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Time to change
Time to change
Yes I am new here, but only to posting. I have been "lurking" for quite some time. I have been trying to moderate but like so many I just have one and its endless until I pass out. Therfore, I am on day 5 af. It feels different this time so I hope that I continue to feel strongly that this is the time to change. I have been drinking for several years. ever since my husband and I separated and I was put on antidepressants. I was almost 40 and my entire life I could use alcohol socially/ Until then. After the antidepressants it changed and I could never get enough. I used alcohol so I could pass out many many nights. My husband and I got back together, but I still could not stop drinking. It has gotten to the point that I must change. I have two children and I owe them some good sober years. I have the supps and CD's but right now I am just doing it on my owe. I want to be able to be in control and just not want to drink. Right now my biggest issue is not sleeping. I hop that it passes soon because I have used that excuse in the past to start drinking so I could get a "good nights sleep" It was just a good passout. Anyway here I am. I love the support you give each other and hope that I can be part of it. Thanks for lreading this.Tags: None
Time to change
:welcome: Hello time2change, you say that you love the support we give each other and you hope you can be part of all ready are by posting. You sound such a lovely open person, I'm sure you'll find a huge amount of friends and encouragement here. Loads & loads of good things to you,
xGonnabee not Wannabee
Time to change
Hi timetochange, welcome. I really love the CD's, just listened to them again and fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon. I bet they would help sleeping at night too. I am going to try it. They also reprogram your brain not to want to drink. I have to go to a party tonight where there will be tons of alcohol. I am not going to drink and hope this will make it easier. I have used them before and it worked. I will keep you posted. Buffy
Time to change
Hi timetochange and a warm welcome.
5 AF days testify to the fact that you want to change, and you can.
Glad to have you here, just as I am glad to be here, among those who encouraged me to change. Have not long started out on my journey, but it`s going well thus far. We`ll all help you in your journey too........
Best wishes,
Starlight Impress
Time to change
Thank you all for your replies. I already feel like I was meant ot be here. I worry about the weekend because I can not remember the last time I did not drink for an entire weekend. I think I hide it well but I'm probably just in denial about that part. My husband and I live together but its more like roommates than husband and wife, so I find myself very lonely. I guess drinking was my best freind. I know I have to deal with the relationship, but right now I have to help myself first. Can't make any major decisions until I really feel like I can do this.
Time to change
Hi timetochange, good luck with your journey !! Personally I really feel the supps and proper diet help (have not yet added excercise, that will be soon enoughI don't know how the antidepressents play into the program, i'm on anti anxiety. I've learned that if I don't follow my diet and supps carefully, I am prone to slip.......crave sugar, have recently replaced it with lots of pepsi, which was not the intent??? In any case, as for sleep, that intro cd, I don't know what it is, I have been listening to it nightly for the last week and a half, I get in bed by midnight, read and then turn on the cd, I've yet to hear the whole thing. I am usually asleep within the first maybe 10 minutes...its crazy, even when you are not tired. I don't know if it has the same effect on everyone, but that is one of my sleep solutions, feels great to be in bed at such an early hour
Hope you are doing well, continue your good work, and hang in thereLooking forward to hearing your about your progress!!
Time to change
ahh yes the antidepressants...
I had some issues with alcohol before lexapro, but real issues during and after now after use. Those things while helpful in some ways really do change your brain chemistry and many people who did not have alcohol problems before them develop them on AD. The effort and changes you are making are so should be proud. While everyone needs to take responsibility for where they are and changes that need to be made I think it is important for you to know that I don't blame you and you shouldn't blame yourself for your sounds like a combination of some shitty life circumstances and chemical alterations brought on by ADs. Be gentle with yourself while you go thru this.
Time to change
So glad you are here also, and posting! You've done great for 5 dys, that's awesome! My goal is to get those CD's listened to also, and I think they will help, I don't know why I've had so much on my mind, that I just haven't relaxed into them....going to make it top priority tho! You are exactly right about helping yourself first, you have to do that, to be able to tackle anything else....glad you are amongst us, we need you too!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Time to change
Hi Timetochange
I have seen a lot of transformations on this site and I hope you too become a new person, or maybe just the better part of who you are now.
The site offers wonderful tips but I think the social support is equally as important.
look forward to seeing you around the cyber hood.