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Never introduced myself properly.

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    Never introduced myself properly.

    At 16 I began drinking beer. Was allowed in all bars because I knew all the bouncers. So it moved to mixed drinks.

    Was raised by an MSW and consulted so I know everything about disabilities and social problems.

    Small amounts of mixed drinks. Nothing crazy.

    Got bored of that and choose MDMA as my substance of choice, eventually moving onto Cocaine. Ketamine got involved for a small time but hitting a K Hole changed that.

    At one time I had a 400 bottles of beer stacked in a jenga cube. The beer store was less than a minute walk away. Then I started entertaining people and learning how to mix drinks and hit about 40 bottles of mix in my apartment.

    Learned how to drink hardcore alcohol with whiskey and scotch and run around in the snow and not feel a thing. Once I added cocaine to that mix which I always had under control and could put away and go to sleep because I was the bread winner with a job that could afford this. I was about 20 or 22.

    Quiting cocaine led to severe alcoholism.

    MDMA changed my life if I haven't mentioned that before, because I could deal with things and became a confident extrovert instead of an introvert. Serious life change but not addiction change. It on its own is awesome until some @hat gives you cocaine and ruins it all.

    On/off hard beer and then hard vodka. For years and years.

    Went to 3 rehabs (closed, free, and day treatment). Day treatment was the most successful but its the summary of what you have learned so its not the solution for all. Determination is a hardcore/hardcare.

    Lost my wife, step daughter. Everything I cared and loved. Rebuilding with pet therapy.

    My wife rescued me from a very bad situation and helped me detox. My GP actually visited believe it or not; thats unusual in Canada. I would once again return to cheap high alcohol beer from the states and then lapse on harder alcohol.

    I have not done an illegal unprescribed drug in over 7 years.

    I have managed 6 months AF at one time or another and have been in the position of not being able to eat which is hard to overcome. If you want more info about that PM me.

    I'm now at a taper and about 6 units or fl/oz of 80 proof a day. Changed from beer which screws my stomach up and am using coolers. So progress is happening.

    Drugs used or am using I will add as an edit as its quite a list and could get into how they coordinate.

    Current Mirtazapine, Campral, Naltrexone.

    Prior prescription drug use as follows;
    Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) - turns out it increases drinking so beware.
    Adderall - this was a stupid idea as after a couple weeks it caused severe relapse. Its like using cocaine so you can drink like crazy if you do lapse and the come down is insane. Does not last long enough for the job I was doing and doubling up means you are left with not enough for the month and you crash. Works really well but holy shit when you run out its not fun.
    Trazodone - Wierd drug but helps you get off benzo's imho. Puts you to sleep. Similar to Mirtazapine but not the same.
    Clonazapam - Highly effective if you need to get through a day at work and want to avoid AL withdrawals if you are not AL free and don't want to look like an idiot dry heaving or gagging.
    Diazepam (Valium) - Super super effective drug to get off AL but highly abusable and I never have been down that path and pray it never happens. Though I do have some on hand for emergency.
    Dimenhydrinate - So you can eat after a huge bender. Also I abused it for sleep purposes. But it has its purposes if used correctly. Its also an antihistamine.
    Trintellix (Brintellix) - F that drug, made me super emotional and ruined my life and marriage. SSRI/SNRI's do wierd things after you have used MDMA so I'm curious what Cipralex will do again. Got some but afraid of it!
    Omprazole - Really helps if you are maintaining a job but kills of flora in your stomach. Its a protein pump inhibitor. I think its now black labelled.
    5HTP - Used only once because I'm afraid of serotonin shock syndrome and how it works with the antidepressants I use/used. I will have to do more research.

    Naltrexone - Wow this is something wierd and took a couple days to get used too but highly effective. (can be used daily, or with the Dr. Sinclair method if you want to control drink).
    Mirtazapine - Cross for antidepressant and alcohol suppressent but it makes you a zombie in the morning for a bit, that passes in 2 weeks. Best so far out of antidepressants.
    Campral - Awesome for recovery though really you don't notice its effects. Calcium might just be what does it. It just might be a waste of money.
    Gabapentin - Early so far, couple SE's like foot tingling. Nothing much. Caused temptation to turn to 0 cravings in the last couple weeks.
    B1, B100, C1000 as vitamins

    Wait List I'm prescribed, but fearful of.
    Cipralex (escitalopram) - An SSRI - Caused some crazy things during withdrawal; not recommmended until you are sober. But once I'm clean I'm giving it a shot again as it has the least issues of any SSRI.

