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Naltrexone-- how to use?

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    Naltrexone-- how to use?

    I just got an rx for Naltrexone from my doctor, who has never heard of Topamax and refuses to prescribe Antabuse (which is what I really want). Anyway, I am confused about how to use it. I am drinking moderately (ha- for me!-- that means a hal-liter beer with lunch, a big sangria at siesta time, a G&T before dinner and a couple glasses of wine with dinner (This is my holiday after all!). But I'd really like to cut down, eventually to manage without any alcohol (which I know I can do). Can I start taking the Naltrexone right away, even though I am still drinking? Or do I have to go AF for a few days first? Can I drink a little while on Naltrexone (like stick to just the wine at dinner?). I am headed towards AF as a goal, but as it is holiday, and I feel better easing gradually back into AF, does it makes sense to try this with the Naltrexone?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

    Naltrexone-- how to use?

    I am on Naltrexone and am very happy w/it. You do not have to be AF for any length of time before taking it nor do you have to commit to being AF for it to work (those are old guidelines). I know some people might say I am wrong, but I got my Rx from my doctor and she is going by current guidelines for how to prescribe it and if you look on WebMd, what it says on there is consistent w/how she has told me to take it.

    I take it once/day. Personally, I try to take it around 2pm because I know it peaks in the bloodstream shortly after you take it and 4pm-6pm is when I used to get the strongest cravings for alcohol. So, in my mind, I think it might work better to take it at this time. But, this is just my personal opinion (nothing my doctor told me to do).

    For me, I had a really bad daily alcohol habit that I wanted to break so even though I 'moderate', I do not allow myself to drink daily. I usually go AF for most of the week and have one day per week when I mod. And, then I try to limit myself to three drinks when I mod. For me, its easier to have a rule for myself in place that I just don't drink at home. I drink socially when I go out which turns out to be about once/week. But, of course, you should pick a goal for yourself that makes the most sense to you.

    I do really encourage you to have a goal in mind, though... an ideal for what you think moderation should be. The Naltrexone helps TREMENDOUSLY with the cravings and by making it easy to stick to a limit once you set it for yourself. I no longer have the compulsion to drink and drink and drink. BUT, what I've found is that I still have to have a plan in place for how much I'm gonna drink on the days when I mod or my drinking just kinda goes on auto-pilot and I slip into drinking too much even though I don't really even want it or crave it on the Naltrexone.

    Anyway, I've been really happy w/it and wish you success on it as well. There are some articles I read on it that you might find useful. I will see if I can find them and come back to post them here for you.


      Naltrexone-- how to use?

      congrats beatle on getting support from the MD. i'm hoping you are letting the family know that you are fully supported and in a great community etc like what we talked about. i'm sending you love and am happy you have the meds now.


        Naltrexone-- how to use?

        Just came back to give you this link: Naltrexone for Patients Who Wish to Controlled Their Drinking -

        This page links to a lot of different articles on Naltrexone and interesting studies. One of the studies suggests that Naltrexone can be used only when needed (when drinking is expected). I am planning on staying on it daily through the end of the year just to make sure I stay under control. But, then I might try the method of only taking it only on the days I plan to mod (only 4-5 days per month) if I can be successful at being AF on the days I don't take it. We shall see...

        Oh, one other thing I wanted to mention... if you haven't taken your first pill already, make sure you take it at a time when it would be OK for you to rest/sleep for the rest of the day. The first time I took it, I had kind of a stoned feeling and then went to sleep super early (like 7pm) and slept 12 hours. That was the only side-effect I ever had. It has never made me tired otherwise. Just the first time I took it.


          Naltrexone-- how to use?

          Thanks adagirl


          I really appreciate your making us aware of the use of naltrexone. I think this could be a very good option.

          If I found that my problem was getting worse or severely disrupting my life, I would take this. The topa sounds great in terms of effect, but the side effects are unacceptable to me.

          So the only reservation I would have with naltrexone is that you would get the alcoholism diagnosis code, which could go on your records.

          I think your experience with this and input is so valuable.


          To Beatle: Can't your doctor give you more information about use and effects?


            Naltrexone-- how to use?

            nancy;159332 wrote: Adagirl.

            I really appreciate your making us aware of the use of naltrexone. I think this could be a very good option.

            If I found that my problem was getting worse or severely disrupting my life, I would take this. The topa sounds great in terms of effect, but the side effects are unacceptable to me.

            So the only reservation I would have with naltrexone is that you would get the alcoholism diagnosis code, which could go on your records.

            I think your experience with this and input is so valuable.


            To Beatle: Can't your doctor give you more information about use and effects?
            I'm glad to share the information. This site, the Naltrexone, and the whole MWO program has made such a huge difference for me.

            I was also in the same position of feeling that the Topa side-effects were a bit scary. If it was my only option, I would've probably tried it because I was so desperate for SOME kind of help. But, after researching the various drugs available, I decided to try the Naltrexone first because it seemed to target exactly my issue w/alcohol and usually has little/no side effects.

