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Confessing/Advice requested...

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    Confessing/Advice requested...

    I am a strange sort of problem drinker...well maybe not that stange. I am not a daily drinker, but more of a binger and I never really know once I start drinking how far I will go with it. Sometimes I make myself a drink, have a few sips and think...I don't really want this and pour it out..or have one or two and stop. Other times, yesterday for instance I stated drinking a bottle of wine in the afternoon while cooking for some friends, kept it going and got utterly smashed by the end of the night. I sometimes go a couple of weeks without drinking, usually one week and then have a big binge, sometimes more than once a week, but not often. The past 6 weeks or so, almost everytime I drink I drink till drunk. I never seem to really know what decsion will be made and when I do binge it does seen physical and compulsive. I also smoke compusively when I am drinking and typically don't smoke at all any other time. The thing that has been really freaking me out lately is that after a short stint on the antidepressant Lexapro I started having blackouts, since I was not willing to stop drinking I have since come off of the antidepressant, but am still experiencing blackouts, albeit not as severe as on the meds.

    I'm not sure if I can, but I would like to learn to moderate. Sometimes I can be moderate I just don't really understand why I am sometimes and not others. I was a very abusive drinker as a teenager and stopped drinking completely for about 13 years. In some ways that was good and in some ways I was incredibly uptight and worked all the time and I don't want to go back to that again either. I started drinking again when I was 31, I am now 38. I have connected in the past with someone from a moderation mangement movement and in the past I have done thier 30 abstinence recommendation. I am feeling particularily crappy today, because of the hangover and the guilt. I had set out to do another 30 day last week and whatever happened yesterday I just said F*** it and drank even more than I probably would have if I hadn't made the commitment to stop for a while in the first place! Crazy eh? I also did this in front of a good friend's new girlfriend who I was meeting for the first time.

    I have been reading some posts for a while now and I just decided today I need to post and just get this stuff off my chest. It's not like my drinking habits are a big secret to my friends and family, but how embarrased, worried and tortured I feel over it sometimes is a secret. And with the mini blackouts I am terrified of things I may say or do under the influence.

    I am wondering a few things about the program here for someone who has my Topomax...would that be something needed or helpful for someone who is not an everyday drinker?

    If someone who has had experience using the cds to moderate I would love if you would share that with me.

    I am making an appointment for cognative behavioral therapy with a therapist who is supervised by a well known guy with a harm reduction philosophy.

    Thanks for reading.:new:

    Confessing/Advice requested...

    Hi Out, welcome. I am still trying to figure it all out too. I have similar problems, I seem to be an all or nothing type of person. I have been reading about OCD and think that alot of the problem is there. I quit in the past too, and became obsessed with work, and other things. I wish I could be more helpful, but am also suffering from a hangover this morning after almost a month AF...????


      Confessing/Advice requested...

      I was just reading this article recently Alcoholism: A Physical Disease. There is a link at the bottom for 'Difference in Drinkers' where you can take a quiz to find out your type. It seems like you may be the 'allergic' type. This article is really interesting because it explains that all problem drinkers are not the same. The behavior patterns can be very different pointing to a different root cause for your drinking problem. Interesting stuff. Not sure how much it helps in a practical way, but its nice to know you are not alone and that there may be an explanation behind your behavior.

      Regarding whether Topamax can help, I have read that this is one of the big plusses to Topamax is that it works for all different types of drinkers (binge & everyday drinkers, and early onset as well as late onset). So, this is probably why Topamax is often seen as the most effective treatment because it works for so many different types of drinkers. I, myself, am taking Naltrexone which is working great for me, but from what I've researched, it may only work for a subset of problem drinkers. I know for some people, it does absolutely nothing to help curtail their drinking.

      OK, gotta wrap this up quick. I am really long-winded but my kids are calling me... I would definitely recommend starting w/the MWO book if you haven't read it already. I have the hypno CDs and just started trying them out. I think they will be a great addition to what I've done so far. I've been on for two weeks, but just doing Naltrexone (instead of Topamax) and the other supps/vitamins that are recommended (except for Kudzu). I've had great results so far. Couldn't be happier w/the results.