    Inhalers Spiriva Respimat, Salnutamol. Because smoking sucks and inadvertently inhaling glues and pipe primers and chlorine sucks.

    There ya go. Diazepam (or gabapentin) and Dimenhydrinate (not with gabapentin) for the come down. Campral, Mirtazapine, Naltrexone for maintenance. The others are a little nuts. I will get a little more in depth as how they work together when I have more time.

    Edit: To add Gabapentin to current use and what I know about it. This is considered a potential for replacement for valium for coming off alcohol to prevent seizures or as an eventual replacement for valium after your month of post valium stint. Not as effective, but also known to aid in cocaine addiction craving if that's your issue. Thankfully not mine. The SE's I'm just working out. It does make you calm and has produced an effect that I have 0 cravings. Tapered from 300 to 900mg a day nearly over 3 days. Suggested 900 right off the bat if using it instead of valium for the immediate detox. Even at 300 I had 0 cravings, but there is valium (5mg/day) in the mix for far to long which worried or worries me. Not sure what it would do alone to produce 0 cravings but I'll update this list and its effects as I remove one drug after another to see where or if cravings return. What not to take, antihistamines or motion pills like dimenhydrinate, so that can complicate matters for withdrawal and allergies. Do not take a calcium supplement or a multivitamin with magnesium in it as it can hinder gabapentin's effects. If you need magnesium, take it 2 hours prior or after your gabapentin.

    More to come.
    Last edited by empyr3al; September 8, 2017, 09:26 PM. Reason: Drugs and how they work.
    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein

    Re: Never introduced myself properly.

    Hi empyr3al,

    Wow you have the constitution of an ox! That little journey would have killed many.

    What age are you now (if you don't mind saying)?

    Do you believe you need drugs to function or can you see yourself one day being completely drug free?

    In my experience many people nowadays think that life without one drug or another is not possible.

    I love our openness and honesty, it will be your greatest ally. Tell your truth and shame the the saying goes.


      Re: Never introduced myself properly.

      [MENTION=16547]kuya[/MENTION] I am ~ 40

      I think i might need an antidepressant indefinately. But i don't plan to use meds my entire life unless something crazy happens. I would love to believe people that you can be drug free but I've done so much I don't think there is a normal.

      Honesty and gratitude are what saved my life. Its crazy but MDMA (real not fake ecstasy) did that to me. Made me very open and honest.

      Thanks for your response.
      Last edited by empyr3al; June 25, 2017, 03:00 AM. Reason: typo
      "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


        Re: Never introduced myself properly.

        I should clarify that I didn't take these all concurrently. But was trying each out, first at my doctors advice and then later doing actual research and reading. Now the weird effect is that it takes time to have one affect you and you also suffer withdrawals from one or another so the clarity of how they work together it is hard to distinguish. I'll get more into that later.

        What it should illustrate is that I have determination and commitment to trying to find a better way. Thus the list of crazy pharma I've used. I'm not seriously messed up, I'm just not feeling right. Something or some combo has to work. I'd say Mirt Campral and Naltrexone hit the best beat I could find so far but its an expensive combo. Some of the comments on some of the drugs are a little tame by what their SE's are. I'll get more into it later. I was just thinking about how I described the drugs while out walking the dog. Not sure if I should edit the top or if nobody will notice unless I make posts about each one.

        Having some PMs with [MENTION=16547]kuya[/MENTION] does leave this thread a little empty, there is a lot to this. Or you can just forget it. I will expand this a bit more as time passes. With permission I might copy and paste some of it.

        Something to note is belief systems which I will start to develop in the thread going forward. This is not all about medication. My actions directly affect another. So compassion, love, empathy, taking the time to listen and not be judgemental. Sometimes the smallest of things or 2 minutes of time can change someone's day. I am practicing a countless varieties of therapies. Plants, dogs, CBT, therapy, culinary. There are some interesting things I might try such as hypnosis so that I see it as poison (though I already do).

        I still slip and lapse here and there I will admit. Its hard to remove shame or guilt.

        If you want too, and have not relapsed, or want some hope after you come down. Youtube Johann Hari Everything we know about addiction is wrong.
        "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


          Re: Never introduced myself properly.