            I do have the 'alcohol abuse' code on my medical files now, though. On my last follow-up visit w/my doctor, she did change the code to 'in remission', but who knows if that makes any difference to the insurance companies. I may be SOL if I ever need to get private insurance or move to Canada and live w/my sister (she's Canadian now). LOL But, I try not to worry about that. No matter what, I feel like I can't regret the decision to go to my doctor because my behavior when I was overdrinking was sooooo risky (driving drunk). No matter what the insurance companies do to me, at least I am not dead and I did not/will not kill anyone drunk driving now. Maybe that is a bit dramatic, but I really do feel lucky to be alive at this point.

            Oh, but I should add that you do not have to go to your doctor if you want Naltrexone. You can get it online just like Topa. I think River Pharmacy has it. I just felt like I needed to go to my doctor for accountability. Basically, I told myself if I ever drove drunk again, I would see my doctor about my drinking problem. And, I did drive drunk again and so I kept my word to myself and saw my doctor.

            Anyway, I am happy to share any other info on Naltrexone for anyone who has any questions. I feel like a bit of an expert now.


              Naltrexone-- how to use?

              How much of a dose on the Naltexone? I ordered some and thought I'd try it first, although the weight loss effect of the topamax sounds good. I think it comes in 50mg doses and thought I'd start with 1/2 that. ANy help would be appreciated. I am not at this point see a doctor because I don't have health insurance.


                Naltrexone-- how to use?

                I don't understand how you get these meds w/out a prescription from a doctor.

                thanks for all the information about naltrexone.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Naltrexone-- how to use?

                  Iam;168697 wrote: How much of a dose on the Naltexone? I ordered some and thought I'd try it first, although the weight loss effect of the topamax sounds good. I think it comes in 50mg doses and thought I'd start with 1/2 that. ANy help would be appreciated. I am not at this point see a doctor because I don't have health insurance.
                  My doctor prescribed 50mg to be taken once/day. I started w/that and have stayed w/that. Its not like Topa where you have to titrate up. You should be fine taking 50mg right from the get go.

                  I have also been losing weight much better now that I'm on the Naltrexone. Its not a side effect of Naltrexone, though, but of not drinking so many empty calories. I am losing about a pound/week, but I am also doing Weight Watchers. I was doing WW before (when I was still drinking a lot) and really struggling to lose anything. Duh! (I was clearly in denial of how many points/calories I was drinking)

                  Good Luck to you! I love the Naltrexone!!! It has totally helped me a lot.


                    Naltrexone-- how to use?

                    beatle;168836 wrote: I don't understand how you get these meds w/out a prescription from a doctor.

                    thanks for all the information about naltrexone.
                    I think you can get Naltrexone online from River Pharmacy. I was originally thinking about doing that, but then after discussing it w/my DH, decided to see my doctor. It was just a lot for my DH to take in and I knew he would worry if I ordered Rx drugs on the internet (although personally I don't think its that big of a deal as long as you research all the contraindications, etc. online first and its a relatively safe drug that's been around a long time). I also thought I'd be more accountable if I saw my doctor although, in hindsite, that hasn't been an issue. Between the Naltrexone and everything else (supps, hypno, etc.), I am doing good.

                    ETA... Here is the link for River Pharmacy:


                      Naltrexone-- how to use?

                      I'm here to second everything Adagirl's saying. Naltrexone has seemed the way to go, for me. I finally feel like a normal person with a (somewhat, tho I'm not kidding myself) normal pattern of drinking. I still have to be vigilant with myself, but it's not a huge mental/emotional battle anymore! I'ts more like a choice, now.

                      Oh, and as far as usage- for me, it's 1 pill (50 mg) per day, at breakfast (just cuz it's easiest for me to remember then- also morning is when I'm most strong about wanting to be sober, so I'm less likely to skip the medication in order to plan a lapse).

                      I wrote more detail about my findings here.


                        Naltrexone-- how to use?

                        can surely associate with what you are all saying. I thought it was just GB that had an issue with prescription drugs. I asked my doc for naltrexone and he said it wasnt licenced here for alcohol just drug abuse. said i could get it from a psychaitrist tho!! great...
                        Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                          Naltrexone-- how to use?

                          maxine;179220 wrote: can surely associate with what you are all saying. I thought it was just GB that had an issue with prescription drugs. I asked my doc for naltrexone and he said it wasnt licenced here for alcohol just drug abuse. said i could get it from a psychaitrist tho!! great...
                          Oh, I guess it's different in the States- my doc said it's one of the leading meds for alcohol abuse... well, maybe you could have better luck with it if you do talk to a psychiatrist.

                          I know many people don't like the idea of talking to a shrink, but I have found it VERY helpful, even invaluable.

                          Whatever you decide, good luck!!!!


                            Naltrexone-- how to use?

                            I agree about the shrink. If you want to stay anonymous and can afford to, then go to a private shrink and they will prescribe just about anything you want. They like to do that. But it is an expensive way to avoid having it on your "record". If you are really determined, go to a shrink in another country.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

