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    Thanx Blue for starting us off again, it feels so good to have you here....

    I was AF yesterday, first time since my birthday. Had a horrible stomach ache last nite...but the good news I've dropped ten pounds, looking good but feeling not so hot. But hey, I have no hangover so THAT's good.

    Good to see everyone's doing good or not beating themselves up if they lapsed. We will get wherever we want, some of us (like myself) just have to fall on are arse sometimes, brush ourselves off and get back on that wagon......



      Hi everyone its great to see everybody doing so well. Ok Hart so I think now with my new avatar I could challenge you to 'Cheekiest member', sorry everyone but could not resist this picture. There was a thread started today on general discussion about lightening the mood and I find coming on here lifts my mood everytime, especially now ive dropped the boring snowdrop theme. Buckledown thank you for your comments, It is so very hard with children especially when 90% of the time thay are used to a good caring mum and then once/twice a week that person is lost to them for a couple of hours. When they are small they are not really aware of that so much but as teenagers they are just sooooo aware and like you that is what has really motivated me. I am doing great today af and no urge or crave catch up later.:baaah: :jumpin:


        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 19

        Hi all,

        Uda well done on day 5 that's super.

        Nancy let us know how the book goes. I watched a couple of the HBO programmes and they were definatley food for thought. There is a section on Topa which was really interesting. The episodes are all a little bitty if you know what I mean, and I think you have to watch them all as the topics tend to jump around a bit. They are certainly something to keep me entertained during the witching hours though.

        Hi to everyone else and hope your having a good day whatever your goals are.

        Interview went well and applied for another job too so at least the ball's rolling.

        Well day 2 af for me and no cigarettes today!! I bought some Quiet Life tablets which will hopefully take the edge off. In fact I'm rattling right now, I've just had 2 Quiet Lifes 1 Citalopram, 1 Flaxseed oil Capsule and I'm sipping water with milk thistle.

        Oh well I could be puffing away and drinking so at least I'm going in the right direction.

        Hope the rest of today goes well for you all,

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 19

          Hello Everyone,

          I'm so far behind I think I'm first today.

          I was up late again so I'm getting a late start. I'm really having a difficult time concentrating and so I couldn't get any work done yesterday and my client needs some things from me. So I was really irritable and I'm never irritable. Told hubby to just disregard it then got sensitive because I thought he was being insensitive. Does that sound familiar? Totally not his fault TV was lousy and I don't even watch TV and the boards here were slow so I tried to read but couldn't concentrate. I've thought about trying the Adrafinil but have my 3 month blood test coming up and don't want to have to explain even more stuff to the doc. At times like those I want my wine but finally just went to bed about midnight or 1AM. I think it's part of the mourning process we all must go through if we have been a long time drinker. today I feel fine except a little stressed about the work I missed yesterday. I'm on day 9 AF and am down 10 pounds now.

          Bluesky, thanks for the wonderful send off this morning you are our favorite coach. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

          Luc, you are a lucky man and we are glad to have you!

          Kitty, thanks for the tip on the HBO podcast download. I'll check that out. Good luck on your interview. I know you really want to find a job. Good idea with the smokes, but be careful about taking on too much. If it is drop back to one thing at a time.

          Star have a great day, good to see that LOL

          Janice, it sounds like you have a great weekend planned. I saw Dirty Dancing live years ago it was really good. Have a blast.

          Uli, Congrats on 4 day AF. Sounds like you are well on your way to day 5. I work from home as well. I love it.

          Nancy, my very well read friend, I hope you have a great day. I did not know that caffeine
          effects blood sugar. If that's the case why do they let you drink it before a fasting blood test? I'm not challenging you here but I'm just saying that I did not know this. Interesting. Anyway, I hope you have a god day. I will check out your book review.

          Ducky, great job on the AF last night and good luck on the mods tonight, wish I could but I can't.

          Good to see you Mary

          Boot, way to go on the AF for 5 days. I think you said you were going to walk your dogs. If you are bored find a new place to take them maybe?????? Find out where Matthew McConaughey runs out there and follow him for awhile whewhewwwwww. I actually met him once he is dreamy. You stay strong as well, find something fun to do.

          Buckle you are just awesome 14 days!!!!!! Yeah the mourning period is settling in a bit. ScoobyDoo has a good post about this on the monthly abs thread. It is difficult to lose the old friend, break the process of holding the glass in our hand, having it sit beside us. The relationship was built with a lot of TLC and we try to tear it down in a day and it's impossible emotionally for us to do that. Combined with all of the other stresses of life like family or neighborhood barbeques and professional dinners where alcohol flows freely, no one but folks like us can possibly understand the ripping and shredding effect this has on our psyche. That's why we come here for mending, understanding, healing and some validation that yes we are strong even when we have fallen.

