I know exactly how you are feeling right now... A similar thing happened to me back in Feburary and it cut me to pieces.. I was off the boards for about two weeks, I felt very hurt and wounded and I was determined I wasn't going to come back here..
After a few days had passed a lot of the members started to wonder about my whereabouts and started posting asking me to come back I also received numerous PM's offering me support....
As I said it took about two weeks for me to heal, and the reason I did was because I realised that if I threw in the towel and stayed away for good then that person who had hurt me would have WON.. Now I can't begin to tell you how glad I am that I had the strength of character to override the comments made to me and come back here..
The constant support, friendship and love to be found here in this group is second to none, sure, like any family we have our arguments and fallings out, but we are ALWAYS there for each other to offer a helping hand..
I have read all you have posted in the Newbies post and you are such a positive person who is there for everyone, you respond to the posts of others with a positive attitude and from a lot of the comments in the Newbies thread you are a very important member of this community..
Now answer me honestly Blue, are you willing to throw all that away for the sake of one sick indivdual who hasn't even got the courage to say publicly what they said to you in a PM ??? I very much hope not..
So please Blue come back on here, your friends need you..
Waiting in hope, Louise :h :h :h