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Champagne garden party - Help!

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    Champagne garden party - Help!

    I have to go to a champagne and live music garden party in two hours and have been crabby since waking up this morning. I LOVE champagne but am determined to do one month af and today is day 3.

    All morning my little devils have been saying to me that one or two glasses won't hurt, that I can always restart tomorrow etc. My little angels have been countering with you won't stick to one or two glasses, yes it will hurt and yes you will feel bad tomorrow.
    Then the little devils go - ah but look how bloody miserable you are debating this in your head all morning, you'll be miserable at the party and will bring everybody else down.....

    I hate this debate in my head, absolutely hate it. It's so stressful.

    Just had to write this down to (hopefully) help me stick to my resolve.


    Champagne garden party - Help!

    I know exactly how you feel............such a lovely `do`, and the champers is so tempting. Just think how far you`ve come already - you`re already only 28 days away from completing your 30 days abs. Love yourself enough to tell yourself you DO NOT WANT ANY CHAMPERS TODAY, and before you know it, you`ll be on Day 4 AF.

    Am rooting for you.

    Love, Starlight Impress


      Champagne garden party - Help!

      Hang in there!! You can do it!!


      I just woke up and saw your post.

      I just KNOW you can get through it. I am 2 days AF now and just barely beginning on 3 days.

      Yesterday I had lunch with daughter and she drank wine. I just kept smiling and sipping my tea.

      When the craving and desire hit, I pasted a big smile on my face and brought up a subject that distracted me. The feelings go away after a bit and then you forget about it.

      Hang in there!!

      Good luck and enjoy the party sober!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        Champagne garden party - Help!

        That's a tough one. I'm facing several parties in the near future and am already into that debate mode in my head, WEEKS ahead of time. I just know I won't enjoy the parties very much if I'm totally sober while everyone else is drinking, but I don't want to mess this up (4 weeks AF today). I'm trying to prepare myself by reminding myself that it's not the end of the world if you don't have a good time at a party. It's just a party and when it's over, it's over. Anyway, I feel for you, and good luck whatever happens.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Champagne garden party - Help!

          hey uda
          i'm cooking lunch outsude for all the family today and going through the same i love a glass of wine while i cook and during lunch.
          but i am not going to succumb going to take some kudzu and l glut i have just sent my daughter out to see if she can find alcohol free wine but its not the same
          BUT how good will we feel tomorrow if we manage without.
          thinking of you


            Champagne garden party - Help!

            I had a lot of AF days in May (did much better last month) and I avoided champagne parties. It's more tempting than a normal party.


              Champagne garden party - Help!

              I'm home and I did it!!! Thank you Starlight and Cindi - just managed to read your posts before leaving and I did think of your support and encouragement while I was there and it did help enormously.

              Beatle, I find parties really tough too, always have done, the only parties that are ok for me are parties where the only alcoholic drink is beer (even one sip makes me sick). Having said that, it was actually ok - we arrived very late and so only stayed for two hours. Maybe that's the short term answer for me, to not stay for too long.

              Hereatlast, I hope your daughter has managed to find that alcohol free wine and that you're doing ok.

              Nancy, you are right, champagne is the ULTIMATE temptation. I love the taste and the bubbles but also think it has something to do with the image of it: special, sophisticated etc.

              Thank you all again!!!



                Champagne garden party - Help!

                well done uda thats so good i bet you feel great now
                my daughter found af wine but it was disgusting so i had diet coke instead am so happy now


                  Champagne garden party - Help!

                  Way to go, Uda!!!

                  Glad you made it through the party.

                  Now, I get to face the family barbecue today but have the "plan" in place.

                  We can do this, guys!!

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Champagne garden party - Help!

                    Rooting for you Cindi!



                      Champagne garden party - Help!

                      Uli- great job. Gives me inspiration and something to live up to.

                      Cindi- hope you're hanging in there.

                      p.s. do they make alcohol-free champagne?
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Champagne garden party - Help!

                        Uda I am so happy for you. what a challenge and you did it!

                        YEs, Beatle, they do make AF champagne. but they don't serve that type at parties. however, often these parties serve mimosas so you can
                        have virgin oj!


                          Champagne garden party - Help!

                          Uda: Great for you. I love champayne too, but I'd never ever stop at 1 or 2. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Champagne garden party - Help!

                            Very well done. Be proud of such a great overcame such enormous temptation.

                            Starlight Impress

