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Love or not...

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    Love or not...

    Well I had 3 glasses of red wine and a couple of ounces of a manhattan. Not mods as I would like it. But since DH was going to poker we ate first and my tolerance is quite high.

    I would like to talk to my gp about drinking (more honestly) but afraid because we pay for our insurance and if we have to change carriers we could be denied. Sad...


      Love or not...


      EST. see ya. probably not all in your head by the way. cheers


        Love or not...

        Cheers! I am certain we shall meet again, lol...



          Love or not...

          Way I see it is that I am a person first: a woman, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and lots more besides. The fact that I am an alcoholic is merely a fact. It is not who or what `I am`, nor is it who or what you are.

          Think the first thing we really ought to consider when deciding to tackle our addiction, is how alcohol has destroyed our self-esteem, and caused us to literally hate ourselves for allowing the booze to determine how we live our lives. I think the first step should be learning to love ourselves again for all the good that is within us, as you seem to have realised.

          And sometimes there are other issues in our lives that have to be tackled before tackling the addiction. If you suffer from anxiety as I do (panic attacks-the whole shebang), the thought of not having the booze as a crutch can make the anxiety all the more intense. So, I think lots of people need to address the anxiety first, either naturally or with meds from doc.

          I `kidded` myself that I was using the wine to calm the anxiety, whereas I had read enough to know that the booze was causing much, though not all of it. So, I took a chance, and decided to moderate the booze-have 9 AF days out of past 11 as opposed to drinking every night. Cutting down hasn`t cured my anxiety as such, but I do feel that the general anxiety disorder has eased off, although I am still experiencing panic attacks, which I can sometimes `talk myself out of`.

          I think overcoming anxiety is every bit as challenging as overcoming the alcohol, and I really feel for you, as it`s like having to `cope` with the anxiety without our usual `coping tool` of the booze.

          So saying, I feel the answer to our alcohol addiction lies within ourselves, as does freedom from anxiety, and such thoughts are what I hang onto every day, hoping to get even a little closer to where I would like to be, and to who `I am`.

          I wish you much luck and love,

          Starlight Impress


            Love or not...

            i agree we all have out personal journey to walk through life and we are unique and loveable in God,s eyes..all of us!!!

            i,ve given up doing those questionnnaires and try and set my own goals and evaluate regulary how i,m doing.

            current aim is no weekdaysboozing which has been going ok for some weeks then last night whilst out at a function had 3 small wines..not sloshed and went home.

            Of course i had the guilt trip as i had talked myself into "no weekday drinking""

            . doing better as time goes on only due to support on here and prayer life..just added up the damage this month on my diary...5 evenings of drinking and one of those when i was well on the way to getting sloshed!! 5 out of 22 so far sober is so much better for me than previous daily evening drinking!!

            Nobody said this was going to be easy or quick fix!!!

            good luck with your personal goals...Regards Cassy


              Love or not...

              what i meant was i have had a drink 5 nights out of the 22 this month!!not the other way around!


                Love or not...

                OK with me either way...

                but thanks for the clarification Cassy! I went out tonight and only had 2 beers and a sip, at the moment I am very happy with myself. I very easily could have drank all night, but I made sure I bought movie tickets with my friend before drinking, so I would have a reason to stop. Looking forward to being clear headed tomorrow. Cheers ( a british expression, mostly not related to drinking as here!)


                  Love or not...

                  Good for you Out. You do what works for you. What movie did you see?
                  I'm AF tonight, didn't even feel like it. that's a good thing.

                  Have a great weekend. check in with us.

                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                    Love or not...

                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Love or not...


                      That's the name of the film, Melissa. An animated wacky beauty of a picture. If you like animation and aren't so worried about a clear story line while watching amazing pictures and a fun campy soundtrack you'd love it. Good for you being AF tonight.

                      Thanks for the welcome message Skendall.

