feels like an age since i posted, did anyone miss me?????
Went back to my dr and was much more assertive second time around. Came out scared to death of all the possible side effects, but still clutching the script! well chuffed!!
Doing OK though with the AF and am way past the 30 day mark now. I have even started to call myself a tee-totaller...that usually gets me a suspiscious look as people try to work out if I'm a "born-again" , or just a bore! don't yet feel ready to say I'm an Alcoholic....
I've been short listed for a new job and I would never have had the courage or the "where- withall" to apply back in my hazy, drinking days. Even if I don't nail this one, I know there are good changes coming. My new mantra ( to myself I might add) is
It gives me strength and makes me resolute.
Reading back over the past thread I see there has been an upset with PM's. So pleased you are still with us Bluesky, and Irishlady, I saw all your pretty o's on the drinktracker , Well done. Garden girl doing well too. Yep, we are all hanging in there!
Love Jane