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Sport Spurt

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    Re: Sport Spurt

    Hi [MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION], congrats on Day 12! Thanks for reminding me about working it one day at a time. Thinking about the restaurant tonight and in many ways, abstaining is so much easier. First off, I can not only drive there, but also home. I don't have to try to connive how I will get a sufficient amount of alcohol in me at the restaurant without attracting attention to how much I'm having - sharing a wine bottle is good for that - what? empty already? - or high alcohol content beers - I only had 3 beers (equivalent to 6). Also being careful not to overshoot and getting into slur-ville. That's always embarrassing at a dinner. I've become aware not to speak too much then, but I cringe thinking how many times I tried to make those short utterances non-slurry. Let's not even get into the post-restaurant dilemma of how to get the super-buzz going. Signing off early on Day 3.


      Re: Sport Spurt

      Sport - Excellent insights - it really is exhausting to always be concentrating on "the next one." When I first quit I dreaded going out to dinner worrying about what I would drink and EVERYONE noticing what I was or wasn't drinking. Ha - like the world was revolving around my beverage selection. The truth was, and is, lots of people don't drink al every time they're at a restaurant. For me, that was an "alert the media" moment. Hope you had a nice time. Day 3 here you come.
      Mary Lou

      A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


        Re: Sport Spurt

        Thanks [MENTION=20527]Marylou123[/MENTION]. I'm just wrapping up Day 4. Interestingly, I had many more thoughts of drinking here at home tonight than I did last night time in a restaurant with everyone around me drinking. Today was the roughest of the 4 days. Maybe because it was a aggravating day and not as jammed packed with activities as the other days. Rolling on.


          Re: Sport Spurt

          I'm going to drink today. Not sure how I feel about that right now. Mixed, I guess - disappointed that I'm not logging Day 5 certainly. I could fight off the urge, but I want to drink more than I want Day 5.


            Re: Sport Spurt

            Sport - surf the urge! Do something, anything but drink for 15 minutes. Let the urge pass. Go get supplies to make s'mores and surprise your family. Go for a walk. Binge on House of Cards or ice cream. Eat - lots of times that will fill you up and kill the urge. Take a nap. Take a shower. Please don't drink - you can do it. I've heard that after day 4 all the alcohol is out out of your body. You can do this!!! I got to go but I'll check back in a few hours. Go Sport, go Sport, go Sport!!
            Mary Lou

            A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


              Re: Sport Spurt

              You can get past this hump Sport! The first week is always the hardest,eat ice cream,go jogging/brisk walking, cry,hit something, lift some weights,eat a pizza,drink a full glass of milk,watch something, drunk some lemon water,remember how shitty day 1 is,write down the why's of why you want to quit,stop fantasizing about the drink,it won't be as fun as you're imagining, go to bed,anything else!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: Sport Spurt

                I bumped an old thread of mine for you Sport,my thoughts when I think I want to drink
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Hi [MENTION=23856]Sport[/MENTION], I've been following along in your journal and haven't said much because you've been getting a lot of great support from Mr V, Pauly, and Marylou. I didn't feel there was much more I could add to what the other three have given you. So I just want to make a few observations, you're a relatively new member, just joined in late March, you posted today at 3:46 that you were going to drink and you haven't checked back in since. So, no one here knows if you drank or not. But if you did, you were the one that lifted that bottle/glass/can to your lips. No one made you drink, nothing caused you to drink except your addiction. And that's what it is, an addiction, an addiction to taking the easy way out. To numbing yourself instead of facing yourself. That's hard to swallow, but it's the truth.

                  And just like no one forced you to drink, no one can force you to get sober, just ask any member here. We're all the same, the want to be sober must outweigh the want to drink, "need" doesn't even come into play... Needing to get sober and wanting to get sober are entirely different things.... you have to want to live an AF life..

                  I've got no magical answers for you. I don't know much about you or the situation you find yourself in, but if you think drinking will help, you're lying to yourself, but I think you already know that, or you wouldn't have joined. So ask yourself why you want to be sober, and then start making a plan to achieve that goal. They say that relapse starts long before the first drink and I believe that, I lived that. There are some great threads on relapse and relapse prevention, and Pauly's thread has some great support tools as well, why not make use of them....
                  Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                  Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                  Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                    Re: Sport Spurt

                    Originally posted by Marylou123 View Post
                    Sport - surf the urge! Do something, anything but drink for 15 minutes. Let the urge pass. Go get supplies to make s'mores and surprise your family. Go for a walk. Binge on House of Cards or ice cream. Eat - lots of times that will fill you up and kill the urge. Take a nap. Take a shower. Please don't drink - you can do it. I've heard that after day 4 all the alcohol is out out of your body. You can do this!!! I got to go but I'll check back in a few hours. Go Sport, go Sport, go Sport!!
                    Hi [MENTION=20527]Marylou123[/MENTION], Sorry that I'm just seeing this now. I had already made up my mind the other day that I was going to drink when I posted that. Thinking about it now, it was dumb to post that way. Don't know why I did that.

                    Thank you for the support and great suggestions. They won't go to waste. I'm going back to abstaining today. Eating is a huge help for me. Most times that will make the urge go away or at least weaken. I also like Surfing the Urge. I like being Mindful and feeling the urge but not acting on it. I didn't want anything to do with any of that the other day, I just wanted to drink.


