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    Starlight, Just read your earlier thread, one bottle of wine a week is one hell of an achievement, you should be very proud of yourself. This is my aim but I am nowhere near as yet. Not too sure how you feel but I would allow myself a few slip ups along the way, so dont be too hard on yourself.




      what is pay pals web site , do i just type it in,

      im so thick at this bloody technology, i ll try it later i got to go bk to work, theres no rest for a scruubber like me!!!
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!



        Thanks purple neck.
        My plan over the past month was to have 1 btl. a wk and so 4 btls. over the month. So this month I have had 6 btls., as opposed to the 4 btls. I intended to have........a little over my planned total, but no worries, as I would normally have 28 btls in 4 wks., so have cut down by 22 btls., which is a grand total of 198 units of alcohol !!!! lol

        Just gotta say that I feel trying to moderate is a constant battle, so am seriously considering a life of abstention............Yikes!!!!

        After all, I speak as one who was sober for a whole 10 yrs., only to end up back being the drunk I am today...............

        Starlight Impression



          Just type



            Stop calling yourself a scrubber`re earning honest money for honest toil........hold your head high !!!

            Much love,

            Starlight Impress



              Hi Starlight hope your ok

              Im the same as you I am scared of taking any supps or meds in case of possible side effects ( although never scared of pouring gallons of poisen down my neck ) dont make sense does it

              I always read your posts and you make alot of sense and you always good at giving advice and showing compassion you come across as a lovely caring woman and I know that from your posts you know exactely what to do but I know its harder putting it into practise and breaking a bad habit!!!

              The other night when you bought the wine and you put it away and it sent you climbing the walls for it well I would have been exactely the same if its in the house it would be on my mind until its drank so you did well not too open it well done but this is what I would do Im not telling you what to do but I think when you get more and more and more weeks under your belt from moderating the stronger you will get so dont buy the wine until the night you know your drinking and allowed yourself because I feel if its in the fridge and looking at you all week it gonna bug you if its not there then it carnt keep calling you drink me!! drink me!! and if its not in the fridge you dont have to fight with it when your having a low day I hope this makes sense to you

              Luv Keepon x take care




                Try taking some water with the Vits, and not just chewing them might help with the burping, but dont use the same water as I put in my water carrier on my mountain bike.




                  Hi Keepon,
                  Think what you say is very true, that for me anyway, any chance of successfully moderating depends on me only bringing wine home on the nights I am permitting myself to drink.

                  So poignant how you speak of the wine shouting "Drink me! Drink me!", but that`s exactly what it`s like............I don`t see a btl. of wine as the inanimate object it is, rather, I see it as a little devious character bopping about in the fridge, yelling and seeking attention, until I put it and me out of our shared misery by popping it. Frankly, I think what I`ve just typed is pathetic..........exactly the state my addiction has reduced me sad really........

                  Anyway, I guess we just gotta keep fighting for our freedom........

                  Much love,

                  Starlight Impress



                    Keepon..........I`m definitely going on the kudzu as of tomorrow..........I need a little helping hand this time around, so am taking it........



                      Hi Starlight,

                      Kudzu has been fine for me. I can't take it and milk-thistle together though cos then the cravings increase!??? Don't know why.
                      Enough is enough



                        Waves I have had a few days like that. Do you mean if you are taking one you can't take the other at all or that you can't take them at the same time of the day. P.S. Hart. You can take the kudzu and still drink. What has happened for me is that if I take the Kudzu and do drink, after 2 glasses of wine I get the effect I used to get after 4-5. So you greatly reduce the amount. In fact, if you are going to drink, I would definitely take the Kudzu.




                          You have made tremendous strides in moderating. You should be so proud of yourself. I think that people with drinking problems are excessively tough on themselves. Our self-esteem is none existent. You have to give yourself credit for every little positive thing that you are doing to improve your life. At this point I would not have the willpower to avoid a bottle of wine if I had one in my house. So good for you! I only buy a bottle on days when I've decided to drink. I've even started buying those little airplane size bottles (just three of them) That way I don't polish off a whole regular-sized bottle. I've been slipping up a little bit lately, drinking more often than I had been.Your thread has really got me thinking about the kudzu and the l-glut again. I have all the supps, but haven't followed through. I'm needing every bit of help I can get. I'm going to start taking them again tomorrow. I hope you see improvements in your cravings if you decide to take the kudzu (and me too). Good luck and stay strong. You are doing great!




                            Hi guys,

                            Rachel - hope you got your paypal account sorted. I've found the supplements taste so foul you need to have a drink with them (preferrably not alcoholic though - defeats the object don't you know)! Either that or you could try the Redbush tea - not a fantastic taste but it has got milk thistle in it which detoxes the liver. You can pick it up from any supermarket.

                            Must get my arse into gear and get some Kudzo - from the posts on this site, it does seem to help people - what have we got to loose.

                            Starlight - you're doin great. I've got an attention seeker in my fridge too - I've just tried not to open it so much so it's not staring me in the face.

                            Keep on goin guys