          My dogs. Benny is a poovanese and my Jack Tzu, her name is Sadie btw. It took hours of research to figure out what a dog reacts to in naming and I am probably now a professional. She is a Jack Tzu.
          "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


            Re: Never introduced myself properly.

            Before redbull was an actual product advertised or even marketed. I could get this at a thai grocery shop. It came in kind of a medication bottle and was not sparkling and its not the same as what is marketed now (totally different). RBV (red bull vodka). That was one of my mix drinkings I used to serve. On the martini glass I would put either rim it with cocaine or crushed up Pez or a similar candy because thats what Redbull tastes like. It really depends on the person I was mixing for. All custom. This was a serious hardcore part of my life 20 years ago. As my ex wife says I am lucky to be alive.

            I maintained a job to pay for all this unlike all my friends which lived the "high" life because I had a crazy job.

            Honesty for the moment because I woke up again in the middle of the night.
            "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


              Re: Never introduced myself properly.

              Originally posted by empyr3al View Post
              Before redbull was an actual product advertised or even marketed. I could get this at a thai grocery shop. It came in kind of a medication bottle and was not sparkling and its not the same as what is marketed now (totally different). RBV (red bull vodka). That was one of my mix drinkings I used to serve. On the martini glass I would put either rim it with cocaine or crushed up Pez or a similar candy because thats what Redbull tastes like. It really depends on the person I was mixing for. All custom. This was a serious hardcore part of my life 20 years ago. As my ex wife says I am lucky to be alive.

              I maintained a job to pay for all this unlike all my friends which lived the "high" life because I had a crazy job.

              Honesty for the moment because I woke up again in the middle of the night.
              I am always amazed that younger people survive the drugs/addiction launched at them.

              Most people on this site have absolutely no idea of the avalanche of drugs aimed at the younger generations. They are often only struggling with alcohol whilst our children struggle with multiple addictions.


                Re: Never introduced myself properly.

                You are so right Kuya!

                My sister is 10 years younger and has issues with multiple substances - I don't know how a body can take it all. I worry about her so much.

                Empy3 - I am sorry you woke up again. The sleep issue persists for awhile. Did you stay sober through it all? The drinking just makes it worse. You mentioned trazadone - I was on that for sleep and stopped it about a week ago and the sleep issues continue. That said, even with sleep issues, waking up sober is so much better. I have been trying the amino GABA with some success. That and listening to a book. If I wake I just plug the book in and it seems to help put me to sleep.

                Have a great Friday!


                  Re: Never introduced myself properly.

                  Originally posted by kuya View Post
                  I am always amazed that younger people survive the drugs/addiction launched at them.

                  Most people on this site have absolutely no idea of the avalanche of drugs aimed at the younger generations. They are often only struggling with alcohol whilst our children struggle with multiple addictions.
                  its worse now than when I was involved and changed my life. I am no where near perfect and once clean off of street drugs that prescription list is what I tried to even out. There are drugs imported from china that make you go insane, not sure what they are called, claimed to be some synthetic marijuana but that is not the truth. There is also shatter a glass like substance made from highly concentrated mary jane. Marijuana has nearly 5 to 10 x the amount of THC as it did 30 years ago. Shatter i have never tried but give it a google search. Its even more insane. What is the drug shatter? Here are 5 things to know - Newfoundland & Labrador - CBC News 80-90 percent,

                  As for younger people surviving, I lose a friend every week, sometimes more. Opiods being the leading cause as its an epidemic here. I am grateful I stopped when I did 7-10 years ago or I would be dead too. I always had the belief I could not use a needle as I witnessed full on what it did to lives. My life is not all great but I didn't go down a path that lead to complete distruction. Quiting some illegal drugs which the public is so misguided about surely saved my life. ALC is hardcore but these in combo can kill you in minutes... Not the way alcohol works unless you are insane. There are youtube videos of people downing 40's in less than a minute. That is insane. I'm not sure what is wrong with drug policy and am absolutely against fentanyl. Like I said I lose a friend every week or so.
                  Last edited by empyr3al; June 30, 2017, 02:33 PM.
                  "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                    Re: Never introduced myself properly.

                    Originally posted by ssd858 View Post
                    You are so right Kuya!

                    My sister is 10 years younger and has issues with multiple substances - I don't know how a body can take it all. I worry about her so much.

