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I am a mess
I am a mess
Hi gettinright,
Lot's of us are a mess for a lot of different reasons.
so, share some of your mess and we will share some of our mutual pain and we'll pray with you, at least those of us who are so inclined.
There are lots of good listeners here.
RottrodIf I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger
I am a mess
:new: I am a mess to! Dont know what i am doing here? It has just occured to me that i do have a prolem... It 3:30pm in Australia right now and i am on my 4th glass of wine... I Just realized since i lost my job four weeks ago that i have been doing this everyday? not only am I drinking, I am eating, and smoking like a chimney... I am not sure which way to turn? I am worried that on top of everything else that i now have a drinking prolem:upset: ... So don't worry you are not the only one that is a mess
I am a mess
Oh my goodness, Mags- the toe picture cracked me up and really gave me a lift when I needed one! Thanks!
Ok, and rottrod- love the name, and the picture is great!
I am a mess because right now I so want to be out of this stupid web I have gotten myself into. I had 8 good years of sobriety- did the AA thing, then life really hit, long story short, I fell on my face, started drinking way more than I EVER did before- every day. Now I hate the way my life is, but I am too ashamed to talk to anyone because I did this to myself. I am TOO OLD FOR ALL THIS. I should be so much more together. I have hid all this so well, and have had so many people depend on me, but now it has gotten to the point where I know what a lie I have been living. I sure hope you meant it when you said that I have nothing to be ashamed of sharing my messhood, because I am not used to sharing ANY of this. I am ready to get well. I just need someone to tell me I can do it, and give me encouragement along the way. So glad I foud this site and also the book.
I am a mess
I am a mess as well :H
That is why I check in here every few days...
I am still a mess but one day I wont be if I keep chipping away....
The site is helping me with my drinking issues...
Is there anyone here who can help with relationship advice... I would rather keep it in PMs.
I need professional advice and not well meaning amateurs.... My whole life as I know it is at stake.... I need to get this right in one go. I cant stuff it up a few times like my attempts at sobriety. High stakes game!
I am a mess
good morning,evening,or afternoon, gettin it right, u said u had done 8yrs of sobriety, so you know that its possible to do, im sure you can get it right again, this is a good place to find your feet again, step bk an think of reasons for doing it, u have seen the light b4 an sure u will again, girla1 to u as well, read the posts and listen to the advice, not from me im just realising the extent of my stupid stupid problem an do not have the words of wisdom as a lot of the members here, i wont mention names but im sure they will b along soon, all i want to say is, like me if u have registered on this site u r a step closer to change, u r aware that u want or need to change, take your time being truthful withyourselfes an fingers crossed u find some method to do it an beat it, im sure hoping, i know i am, at the moment even a slight improvement or reduction is a mega step towards sobriety, i want a taste of that, i dont remember how it feels, hope you find some help here , xxxxx:upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!
I am a mess
Hi gettingright and girla1 and welcome.
Sure we were/are all an almighty mess and, just like you, being in that sad, sorry state is what led us to this wonderful site. We are all at different stages of sorting out our personal mess. Rest assured, at M.W.O. you will find limitless support, encouragement and love.
Really thought I was stuck with my mega-mess before I came here, but have managed to make a huge leap forward and am starting to sort myself out, thanks to my friends here. You too can claim back your life here. "You can if you think you can........."
Best of luck to you both,
Starlight Impress
I am a mess
Welcome Gettingright and Girla1
Glad you both found us. A mess is what brings us all together here. Being sick and tired of being in the mess and waking up the next day ashamed, embarrassed and then to just do it all over again. It's a vicious cycle and it's one that can be broken. There are so many supportive people here and you can come on 24/7 and there's always someone here to talk too.
I wish you both the very best!
Thought2much: You may want to post your question by itself in General Discussion. You may get a better response. Hope you are well."Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."
I am a mess
Welcome Gettingright and Girla1,
Beaches is right, a mess is why we are all here. I have been here for two months and am still struggling to moderate, but doing much better than I was. There is a lot of great advice and support to go around.
I am a mess
Hi Gettingitright, I hate to admit it, but I am also a mess. I overdo everything. Not all at the same time, thank goodness. Work, men, wine, cigarettes, hobbies, religon, excercise, supermom, have to be the best looking, best dressed, I drive myself nuts....It is getting better, there is a middle ground somewhere. I can find it most times now that I know what I am dealing with. The hypno CD's help. See, you are not alone in the Mess!....Buffy