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    Good Morning Everyone and thanks every so much to Rotrod for starting us off yesterday:thanks: .

    Once again your mails were a brilliant start to the day, what with Melissa's "TOM", Janice's cupboard:goodjob: and Louise perfect quote.

    On a more serious side, Ducky, we all hope that the results of your MRI are 100% positive, yes MRIs are horrific: "clunk, clunk, clunk, clunkity clunk", the claustrophobia, and of course you can't move an eyelash even to scratch your nose or cough. Hope you felt better after your sleep, please let us know your results.

    Marshy, hope you managed to do OK at the pub outing, what a challenge, I still prefer to keep far away from those challenges for the moment, but one day hopefully!

    Janice I'll be looking over your shoulder to make sure you swim Saturday/Sunday???? as promised! It's just making the effort to get there isn't it? Once you are in the water it's brilliant and when the lengths are all swum you feel such an achievement and so much better for having made that effort.

    As for me, I'm still AF for the moment - hope to get to where Janice is at some point (well done Janice, keep it up) but absolutely terrified to even think about going anywhere near anything that slightly resembles wine, I just cannot envisage myself being able to stop after one/two glasses. You guys are proof it can be done, so hopefully I'll know myself when the time is right, but for the moment I'll carry on my romance with sparkling water instead.

    Running late but just wanted to start us out today, whooopeee it's Friday/W/E yayyyyyy, good luck with all your efforts and have a great Friday/weekend.

    Quote for today: One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time. ~Lady Astor

    Take Care All :l

    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


    Morning all!
    I'm back to square one after a night in the pub (actually not much of a challenge Bluesky - I just rolled over and drank!). After four days AF I felt I 'deserved' a drink but while I was drinking I was thinking that it didn't really taste good and was just making me feel tired. I didn't have many and didn't buy any more on the way home which is progress of sorts. But now I'm refocusing on going AF and giving some thought to why I feel compelled to drink when I don't actually enjoy it - and hate waking up feeling rough when I'd been feeling so good all week. So instead of the usual Friday night session, I'm going to be... hitting the swimming pool.
    Have a good day everyone
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman



      Oh Marshy you did make me laugh with your post: "you just rolled over and drank" - How straight to the point can you get - I'm still smiling now! Congratulations on just having a few and not buying any on the way home, that is certainly progress - is that not what one would call "mods"? Bravo for not continuing tonight and good luck with the swimming - it will do you the world of good - and you will feel much better tomorrow morning!

      Take Care

      It is easier to stay out than get out.

      Mark Twain


        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

        Good Morning all -- Hi Blue thank your sweet opening as usual.
        Rotrod I've been there before and wasn't fond of the whole thing. The loud sound surprised me and I'm a bit claustrophobic myself. I hope everything is alright for you. I must have missed the post where you said what was wrong and what you had to have an MRI for.
        Marshy your experience reminds me to listen to my body. You can do it.
        It's so fun that many of us here swim. I started at 12 minutes of laps and am up to 20 in 3 weeks. Also today is my 30 day AF. I think I'm just really enjoying the clarity of mind and the freedom to be and do anything I want.

        Love & Light to all

        AF 21, March 2010

        "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

          Good morning Bluesky, Padme, Marshy and all who follow!

          Bluesky, what do you do for a living? You have such a way with words!

          Marshy, good job not buying more on the way home. Progress is progress.

          Padme, fantastic job on 30 days!

          Well I took a nice nap after the MRI thanks to xanax! I now have to have a brain MRI and another minor test, then I should be set. I have been having a number of annoying symptoms for a long time -- neuropathy, fatigue, joint pain. I have a new doc who decided to send me for every test in the world, just be sure nothing is seriously wrong. The brain MRI is to rule out MS, which I do not think I have. Of course I am scared she will tell me my brain looks like an alcoholic's brain...but I digress. The doc thinks I have fibromyalgia, which could explain a lot of my symptoms. If that is what it is i can deal with that. It is a pain, literally, but doesn't kill you. It's just something to manage. So that's my health story. When I get the final diagnosis I will share. Thanks for asking.