                    Empy3 - I am sorry you woke up again. The sleep issue persists for awhile. Did you stay sober through it all? The drinking just makes it worse. You mentioned trazadone - I was on that for sleep and stopped it about a week ago and the sleep issues continue. That said, even with sleep issues, waking up sober is so much better. I have been trying the amino GABA with some success. That and listening to a book. If I wake I just plug the book in and it seems to help put me to sleep.

                    Have a great Friday!
                    Switching drugs is complicated. And yes I did drink to go back to sleep which i know is wrong but if I look at my full drawer of drugs and what to choose. I chose a 5% cooler as the safest. I know I'm not AF but I'm a lot more free than I have been in a long time. Goal is AF again but its hard.

                    I think society at least younger generations are suffering from what was mentioned before about the onslaught of drugs. They have altered our brain chemistry to a high level and have cause wide spread problems in mental illness.

                    I know the sleeping thing will adapt eventually. My taper is working but like I said I wake up. Trazadone was interesting but has SEs too. I have enough to knock you out for a month. Mirtazapine (Remeron) seems to be better for me. I am especially afraid to mix drugs and alcohol. Like I said in the prior post, I lose a friend or aquintance every week. Most are not as lucky as me.
                    Last edited by empyr3al; June 30, 2017, 01:55 PM.
                    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                      Re: Never introduced myself properly.

                      Regarding cocaine. This is not dangerous if used correctly like I did. I would put it away so I could get some sleep to maintain a job. But it exacerbated my ability to drink which is what I am currently (again) trying to curb, not cocaine. Everything else is under control but I sure have a stock pile of legal drugs in attempts to quit. Some I think should not be legal. Again I will say I never touched an opiod (so far as I know) so I am alive and kicking. My sleeping patterns are all messed up though.
                      Last edited by empyr3al; July 12, 2017, 09:11 PM.
                      "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                        Re: Never introduced myself properly.

                        This is what I managed to get too which is pretty impressive considering what I have done. Its shows how fast you can heal, if you choose too. Otherwise these numbers go way off the map and some are indicators of more complicated problems so they are used as indicators. Been a drunk, maintained jobs until recently and am considering a career change again. Trades are f'd as everyone drinks. Maybe I need something different.

                        Last edited by empyr3al; July 12, 2017, 09:10 PM.
                        "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein


                          Re: Never introduced myself properly.

                          This was originally posted as a response to [MENTION=14176]autumn[/MENTION] but I didn't want to high jack the thread "my marriage is over" in General Discussion. So contextually it might seem off as it was written as a response. I just didn't want to lose it and its personal. It probably repeats what I've said earlier in *this thread.