        Confessing/Advice requested...

        Hi Out,
        Just wanted to say welcome and that I read your post. Everyone has such different situations. I am on my way to work but wanted to say Hi and let you know I acknowledged you. Weekends can be quiet around here. Glad your here.
        I do take topamax and have had a lot of success. I was a beer drinker and drank daily tho. Keep on readin and postin and you will get a lot more response.
        Gabby :flower:


          Confessing/Advice requested...

          You might also want to check the meds forum, where peole share specific experiences with the different meds.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Confessing/Advice requested...

            Hi Out, welcome it doesn't matter what type of problem you have, on this site you will surely meet someone with similar probs and/or be able to get advice from others and definitely be able to make new friends and get support,

            Keep tuning in, xx

            PS. Thanks adagirl I have just quickly looked over the site and saved it to my desktop so I can look at itagain later xx
            I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
            I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

            Marilyn Monroe


              Confessing/Advice requested...

              Hi out. Welcome. Your story resonated with me, because I used to have similar drinking habits to yours. Wouldn't drink everyday, but on occassion when I did, I drank a lot. . . Way more than my friends were drinking. My point in writing is that I think that was simply a stepping stone to where I am now - Struggling not to drink a lot EVERY day. I think it is good that you're here because your habits are not yet ruling your life and you still have time to do something about it.

              There's so many wonderful people on here with all types of drinking patterns. I just wanted to encourage you to make changes before it becomes much harder. :welcome:


                Confessing/Advice requested...

                Hi and :welcome:

                Im not a binge drinker - just drank constantly! - but as people have said, whatever your issue you'll find people who can relate and with similar stories. Good luck with the CBT - I'm a firm believer in its potential as I've seen the success of it - I hope it works for you.
                Again, welcome and good luck! :l
                :rays: Arial

                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                Days 1-7 DONE
                Days 8-14 DONE
                Days 15-21 DONE
                30 days DONE
                60 days
                100 days


                  Confessing/Advice requested...

                  Welcome out. Not much I can add to what others have said. All types here and it seems that people get the book and all the other stuff (some don't do the medication) and usually after some failed experiments figure out what works for them. The support seems to be helpful for everyone and whether you moderate or decide not to drink at all you will be supported.


                    Confessing/Advice requested...

                    Thanks so much!

                    Thanks folks. I really apprieciate the responses and support. I checked out Alcoholism: A Physical Disease, very great info. The quiz though for me wasn't that helpful, because for example sometimes I can have 1 or 2 drinks and quickly get hammered, other times I can drink all freaking night and hardly feel it ( I call them my anomolies), usually I am in the middle. I do have lots of family members on my mom's side who have or had drinking issues, so seeing the research on the genetic part was really helpful. Thanks Psychmommy for sharing your experience, I do realize the slippery slope that binging can be. Buffy, OCD...yes probably a mild form of it, I have some obsessions with germs and having to have certain things be "just so". My obsessiveness has actually been rewarded, career and otherwise, but I know it is not a good way to live. Dopamine issues etc, would correlate to all the "aholic" syndromes, work, weight, food, booze. I do have some friends and a brother who have more severe forms of OCD and I know I'm not that severe. The good news is that if you do have OCD cognative behavioral therapy and certain anti depressants, can all but cure it for most people. Thanks again. I'm going to check out some of the medication postings and take my time figuring out what's best for me. Mornings without hangovers are much calmer and better!


                      Confessing/Advice requested...


                      Hi Out,

                      I'm new here too, feeling very hungover and cross with myself today. I know exactly how you feel. I can't seem to go out and not get drunk, friends tell me have a soft drink in between but once I start drinking that goes out the window. I haven't any new bruises today so I don't think I fell over, oh god! I really must try next weekend to not get drunk, we can all do it!

                      Hopefully in a weeks time I'll be feeling better. Alcholol makes me feel happy, but the next day I end up feeling low. Its really not worth it!

                      Your doing great! Best wishes