          Hope all newbies have a great day!


            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

            Padme - what an inspiring post - I love that "the clarity of mind and the freedom to be and do anything I want" brilliant! Way to go Padme, what an achievement, 30 days today, well done! I think I read that you had lost weight also - so another well done! It's the swimming, it's fantastic, get going everybody! Whoopeeeeeee!


            It is easier to stay out than get out.

            Mark Twain


              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

              O my I'm so sorry I confused rotrod with you ducky. Read yesterday's posts and the brain fried in between changing threads. Sorry to you both. In any case I'm glad you feel better ducky, though worried about the fibromyalgia. sending to healing thoughts your way.
              Blush on the congrats but thanks, it really feels like quite an accomplishment. The last 6 months of that year and half relapse I was really doubting whether I'd have the strength to pull myself out again. but the past is gone forever, moving onward!

              AF 21, March 2010

              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

                Hey Ducky, What a compliment, I'm honoured, sometimes I feel too shy to post as I feel that everyone at MWO has such an amazing command with wonderful words and I write so plain Jane, but then I think, so what - we are all different - so I just come on and write from the bottom of my heart and hope that I don't bore people too much, so thanks you really have made my day!

                Anyways, onto other things, it's great news to see that the Dr is carrying out all possible tests; hopefully you will get to the bottom of your problems in the near future. Please keep us updated, we are all thinking about you.

                Got to run, kids are waiting for their taxi ride, just wanted to acknowledge your mail!

                Take Care Everybody

                It is easier to stay out than get out.

                Mark Twain


                  NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

                  Good Morning Everyone....
                  I love the way you start the day Blu with your quotes! I, like you, am AF and terrified to go anywhere near wine....i would love to moderate like Janice too but I know now it is not an option...I dont really think it ever will be...That is still REALLY hard for me to say...I've tried sooooo hard to moderate...with little to no success...

                  Marshy that was quite an accomlishment (at least it would of been for me - as Ducky said - Progress is Progress ) not to but more alcohol on the way home....i know i just cant stop once i start...the wine just gets be proud and start again...

                  I hope everyone enjoys their swimming...i know here it is sooooo the pool is really refreshing...the only problem for me is i associate it with drinking...cold wine or beer next the the pool is a very big thing i struggle with the benfits of swimming VS the temtation of the kids love to if i stay with them it keeps my mind at bay....its hard thogh when you look around and feel like everyone at the least where we swim....has a drink in their hand...i dont know why i have to look ...its like i cant help ya'll do that?....

                  Pad great job on 30 days!!!!! I look forward to that...are you dong supps? meds? Cds...

                  Glad to hear you made it through the MRI test Ducky....I'm sure that was weighing heavy on you....I had to go through a similar thing about 6 months dr wanted to rule out everythig except for his diagnosis so he made me take a jillion tests including and MRI ...blood Dye...CT...etc, etc....It was scary but in the end it made me feel alot better because now i know i dont have any looming diseases due to the alcohol - which i worried about...and his original diagnosis was right i just have to manage that one problem and not worry about something else that might be wrong....

                  Day 9 AF for me today...Going into the weekend is hard but we have alot planned as it is Fathers Day Sunday.....I am excited to go into double digits tomorrow....

                  I talked my sister about what was going on and that was relief...we are very close and she has wanted me to quit forever...she never pressures me and accepts me...but knows my life will be better without the booze....My Mom was here...huge drinker so i needed her support to get through my moms drinking in my house while i didn't ....I made it through her visit without was very hard ...but it is over..... YEA!

                  Thanks for reading and your support....

                  Everyone have a great day and keep posting!


                    NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

                    Well Day 1 for me. Drank WAY too much yesterday. it's funny, just like Marshy said the beer doesn't even taste that good anymore. But I was "celebrating" my birthday. Really going out and doing so tonite. And want to do it AF. I'm making my husband take me to a fancy place and going dancing. If we keep on the floor long enuf, who has time for drinking!