                          My marriage is over too. I love her dearly still, in a very disfunctional way, though we do get along. She is with another man. I went to a rehab and my worst fears about going to a rehab actually came true. She actually was so paranoid of me meeting someone I felt more attractive than her at rehab that she joined plenty of fish to see if I was on there. I have no idea but I think thats when things went nuts. I lapsed at that rehab and then lived with my father for a while after a row with my wife that landed me a holding cell even though she assaulted me. Such double standards. She is twice as strong as I am. Anyways, no contact peace bond BS later. We were finally allowed to talk to eachother on our wedding anniversary. I was an incredible experience. I was very much sober and maintained that for a long time attending a day treatment program for a couple weeks. But at one point in one of our rows as you call them, she stated dates and more or less an ultimatum because laws change with assets after 5 years marriage (could have contested as we were common law before). So just as the cusp of the 5 years I had taken a job that was stupid and everyone drank on the job so I lapsed. She I am sure was already pursuing this other guy or consoled by him as they work at the same place (its like a high school of a company which I won't name, its crazy what happens in large uncontrolled environments that are heavily social). She would delete her phone but insisted she got to read my facebook and my phone. Double standard much. Anyways back to the 5 years, in that row she had said it will be before 5 years if you are not sober. I lost her I believe when I was at that rehab, or at least she was conflicted and looking at other options. So she tricked me into saying how about you stay with your dad for a bit (done so in the past if things went wierd), then said she had separation papers ... the date of which indicates at which point she started the whole thing even though she acted fine. Stopped wearing her wedding ring, etc. She cried looking at a huge beautiful photo composition made for us from our wedding night on the wall saying "How could I love someone else". I was up and down in the drink. Compromising with beer here and there instead of the vodka. She said, I thought me and my step daughter could cure you. My goodness. Nothing does that 100%. I was taking an antidepressant called pristiq (desvenlafaxine) that is shown to increase drinking the fore compounding the problem. One drink and I would hide a bottle of vodka or run while she was out to the liquor store and hide things. Which she considers lying and I consider it a whole different realm than cheating, be it physical or emotional. Some empathy would have been nice. We did lots of therapy too, but more me. And the more I did rehab and learning psych the further we grew apart as there was less common language and understanding. The odd thing was at the time, the more she would be mad at me for drinking, the more I would drink. I'd take my breaks, switched meds after my GP left to something that made me even more crazy emotionally. I had only been given the AA 90 in 90 and then regular steps. Some CBT. During the month after which I had stayed at my dads I drank heavily out of severe depression until I started to research out of severe desperation (this was before I got the sep agreement, which lasts a year until technical divorce, nice of her to start a moved in relationship as soon as I signed the settlement). Who is the liar in that situation. I found resources I needed, despite all the indoctrination from AA and all the biased people I chose pharma as a method despite all the shame associated with it. I stay away from AA and alcoholics other than one group weekly because they are just not like me, or more so what I do is taboo. But hell, it works. Somethings you cannot be loved or talk therapy out of. I got distressed when I signed the separation agreement and lapsed hard for 2 months, after 6 of sobriety. I stopped taking my meds. I no longer count days, because that keeps my mind trapped in one that is alcoholic and keeps it as a focus when all I really need is distraction, I could tell you the month or look at a bank statement to indicate length. One sentence remains as I was visiting to get things and super healthy during that 6 months she said, "Oh its great you can get sober without me and step daughter". Well its not a good way to solve a problem scolding, or insulting an alcoholic. And yes the chaos did lead to drinking because she would not let it go. I had gotten all my therapy and doctors inline and meds. I now am a firm believer that some people need some pharma because really we have f'd our brains up and emotional regulation is difficult. I'm stunned you managed as long as you have by "white knuckling it" as they say. I take a variety of medications that I speak of in other threads that are worth the SEs (side effects). I'm calm, stable and can manage myself. Emotional regulation is hard when someone doesn't want to cooperate or listen, so the rows you have with your husband only make things worse. I got the sheets pulled out from under me and hood winked, manipulated, whatever you want to call it. I could have settled for way more but still unknown to me I thought we could rectify because I didn't know about this other guy. So I settled on less than equal terms. Talk about a shit storm. Only one hard relapse in the roughly year. I guess you could say I have no choice but to accept the situation and move on. I am of a different character than my "still technically" wife. One therapist said that maybe intellectually we are a wide mismatch and I believe its very much true. I take wedding vows differently than jumping from relationship to relationship.

                          Anyways, thats my wash. Don't need to talk about my wash as its your thread. The only reason I said all that is to tell you that you are not alone. Past, Present, Future. Acknowledge the past cannot be changed, find enjoyment and hopefully some peace in the present (I found my med mix) and then it gives you some breathing space to see into how you want the future to work. The panic of the present crushes ambition unless you use some mental tools, like you walking away (which I could talk about at length because it can be interpreted not the way you intend). The walking past liquor and it haunting you caused problems for a while for me but now with the meds I have 0 craving or interest and actually would dislike it as it would ruin my balance. I learned a ton about language and how to deescalate arguements or how to prevent them in the first place. Now it takes 2 to tango so me having those skills and her not she would get mad at me and almost jealous that I was able to use what I learned because it was all new to her my behaviors. So rehabs and therapy individually does push people apart. She would think I was arrogant because I had these skills and that threatened her. Meanwhile I was just trying to change the patterns of behavior and make sanity out of chaos. I'm not a fighter, verbal or physical, which pissed her off. I don't insult people no matter how blatant the behavior is. I just spent some bloody time to learn how to manage myself externally. Internally I was an emotional wreck but would not budge in verbal disputes. I bottled it.... yes vodka.

                          Best of luck to everyone going through divorce and realizing as our brains come back to normal what in the hell just went on. When the chaos and panic leaves, clarity and stability start to happen. Referring to meds mentioned : Mirt, Camp, Nal and the switch punch where I don't crave or think about it with 0 cravings, Gabapentin.
                          "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein

