I know it is early days, but I am sick of this merry go round. I think I am coping better with the pain of withdrawal, rather than the constant effort of trying to control my drinking.
Will try to check in more often.
PS. I have reduced to 75 mgs of baclofen which definitely helps my anxiety as if I take any more I cough so much that I am so incontinent and we are away on Sunday to the UK for 6 weeks to visit family and I cannot bear the worry of this or the blackouts and my erratic behaviour.
Have also cut down over the last month from 100 mgs of prozac per day to 50 mgs, as I believe that when I went on this after 6 1/2 years of sobriety, this caused the immense cravings which caused me to drink again. This was 8 years ago.
There is a lot of interesting reading on SSR's and alcohol.