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What symptoms are normal???

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    What symptoms are normal???

    Thx Kitty,

    I can see the herbal remedies & teas costing more than the booze - at least it will be worth it.

    Thx for the tips and morale boost - much appreciated.
    Have a great day


      What symptoms are normal???

      Sweetcheeks (dare I ask the origin of that name?)--
      You sound well on your way now. Good for you.

      The herbal liver aid tablets sound great. I have researched that a bit and am taking something similar. There is a lot of scientific evidence backing the effectiveness of those herbs, and they are all-natural, non-addictive, no side effects. Good stuff.

      For me, it usually takes about 3 days AF before I'm feeling well enough to function normally, i.e. work, take care of kids. Then another 3 days before I start feeling really good. Definitely continue with good nutrition and absolutely tons of supplements. You can take a B-complex every few hours (it's water-soluble and excess is just flushed out of your sytem)... B's are especially important when you quit alcohol. And they help your mood and ease withdrawal symptoms.
      As for teas, I drink a lovely herbal tea called detox tea by Yogi. It tastes great, no sweetner needed, and it's good for-- well, the name says it all.
      I know what you mean by the obsession. If only we could rid ourselves of that or replace it with a healthier obsession... ah if only. Meanwile, keep it up.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        What symptoms are normal???


        I must say that when I first came to this site I was a little dubious about all the supps and stuff. But I am a great believer now in doing whatever it takes to get well again. I've just started L-Glutamine and that has been really good so far. It is on special at H & B at the moment (I'm beginning to sound like I have shares in that shop!)

        Baby steps turn into strides, and yes it does cost a little but we have spent much more on booze, and paid in more ways than one!!!

        Have a good day too,

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


          What symptoms are normal???

          My friend that I mentioned earlier swears by herbal stuff and I've always taken Echinacea when I thought I was coming down with a cold and it does seem to work for me.

          Good luck Kitty with the L-Glutamin - maybe we should start a supplement score chart. Thx for the tips Beatle - glad there is light at the end of the tunnel - it sure would be nice to be able to function as I used to (especially for the sake of the kids). I've made a list of all of the teas that you've recommended on the threads.

          FYI my husband named me Sweet Cheeks when we were all "loved up" when we first met, as I did have a pretty good arse in my day, even though I say so myself. Now unfortunately I've gone over the 40 hill and it's now saggy cheeks, but hey we can dream!!


            What symptoms are normal???

            Hiya sweet saggy cheeks !!

            My worst days were day1 to 10, ech day I was ready for a drink !!

            The headaches started about 3 weeks for 1 week, the subsided. I haven't tried the af meds but general vits, etc. Tried the herbal teas route and soft drinks but love the alcohol free wines, beers etc I can pretend I have had a 'real' drink without hangover etc.
            that's just me, others say the taste is bad, others say it makes the want the real thing. But my husband doesn't mind me buying it (still like ?3.00 a day) because I am sober !!

            So to him it worth the money.

            See ya later,
            Diamond x
            I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
            I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

            Marilyn Monroe


              What symptoms are normal???


              Managed to get some Redbush tea and like you say, it's not too bad.

              Also got some non alcoholic wine which as you say, isn't the real thing but is second best. Do feel better today, so that gives me the determination to stick at it.

              Have a good day folks