          Have a great day everyone, hi to everyone who comes later. I better get to work so my clients don't leave me and my internet gets taken away LOL

          Melissa Attached files [img]/converted_files/269208=1148-attachment.gif[/img]
          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 19

            Garden Girl, you really have gone from the sublime to the ridiculous.

            You've certainly lightened my day, where on earth did you find that avater, and more to the point how????

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 19

              caffeine and blood sugar

              Hey Rottrod

              Thanks for asking about the sugar and caffeine issue. Your question intrigued me because I know that it's hard to trust sources of medical information. Also, studies get reported as if they are gospel, when they really just add a piece of knowledge to the overall picture.

              Every book I have read about alcoholism that takes a holistic approach advises strongly against caffeine. However, I was not sure if that was the mainstream view. I did some web searches on hypoglycemia (common in alcoholics) and caffeine and found evidence for a link. The key for me is moderation. I think you are fine with a few cups a day. You don't want to be bingeing on the stuff.

              I don't know why you would not get advice on this regarding fasting.

              Here is some information I found on the Internet: First is from American Diabetes Association:

              What is the problem and what is known about it so far?
              We all have glucose in our blood because the body uses glucose for energy. Normally, the body breaks food down into glucose and sends it into the bloodstream.
              Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps get the glucose from the blood into the cells to be used for energy. This is known as "glucose uptake." In people with type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin or the insulin doesn?t work very well. As a result, blood glucose rises, and high blood glucose can result in long-term diabetes complications, such as heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, and kidney or eye problems.
              Eating (Eating what?) and drinking caffeine have been linked to an increase in blood glucose. Although exercise can lower blood glucose levels, it is unknown whet her it reverses the harmful effects of caffeine on blood glucose levels.
              Diabetes Research Summary - Caffeine, Exercise, and Glucose - American Diabetes Association

              But Don't Be Too Quick to Blame Coffee, Say Researchers
              By Miranda Hitti
              WebMD Medical News
              Mar. 9, 2005 -- Caffeine can interfere with blood sugar.
              But don't shelve your coffee mug just yet. Coffee might not be the culprit. In fact, it may offer some protection against diabetesit may offer some protection against diabetes, say researchers.
              Sound confusing? The final verdict isn't in yet. Keep things simple by watching your caffeine intake from all sources. Besides coffee, caffeine is also found in some soft drinks, teas, and chocolate (in smaller amounts).

              Caffeine May Hamper Blood Sugar Control

              Everybody "knows" that caffeine makes you more alert and clearheaded. Think again. A
              cup of coffee gives you a wakeup jolt because it triggers a stress response. Your adrenal glands are prompted to kick out the same stress hormones that are released when you perceive an external threat or danger. Your muscles tense, your blood sugar elevates for extra energy, your pulse and respiration rates speed up, and your state of alertness increases so you're ready to wrestle with or run from environmental dangers. You may be only sitting at your table or desk drinking a cup of coffee, but your body doesn't know that. It's preparing for action.
              The Memory Solution by Dr Julian Whitaker, page 261

              Caffeine triggers a stress response that involves a surge in adrenal hormones and the classic fight-or-flight "emergency," affecting virtually every cell in the body.
              Caffeine Blues By Stephen Cherniske MS, page 98

              Both of the above from
              The hidden dangers of caffeine: How coffee causes exhaustion, fatigue and addiction


                NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 19

                Interesting . . . I'll refrain from the caffeine before my next blood test just to see if it helps the numbers. Thanks Nancy for taking the time to post that. I really appreciate it.
                If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                  NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 19

                  Hi everyone deleted my last post as I thought my avatar may offend. Kitty I just got it off the ones on here, it wasnt me honest, got a different one now. Just picking up on the caffeine thought, I gave up coffee a few years ago because it made my anxiety much worse. The effects of the caffeine just made me feel as if I was having a panic attack ie fast heat beat, agitation and then I would become anxious just because my body thought it should be anxious.


                    NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 19

                    luc;151833 wrote: Bluesky - you really know how to kick the day off - thanks & well done - you are inspiring.

                    Luc.............with no cats, inlaw, kids or neighbour problems - just a great day ahead !!
                    Like your avatar!

                    14 days AF for me and counting. I am seriously considering never touching a drop again.

                    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

