today. Today is all were likely guaranteed. Very understandable you feel woozy and a bit buzzy today. Usually, people will feel better between days 3-5.

                    Please keep checking in here or somewhere. It really helps to stay connected with others who or have suffered with this alcohol problem.

                    You can do this!... I believe in you!... :hug:


                      Re: I'm Back Too

                      Hiya Scots,Welcome back... As in the case you did come back & you are willing to try again, After your life experience's with your addiction, Its that addiction that you have to conquer first , That has to be your priority , everything else in your life comes behind that, You get your addiction sorted you get your life sorted. keep posting & let us know how you get on.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Re: I'm Back Too

                        Hey Scots, Sorry to hear that. I had a relapse over easter and was crap at 3am yesterday but I didn't also have something catastrophic happen either so am now ok after that. . I made a mess of things from 2011 - start 2014 and prob not 1 day I didn't have a beer or cig and drowned in my sorrows. I had so much at start 2011 and wasted so much in self pity and has cost me over 100k in mistakes that I didn't need to make or lose . I had noone to talk too, noone to trust and was very lost.

                        Forward later to start 14 I joined a 6 week boot camp and did 2 over 4 months. I had all my bloodwork done , vit B+ multi and ate well. IN 4 months my fitness when from crap to be able to get into police force fit. I have refined alot since then and have had some terrible stuff up's since, so 4 months is my record since 14 .
                        I have gotten better but I'm on another start and don't want to go back to 2011/2012 days

                        1/ Doctor first. Get full blood tests if you haven't already. Better to know if anything could be wrong and how to fix it and 5mg Valium

                        Best drug starting out is Valium. Always keep a supply on hand . Any relapse in future you will thank the F you had it at 3am in the morning and you certainly don't want DT's and this could save your life in 1st week. I still remember 2012 christmas when I had my huge panic attack and just made it through the door of the hospital. Valium is the only thing that calmed me but you don't want to get addicted and only use it for alcohol anxiety. Don't drink with it. I will wait till I sleep off and wake up crap before I take 1. I rarely have more than 5mg and never increased due to dependance and tolerance. I have had some on standby since 2014 but never did any crazy stints on it. Myself, I've never really needed any beyond Day 3 but everyone is different

                        2nd best Drug is food hands down. Want a beer, eat . Keep simple ,healthy fast made foods on hand. Stock full of grapes in a few days you will feel good . Baked beans ,eggs, tuna ,museli and 6 meals a day

                        Never tried antabuse. Heard if you have a few beers you get very sick. Don't know about Naltrexone however if it can work for someone then maybe worth checking into. Ultimately I think the journey is finding out the tools the work for you
                        Last edited by Neo; April 17, 2017, 06:46 AM.


                          Re: I'm Back Too

                          Thanks Neo,
                          I'm doing ok, pretty dev at losing wife, she may come back but only if i stick this and change my ways hugely, I'm working on it.
                          It possibly helps me cos alcohol is not my huge crisis at the moment.
                          I find half a naltrexone in evening keeps me right, i drink a soft drink, gives the hands something to do.
                          Was a lot easier with company before, but guess I'll get there.
                          I just pray for one last chance with her, given that I'd never blow it.
                          stick together, we will get there


                            Re: I'm Back Too

                            20 years ago today I never knew in august that year 1997 ,I was going to meet someone with my full mind I could totally adore. Alcohol took that away from me and sitting here today has always been a huge hurt to me and has echoed through my life .Being young I never knew how much height you and confidence you could get, only that AL time must be repaid by a horrible debt that I paid the price for and dismissed the depressive effects of AL and insecurities when I was that age .Now I want to still be with that person and I can never be .I tried contacting her in 05 but she didn't want nothing to do with me and it is like breaking your heat a second time. Now I can approach and make sure my relationships are better and can share that once I had trouble with AL if need be .Maybe some people never will but it's important to me to be able to share this with a partner
                            Last edited by Neo; April 18, 2017, 12:17 AM.