                      Re: Sport Spurt

                      Have not been able to post for a few days. How are you Sport? Hope you didn't drink, or if you did, it was not a massive session. I know sometimes if a had a few days off I gave my self permission to get plastered. What a waste. Just stay close here, don't drift away.


                        Re: Sport Spurt

                        Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
                        You can get past this hump Sport! The first week is always the hardest,eat ice cream,go jogging/brisk walking, cry,hit something, lift some weights,eat a pizza,drink a full glass of milk,watch something, drunk some lemon water,remember how shitty day 1 is,write down the why's of why you want to quit,stop fantasizing about the drink,it won't be as fun as you're imagining, go to bed,anything else!
                        Hi [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION], you're right about the the first week being tough. I also struggle mightily with ramping down to zero. That's why I want to be sure that I abstain today. I drank the last 2 days and as long as I don't drink 3 days in a row, I can right back to 0 without ramping down. I love your suggestions too - except I'm not much of a crier. :sad: Also thanks for bumping your earlier post - I know those yucky things too well, but it's good to have a reminder.


                          Re: Sport Spurt

                          Great to hear Sport I was reading The Fix last night its an online recovery magazine that has some awesome articles give it a read sometime, good luck on day 1 we're all in your corner
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Re: Sport Spurt

                            Originally posted by abcowboy View Post
                            Hi [MENTION=23856]Sport[/MENTION], I've been following along in your journal and haven't said much because you've been getting a lot of great support from Mr V, Pauly, and Marylou. I didn't feel there was much more I could add to what the other three have given you. So I just want to make a few observations, you're a relatively new member, just joined in late March, you posted today at 3:46 that you were going to drink and you haven't checked back in since. So, no one here knows if you drank or not. But if you did, you were the one that lifted that bottle/glass/can to your lips. No one made you drink, nothing caused you to drink except your addiction. And that's what it is, an addiction, an addiction to taking the easy way out. To numbing yourself instead of facing yourself. That's hard to swallow, but it's the truth.

                            And just like no one forced you to drink, no one can force you to get sober, just ask any member here. We're all the same, the want to be sober must outweigh the want to drink, "need" doesn't even come into play... Needing to get sober and wanting to get sober are entirely different things.... you have to want to live an AF life..

                            I've got no magical answers for you. I don't know much about you or the situation you find yourself in, but if you think drinking will help, you're lying to yourself, but I think you already know that, or you wouldn't have joined. So ask yourself why you want to be sober, and then start making a plan to achieve that goal. They say that relapse starts long before the first drink and I believe that, I lived that. There are some great threads on relapse and relapse prevention, and Pauly's thread has some great support tools as well, why not make use of them....
                            Hi [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION], thanks for your post. I remember you from WQD. With the help from folks there, I went ~9 months without drinking (which was about 3 times longer than any other time in my adult life). Throughout that time and since, I haven't been able to accept the idea of forever. So I came here recently with the thought of I'm not going to deal with forever right now. I came here without a fixed idea that I wanted to abstain or moderate. I wanted to take it a day at a time.

                            No one made me drink - true. An addiction to taking the easy way out - also true. Numbing myself instead of facing myself - hmm, probably true. Your second paragraph is where I get stuck. If I am honest with myself, as of today, no, I don't want to be totally AF. I do want to greatly reduce the damage from drinking.

                            I believe that I can change. I believe in free will. Over the years, I have reduced the total amount of alcohol that I'm consuming, but I realize that long spouts of daily drinking are a bad scene. So I will take you advice and think about a new plan. (I'm fairly sure that you won't love the plan because it won't be AF forever.)


                              Re: Sport Spurt

                              Originally posted by Mr Vervill View Post
                              Have not been able to post for a few days. How are you Sport? Hope you didn't drink, or if you did, it was not a massive session. I know sometimes if a had a few days off I gave my self permission to get plastered. What a waste. Just stay close here, don't drift away.
                              Hi [MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION], I'm doing OK. As you've probably read by now, I did drink that last 2 days and am heading back to AF land today. I have to be honest - I enjoyed those 2 days. I didn't like the extra calories and being a bad example for my kids, but I liked having those drinks. Now, if I can't navigate back to being AF today, that's a different thing. That will make me upset. I don't want to have to ramp down again.


                                Re: Sport Spurt

                                Hi Sport - I am so proud of you. Not for drinking but for coming back and posting. Even after 3.5 yrs sober, I don't do forever. It's still one day at a time. Yesterday was a very difficult day for me. Ironically, my husband and I went to a relationship class Wednesday night and then came home and had a big argument. It was the first day in quite awhile that I could have said Ef It! I'm just going to get a bottle of wine (and a good one - not the kaka I was drinking at the end of my drinking career). But something one of our senior members (Birdlady) has said stopped me: I knew I would be drinking AT HIM. And that would have been so stupid. Playing it through, we both would have still been po'ed, or even more so, and I would feel all the physical repercussions along with the GSR. (Guilt, shame, remorse not gun shot residue. Too much NCIS. :happy2. I am, in a separate room, knowing he doesn't really like me very much. But I am sober. And I will get through this trial.

                                Take forever off the table. It's much easier. And know that you are loved, and respected, here among us MWO peeps.

                                Last edited by Marylou123; June 16, 2017, 12:53 PM.
                                Mary Lou

                                A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

