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I am a mess

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    I am a mess

    yeh, I think we're all a mess and and all scared. The common thread is the desire to clean up the mess and stop being so scared.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      I am a mess

      Hi Sadeyes, I hope it wasn't my post under yours that scared you!...Sure scared me when I read it over, I almost deleted it, but then thought...oh well, can't make progress until your are at least honest with won't be so sad after awhile. Stick around.


        I am a mess

        I'm a mess too...... Hang in there!!


          I am a mess

          Hope you talk some more Sadeyes and welcome.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            I am a mess

            Hello Gettingitright, Girla1 and Sadeyes...a big welcome to you...seems like you have joined a really messy thread. (he's a mess, she's a mess, we're a mess blah blah blah - even more mess) but we are all less messy than when we first stumbled across these fantastic forums, on a truely visionary site...............relax, draw up a chair, make yourselves at're with friends.
            x x x
            Gonnabee not Wannabee


              I am a mess

              I'm here because I'm a mess too...but less of a mess than I was before the supplements/CDs -- the change was immediate and significant. I'm scared that their power wears off in some way. I too was AF for a number of years and then just gradually started up again to whole bottles of whatever every night. I know I've said it many times, but I do believe this time is different -- I feel really healthy and strong and confident that I've found the real me through this program. I'm scared because I don't want to lose that again.

              I wonder, you think it's possible to just not look back? Most of us here probably have painful self-inflicted memories of stupid things we've done, said, people we've there any use to going back over that stuff? Can we put it away somewhere and not visit it any more?
              Blue Eyes


                I am a mess

                In two words.........

                YES blueeyes.

                Gonnabee not Wannabee


                  I am a mess


                  I too am having relationship problems. Perhaps I can lend an ear. I can also certainly try the advice if you think it might help. First decide where those problems are coming from and why.


                    I am a mess

                    I'm a mess too.


                      I am a mess

                      sadeyes, trust all of us - there`s nothing to be scared of. Please allow us to try to help you!!!

                      Much love,

                      Starlight Impress


                        I am a mess

                        hi all, me too, i'm a mess, i been trying here for a year, stop, start, its hard, for me its stress that triggers me on, i feel great when i stop, then some stressfull thing happens...i start again drinking. Damn! I am so sick of myself!!


                          I am a mess

                          Well, I'm NOT a mess...

                          though if I'd kept going the way I was going I would have been in a great BIG mess!

                          But thanks mainly to the MWO program, with great dollops of help from the great people here at this site (plus a wee bit of will power) I can honestly say that I'm feeling great and in control of my life.

                          And most importantly so can you!! This program works - so jump right in and best of luck to all the anxious newcomers. There is a way out of the mess.



                            I am a mess

                            I remember reading an article on fighting with stress, I think it was related to weight loss. And one solution was to change jobs -- this was an answer to a specific situation, I think. But, we often feel that we just have to deal with the hand we have and don't even consider changing it. But consider, if changing jobs/relationships, etc., could cut your stress in half, would you do it? Part of the issue is the lack of guarantee that the change would help. It might hurt. But, I say, if you're getting near the bottom, you're risking less by making the change.

                            I mention this because I changed jobs last year -- from a 17-year position where I had established myself, was respected, was looking at a really significant increase in income, but was working for a chronic lier/non-team player/insecure boss. Everyone knew that about him, so it wasn't that I was misunderstood or anything, but he was never going to leave and I had no mobility within the organization. So I upped and quit...without another job in the works. Stupid on one hand, but I had to stop the never-ending stress -- stress from family is one thing -- you have to think pretty hard about quitting your family -- but a job? How could that job, even with all its security and benefits, be worth the stress that equalled drinking? I can't say that I quit as part of an alcohol plan, but the result has been way way less stress, and that has affected my ability to deal with the alcohol. Even in the tense days of resumes/interviews/new job -- the stress was less because I was doing something good for myself.

                            I'm glad that I didn't just hunker down and deal with the cards in my hand...
                            Blue Eyes

