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Binge drinker

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    Binge drinker

    Hi: I am new to this, have decided that I need to quit drinking even though this makes me sad. I am not a daily drinker but am what I would call a binge drinker. I have had many blackouts during my drinking and recently made a fool of myself in front of my family so am very depressed about that. :new: Thanks for letting me vent.

    Binge drinker

    Welcome Jayco. You are not alone. Hope things start looking up for you! :welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Binge drinker

      Hi Jayco and :welcome:

      I am also a binge drinker and I feel the same as you sad embarresed around my family etc but each time I fall I get back up and try different approach's to try and stay AF some times are longer than others but I can identify with my problem and when Im going to binge, so I set my self goals the last time i drank was the 16th june I have promised myself no matter how I feel that I will stay AF until the 14th of August as this is a special date in our family and when I get to my date I will try my hardest to set another date and so on I hope this works but if I fail then I will try something else and I will keep trying until I beat this!!!!!!!!!!

      I hope you find your way good luck

      Luv Keepon!!!!:h


        Binge drinker

        HI AN WELCOME, im a binge drinker , DAILY!! stick around, its a great place 2 b, u may work a lot of things about yourself here, x
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          Binge drinker

          Hi Jayco Eagle and a warm welcome.

          Am sorry you`re depressed, but you`ve came to the right place as there is so much help available to you here.I am not a binge-drinker, but there are plenty here who will give you advice. I was a daily drinker, and am now a weekly one!!!

          I can relate to your sadness at the thought of giving up drinking altogether, as I really love wine and really couldn`t imagine not having any ever again. So, I decided to try to moderate and it`s working for me so far, although am only nearing the end of my 3rd wk!!! lol Moderation may well be the way you wish to go also. We all just have to find our own personal strategy that works.

          I wish you much luck,

          Starlight Impress


            Binge drinker

            I have a huge binge drinking problem.

            Thankfully, my last eposode has scared me so much I am now freaked by the thought of being drunk.

            I have made it through about 20 days more or less af, which doesnt seem long, but is a big achievement for me.

            I have found writing and reading on this site a huge support.

            I wish you well.


              Binge drinker

              Hi Jayco and welcome - I too am a binge drinker - two bottles of wine, Friday, Saturday and Sunday every weekend - 6 bottles in total. Recently the two bottles have crept into the weekdays and I did a two week stint of two bottles every night - 28 bottles in two weeks:upset: Trouble is I get up and go to work (feeling like cr*p of course). However, like you and many others here it's time for me to face facts - I cannot continue with this, so today is my 2nd day AF - went to the pub after work with colleagues and had one diet Coke and left after an hour - I am now drinking a cup of coffee at 6.30pm on a Friday - no way!!! If I can do this you can do this, please try, the help on this site is unbelievable, so much good advice and bags of encouragement. Keep popping in and let us know how you are getting on.

              All the best:welcome:


                Binge drinker

                Jayco: I'm listening to the audio book called "Smashed" about binge drinking. It's good & might be of help to you. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Binge drinker

                  Hi Jayco,
                  Unfortunately I'm a daily drinker and, like you, am afraid of losing wine totally. With the help of the great people here I'm about to seriously try moderation. You've come to the right place. I know the only way i will succeed is with the true love, support and, most importantly understanding of all the people here. Keep reading and posting and you'll find the will to succeed.
                  "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson :rays:


                    Binge drinker

                    Hey, Jayco. You are not alone. I have been known to wrap the bottles in paper in put them in the garbage rather than the recycle bin because I don't want the neighbours seeing how many bottles are in the bin!!! I also am going to try moderation - went to a great web site If I drink alcohol, How Much is Too Much? and entered different things and came up with a plan to split one 750 ml bottle w my hubby 2 or 3 nights a week (roughly two glasses of wine) - or instead of the bottle, go out for supper and have two glasses. Other nights AF - I hope!
                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                      Binge drinker

                      Hi Jayco, and a warm :welcome: ! You're amongst friends...
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        Binge drinker

                        Welcome Jayco, hope you find what you need here. Love, Bella xx