                      NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

                      Good morning/afternoon/evening. Plain Jane with words Bluesky? No, we do our best when you are not here but it is not the same. Ducky, hope you get all your results soon. Nerve racking, but better to rule everything out. It’s the waiting while my mind dreams up drastic possibilities that is the worst. Padme, congratulations! You sound so happy! Marshy, that is progress and I’ll go AF for the weekend with you if you like. My husband is gone – danger time. Janice, hope your 1/week continues to work and there are no more cupboard surprises. Buckledown, that is wonderful to have made it through your mom’s visit with booze in the house. Wow! I am going looking for one of those little kid plastic bats today to keep around tohit myself on the head when needed. Last night I was sitting on the porch before bed, not thinking about drinking at all, when suddenly my mind is saying, “This is easy. What is the big deal? I really don’t have a drinking problem at all.” I immediately got quite alarmed. Then later I thought maybe it is a thought on the subliminal somewhere, as in, I don’t have a problem anymore because I don’t EVER drink more than I should. That would be nice but I think I’ll get the bat just in case. Hi to all who check in latter, hope your day is good. (Sorry for embarrassing you Rottrod – It has been a few years and how quickly we forget!) P.S. Sorry to miss you Hart, we were posting at the same time. Have fun dancing!


                        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

                        Good morning everyone,
                        I'm getting a late start this morning.
                        Blue Sky I'm so glad you are back, you are music to our ears this morning.

                        Marshy I'm glad you had a good night, not stopping for more was quite an accomplishment and You should be proud of that.

                        Padme congratulations on the 30 days, I think you should do something wonderful for yourself. Then tell us about it.

                        Ducky, I'm glad you got some rest and I think you are facing your possible diagnosis with optimism and bravery. Read all you can and face it head on. Sometimes attitude plays a key role in these things and it sounds like yours is good. Keep us posted.

                        Buckledown, good job on eight days and good luck on day 9. It's so good to have a supportive sister, especially watching your mom drink in front of you. Was your mom aware that you are trying to quit? My sister is one of those self righteous ex drinkers ex smokers ex everything who belittles everyone who does any of those things in her presence. (she is an absolute joy to be around) And my mom is a heavy drinker and smoker who doesn't care who she is around she is going to do it anyway. Family gatherings are fun. I digress...... Anyway You did GOOD. I know it was stressful for you and next time it should be even easier.

                        I'm on day 5 AF, feeling good but still have very bad concentration, not dopey though. We went to a Mexican restaurant last night and I wanted some Sangria for about 1 minute then ordered iced tea. I didn't dwell on it and enjoyed the dinner with hubby who is not TOM.

                        Have a great day everyone.

                        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

                          Thanks for the thoughts everyone. I am really not too worried. One of my personality quirks is that I tend to freak out about smaller, annoying things and handle the really big ones much better. I guess I am upside down!

                          Melissa, great job ordering iced tea! Louise, it sounds like you are doing well but I know the feeling of needing to keep things in check.

                          Hart, have a great AF celebration tonight. Have fun dancing!

                          Buck, great job not caving with mom in the house. My family are all big drinkers and I have become as bad as the worst of them. Being around them makes it hard not to overdo it. Good thing I moved 1200 miles away .

                          Off for a haircut this afternoon. I keep trying to grow it then hate it and get it cut...

                          Happy Friday!


                            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

                            I'm sorry I missed you, we were posting at the same time too. Yeah you better go get that bat, or maybe just a sturdy fly swatter. You did not embarrass me at all. Trust me it takes much more than that. LOL

                            Hart, welcome back to day 1. Day 1 is great because we have such a fire beneath us on day one that isn't there on the other days. I hope your birthday was happy. Just think, if Louise had that day 1 fire she wouldn't need the bat.

                            Have a great day.
                            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 15

                              HI everyone just popping in to say hello, you all seem to be doing great I am still doing ok 13 days af out 18 going for 7 in a row at present and on day4. My computer went down and I felt so lost not being able to log on, feel ok now. Having a very anxious one today but not tempted at all to drink. Hart go dancing and dance the night away you will get all the buzz you need out of that. I love dancing but never get to do it except when everyone is out then I just go for it. Sad or what.:h

