I posted in the nest but want to keep track here too.
I called the restaurant and apologized. They asked me if I was ok. Can you believe that? They said I can come talk to the manager and bartender in person if I want to which I will. I will face them and speak to them (and pay my bar tab!) I guess I got escorted out before paying.
I remember a bit more from that night- I am pretty sure I fell in the bathroom and someone came to check on me. Then someone walked me to a more private area where the cops came and the security officer for the mall was with me. I kept crying and they all kept saying “you are not in trouble, we just want to make sure you get home safe”. That’s all I can remember.
I’ve been reading through some of my old journals and getting to know the person I used to be before I was an alcoholic. I was such a sweet and kind person! I enjoyed reading through, and remembering that I wasn’t always like this. I’m trying to be that person again who gets through tough times by writing and normal healthy activities! I was a hoot!
Well, it’s Friday and I’m off to work soon. My weekend will consist of a major deep clean of the house for Christmas and finishing up some last minute shopping and wrapping. And I’m going to do more journaling.
Happy weekend everyone! Xoxo