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1st day being a good boy

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    1st day being a good boy

    since i saw this site ive scared my bf with my brutal honestly, ive tried subtle, think last night he realsed, ghostie, your room mate sounds like very thoughtfull guy , buyin u beer, if he dosent know you r trying , he cant help, maybe dont tell him everything just tell him u r cuttin bk, an u will sort your own beer out, nicely like, i have told bf that but he still just buys loads cos it works out cheaper, i been trying to reduce the amount so the shakes aint so bad but he jus keeps topping me up, i think that may b different 2 nite, i told him things i prob shouldnt of last nite, its your call, if like u say the off switch is broke ,as is mine an many many others u may have to mention your intentions to mates, how strong is your will, if its there?? i know my answer xxxx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      1st day being a good boy

      rachel : stick in there! ever consider going to a detox residence? its must be damned hard living with your boyfriend when he buys so much beer. probably doesnt help your temptation any... at least you have kicked one thing... now u just have to focus on cuttin back on the booze! i felt pretty guilty about the beer i drank last night. but this morning i made it clear to my roomate that i cant have any beer in my fridge (my house hes renting a room) because i have to stop. so yeah, that seems to have done the trick for today haha!


        1st day being a good boy

        Good for you Ghostman to try and get ahold of this. I don't know many your age that take drinking as a serious issue. They usually just laugh it off and when they get older they realize what they have lost. You are seeing the big picture now. Good for you.
        Here we go again.

        AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


          1st day being a good boy

          good for you

          Hi Ghostman and welcome aboard. I am late on the welcomes, but they are heartfelt. Glad you told the roomie to stop with the buying beers and bringing it around you. I try all kinds of ways to cut down but I'm kidding myself and just have to not buy it. Then I could be clearheaded! This is day 1 AF for me. :welcome: Suz
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            1st day being a good boy

            hi suzana, thanks for the welcome, glad to be here. its a pretty neat site! day one for me too... again haha. but thats ok, ima just keep pluggin away at it.
            yeah i dont get the whole moderation thing, so im just gonna quit. if i try to moderate ill have an eternal internal battle.


              1st day being a good boy

              paraniod: hey glad to be here thanks for the reply. well my alcohol addiction is prolly the tamest of many substances ive been hooked on. realized i had a big problem about 3 years ago, and since then ive been tryin the recovery thing. nothings worked so far. but MWO has left me with the most positive feeling (as a program) thus far =-)

